
Cloud implementation.. fuscan vs onapp?

Posted by phactor, 07-26-2010, 11:28 AM
Hello, I'm thinking in setup a small cloud platform to my company. I checked a few solutions, and fuscan / onapp seem to be good and with a decent pricing. In your opinion/experience what is the best? Does anyone use it? Thanks in advance for your opinions.

Posted by phactor, 08-03-2010, 06:55 AM
anyone that uses it and have an opinion?

Posted by VN-Ken, 08-05-2010, 11:13 AM
We plan on testing out onapp early next week hopefully. We're having scheduling problems with onapp which keeps delaying the process. I looked at Fuscan as well, but there was something that I didn't like with it. Can't recall what it was.

Posted by eming, 08-05-2010, 02:43 PM
Ken, could you email me:, and I will get you in contact with the guys at OnApp that can help you. D

Posted by VN-Ken, 08-05-2010, 02:50 PM
Just sent you an e-mail Ditlev. Thanks.

Posted by Brad Groux, 08-09-2010, 05:36 PM
I'm having a webinar with OnApp on Wednesday morning to check it out in detail. I read somewhere that they are giving a year's worth of licenses for free to new customers, and if that's the case (I have yet to confirm it) it would be a steal. Their licensing is basically $10 per CPU core. Located it, from their licensing page they say they are giving you 100 free core licenses for a year, with free 15-minute SLA support and free setup and integration. If this is truly a case it is a steal... and I'm guessing they are doing this to expand their market share for future growth.

Posted by eming, 08-10-2010, 06:44 AM
I can confirm those prices/terms. D

Posted by Brad Groux, 08-10-2010, 11:35 AM
Pretty incredible, thanks Ditlev. Any details on the upcoming iPhone app? I'd prefer iPad =)

Posted by Gary4gar, 08-10-2010, 01:53 PM
Have a look at - Innovative, open source cloud computing software for building reliable cloud infrastructure.

Posted by Matthew_B, 08-10-2010, 02:06 PM
I had one this morning with OnApp, but unfortunately, my microphone stopped working .

Posted by WebGuyz, 08-10-2010, 02:11 PM
This doesn't look like a product thats anywhere close to being ready. Have you got it running? Know anyone who does??

Posted by Jacob Wall, 08-10-2010, 02:12 PM
Openstack is what Rackspace uses/developed with the help of NASA. Whether you go with OnApp or Openstack you'll be in good hands. I can say though I'd rather use OnApp. I had the pleasure of going to hostingcon and having time to mess around with OnApp, quite a good product. Cheers,

Posted by Brad Groux, 08-10-2010, 02:13 PM
OpenStack is not currently an out of the box solution with full support. This is a huge problem with open source products in the enterprise, most Fortune 500 companies want the piece of mind knowing that they have experts on the other line who can help them with any problems they have. I'm not saying OpenStack is bad, but my cloud project I am working on focuses on businesses that tend to avoid open source like the plague... and if I don't listen to their needs someone else will.

Posted by GMichael, 08-11-2010, 12:06 PM
Anyone ready or experienced enough to compare OnApp with AppLogic from 3tera? Cheers, Michael

Posted by Karl Austin, 08-12-2010, 11:48 AM
Yes They're both quite different products, OnApp is out of the box as it gives you the end user control panel. AppLogic is more aimed at creating complex applications and connections between them. Thanks,

Posted by RackWire, 08-16-2010, 10:14 PM
I got the demo as well and OnApp looks like a solid out of the box application. The introductory first year pricing, free setup and support make their cloud platform very appealing.

Posted by HostColor, 08-19-2010, 07:35 AM
We are in process of implementing Fuscan and it serves our purposes perfect. It allow us to create Shared & Reseller Cloud and to run cPanel on top of the whole infrastructure (all servers or VMs... We are still to decide as far as we'll loose around 10% of the performance if we choose virtual set-up ). I do not know oneapp but from what I've seen it also deserves attention. So it really depends of what you need.

Posted by phactor, 08-19-2010, 08:30 AM
Hello, The loss you refer its a result of the virtualization vs dedicated?

Posted by HostColor, 08-19-2010, 09:09 AM
In our case if we choose a set-up of virtual machines we will loose 10% on performance due to virtualization management overhead. Of course the environment will be standardized and all the VM's will be the same. There are pros and cons. The good things is that the Cloud automation solution we deploy allows to do both ways.

Posted by AlpineTech, 08-19-2010, 09:54 AM
How does OnApp look from the client-side? Doe client get some form of a control panel access to view their VMs etc and any billing integration? support for adding 3rd party control panels?

Posted by VN-Ken, 08-19-2010, 09:57 AM
Client side looks similar to the admin, less obvious admin features. The screens on their site are pretty much what it looks like. There is billing integration with Ubersmith and one other billing manager. They are currently working on WHMCS, which is still in development mode, though I have been able to take a peek, and its pretty much done.

Posted by eming, 08-19-2010, 10:02 AM
OnApp has a very granular user administration and management module included that allows you to define user templates (like, billing, admin, reseller, enduser etc). So essentially your clients would use the same admin as you, however with the set of (limited) features that you define. Some OnApp clients, like VPS.NET, have decided to write their own user cloud control panel using the OnApp REST API's, which is fairly easy. OnApp is fully compatible with common control panels, and you have full access to CSS/Templates of the admin so you can integrate as you like. D

Posted by eming, 08-19-2010, 10:05 AM
when installing OnApp and deploying 16-24gb hypervisors, we tend to reserve .5-1GB for the virtualization layer. So, that is less than 10%, but it obviously depends on how large your box is as the overhead is pretty much the same. D

Posted by Brad Groux, 08-19-2010, 12:45 PM
I had my webinar with Caroline and Steve from OnApp earlier this week and was really pleased with what they showed me and had to say. I will be moving forward with them in the next 4-6 weeks to get the system up and running for the project I am working on, I'll post back once I have hands-on impressions. Either way, I don't think anyone in the market has them beat on price or scalability seeing that VPS.NET is now running over 30,000 VPS's. It should be noted that VPS.NET is running on version 1.x of OnApp while they are now on to 2.0, and the improvements seem pretty great. Just a small clarification on the prices mentioned earlier in the thread. The first year of OnApp is free (100 cores), and after that it is only $10/core AND $100 per cloud. I hadn't mentioned the $100 per cloud but that's still cheap... this includes their SLA service. There aren't any other prices listed anywhere, that is the extent of their charges. Their WHMCS integration is also now complete and their HostBill integration is currently in testing... and their iOS app is in development. Lots of exciting things going down with OnApp. Here are some random notes I took from the webinar... if they don't make sense to you just ask and I can clarify, these are just quick notes I took. Monthly BillingFully customizable look, PHP Wrapper + CSSJumpbox Joomla Built-InYou can charge per hour or utility-based billingBilling groups90 seconds from creation to buildBuilt in console, Windows RDP or SSHWHMCS, HostBill, UberSmith billing solutions support (and more)Network Data Transfer Traffic MonitoringBackups are snapshots that can be converted to templates/images, ex - images with cPanel already installedPermissions are based on roles, ex - billing doesn't have system accessReseller system built-inLicensing is built into billing, ex - charge users for Windows licensingIncluded firewall adds validity/security for clientsCan resize some images without rebooting, ex CentOS (they are working on more)Exclusive partnership with Open-E high availability company (16TB $50/mo)They set your environment up for you and integrate it into your billing solution for freeThey provide a hosting analyst to offer advice and give feedback for freeOnApp is now independent of UK2 Group, has 40+ employees in London, Utah and soon to be New YorkiPhone/iPad app in development, Android probable after that Last edited by Brad Groux; 08-19-2010 at 12:54 PM.

Posted by VN-Ken, 08-19-2010, 12:49 PM
Brad, Your pricing is incorrect. Please refer back in this thread for correct pricing. It's $100/mo per cloud, not Hyper Visor. And the first year is only free until you hit 100 cores. After that you will begin to be billed.

Posted by Brad Groux, 08-19-2010, 12:53 PM
Ahh yes, you are correct.

Posted by Caroline_9429, 08-19-2010, 12:56 PM
Hi Brad, Great to see the post and thank you for the email earlier. The pricing is actually per cloud, not hypervisor. First year free with up to 100 CPU cores. Then: $10/month CPU core (typically 10VM’s) $100/cloud/month I hope this helps.

Posted by Caroline_9429, 08-19-2010, 01:00 PM
- Also, this is an add- feature. We have negotiated a great deal with Jumpbox. $200/mo per cloud for access to all Jumpbox templates. Usually you would have to pay $49/mo per user! Huge saving! I hope this helps.

Posted by Katatonic, 08-20-2010, 12:06 AM
I'm interested in OnApp's "fail over features". Are there open source solutions which take care of this? I know the nodes are based on XEN but that's about it. I'm just going to sign up to and give it all a go since OnApp runs then go from there.

Posted by ninEnin, 08-20-2010, 01:31 AM
I am in process of setting up my cloud hosting project based on Fuscan; the features offered by Fuscan are promising especially high-availability. I will post more info and my experience with Fuscan as I move along. Based on my personal analysis so far, Fuscan system is robust and standards based. I will give it a try and keep you guys posted.

Posted by eming, 08-20-2010, 02:26 AM
you should book a go-to-meeting demo with the OnApp techs instead. That will give you a chance to ask all your questions etc. D

Posted by Reese-ESM, 08-20-2010, 04:54 AM
Hi, OnApp has a particular superiority in the cloud solutions market for being prepared for any eventuality of change or disaster. The OnApp cloud uses Xen Hypervisor. It is efficient,economical. OnApp is flexible of virtualization to open up the possibilities of individualized configuration of clouds and complete customization of virtual machines (VM).

Posted by Caroline_9429, 09-14-2010, 04:55 AM
Couldn't have put it better myself.

Posted by Everyday, 09-14-2010, 11:03 AM
Ditlev, May I ask why you are advertising in your signature, if you are not a part of their company? Seems a bit odd that you are selling software to other companies but advertising their direct competitor within your signature.

Posted by MikeTrike, 09-14-2010, 11:11 AM
OnApp powers, being a prime example of the power, flexibility and scalability of the OnApp platform. I'd put a big giant bold line on my signature if I could claim any part of that success as well. i.e. from startup, being an employee, owner, founder, providing the software, etc.

Posted by Everyday, 09-14-2010, 11:22 AM
Still, it seems a bit odd to advertise a competitor of your potential and/or current customers. It doesn't make me feel good to possibly look at their software and become a customer when they are advertising one of their other customers constantly. I'm also not entirely sure it falls within the rules of WHT.

Posted by HostColor, 09-14-2010, 12:14 PM
These guys not just pushing for sales and flooding this thread at WHT. They have also sent us unsolicited email signed from Caroline. She said "I came across your details and wanted to drop you a quick note regarding something that I feel you would be interested in"... The only reason for me to receive this is that I participated to the thread. When I answered "Did anyone ask to receive such email? Because if we didn't it is a pure SPAM!" I got response - "...It is a shame you haven't taken a look at the content, as a company we help web hosting providers grow"... Last edited by Quartz; 09-21-2010 at 09:56 PM.

Posted by eming, 09-14-2010, 12:58 PM
A bit of background, hope that help: As you may know OnApp is funded by some of the investors behind UK2Group (where I was the CEO), and it actually began as a platform for the UK2Group cloud brand called VPS.NET that launched back in early 2009. VPS.NET was a fantastic success, and we sold more than 10.000 servers in the first 6 months - and more than 35.000 servers so far. It is the fastest growing entity in the UK2group, and it is showing great promise for the future. When UK2Grouup started the process of building VPS.NET I was looking around for a good turn-key cloud platform that I could use. I spoke with the all the other solutions on the market (really, all of them), they all had good setups, but not flexible enough, too pricy, or no large installed base etc etc - and while I really did not enjoy the idea of us building our own platform, I saw no other option. So I hired a team of developers headed up by Carlos Rego (who was a senior guy at Parallels at the time, and had experience from Cpanel, and Hsphere (MD)), and we got cracking. 6-8 months later we were ready with an initial beta platform, and after about a year of development in total we went out of beta. VPS.NET sold 10k servers in the first 6 months. Around a year ago VPS.NET started to see a lot of interest from other webhosts in the market. They wanted to provide a "VPS.NET-like" product to their clients. We build API's, and setup a OEM version of VPS.NET, and that was fine for most webhosts so VPS.NET managed to build a strong reseller-client base, now representing around 30% of the revenue. Those clients were all running on the VPS.NET infrastructure, but with a whitelabel setup, so there was no easy way for their clients to see that VPS.NET was the actual provider. For some hosts it was not enough though, the larger guys wanted the VPS.NET technology, but on their own hardware/datacenters/infrastructure. They did not like the idea of VPS.NET powering a core part of their business, since they felt out of control in case of hardware failures, and they wanted to run their own networks etc. However, we could not install VPS.NET technology in external datacenters, as the code was very customized, and there was no structured setup for support/service/pricing/etc outside of VPS.NET. The demand was huge though, and as a reaction to that we decided to setup a OnApp - a software company focusing Cloud Hosting Platforms for service providers. We made that decision about 6-8 months ago, and we hired 20+ developers for the project, worked on product development, business plans, pricing etc. OnApp is now an individual company, with it's own management team and funding, now totally split out of UK2Group. That was a bit of background on how VPS.NET and OnApp is tied together - but still split up. I will amend my signature for it to make sense though. Ditlev

Posted by MikeTrike, 09-14-2010, 01:05 PM
You should probably just put this on a blog and link it to your signature. lol Seeing as how it comes up from time to time.

Posted by eming, 09-14-2010, 01:07 PM
hehe - funny you say that. It is taken word by word from one of the first blog posts i wrote @onapp

Posted by MikeTrike, 09-14-2010, 01:10 PM
Even better!

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