
SiteAutoBackup - No response - Backups cycled through so they're worthless

Posted by etcio, 01-10-2015, 12:53 PM
Sometimes it's really difficult to battle the cynical notion that customer support no longer exists, but I'm back on WHT to once again share another frustrating situation of not only failure of the customer experience, but resultantly, of the core service itself. I use SiteAutoBackup (Ikasud Media) to make backups of a cPanel server that I manage. One of the features they tout is the ability to "load" the backup onto one of their servers for 24 hours so you can get access to the files. I requested this to happen, and it notified me that I would receive an email when it was done. The next day came, and I never received that email. This is the second time the restore has failed on me in the past. I immediately emailed support knowing I was on a 3 day backup cycle, and that we would have to move quickly to ensure the backups weren't cycled through. The individual that responded acted like SAB didn't have any records or an audit trail or requests or activity, and asked me which file I was trying to restore. That seems odd...don't you have some logging, especially on a failure? Regardless, I provided him with one of the files that we could restore, also notifying him of the 3 day backup cycle and how imperative it was to get the file before this cycled through. No all...nearly 4 days after the initial incident, there was -zero- response from SAB. I called the 1-866 number that they have on their website. Fernando, the individual that answered the phone, asked for a ticket number. However, the ticketing system that was being used made no reference to a ticket number. I forwarded him the ticketing email chain, and he said he couldn't find it in his ticketing system anywhere. He also made mention he didn't know what "Ikasud Media" was, the company in the footer along with SiteAutoBackup. A cursory search on the internet seems to indicate it's the parent company of SiteAutoBackup. Let me say it plainly: the person who answered the phone had absolutely no clue who the company was he was working for. So, I'm being responded to in a ticketing system that doesn't exist, and had a call answered by someone who didn't know who he worked for. It might be funny if this didn't likely mean that the file I needed access to was lost...and still no response from anyone that can do anything at SiteAutoBackup. Shameful. Do NOT trust them with your backup. There is no point in having backups that you don't have access to when you need them.

Posted by etcio, 01-15-2015, 05:05 AM
In case anyone sees this later or was wondering about the outcome. It's been a week since the initial incident and still no response from anyone at SAB. I've called, submitted a ticket, and sent emails to no avail. However, I'm happy to report their invoicing system is working admirably.

Posted by Til, 01-24-2015, 11:27 AM
Dear etcio, sorry to hear that. I am experiencing issues myself at the moment with Siteautobackup (no new backups, unable to download old backups) and also no response from support. Did you hear anything from them since the 15th?

Posted by etcio, 01-24-2015, 12:16 PM
I finally heard from them with an apology that they are understaffed. You might try calling them - although when I called, it seemed like it was mostly an answering service. I wish I had better news for you or a suggestion. Unfortunately, I don't even know any decent cPanel backup solutions like that, where you can load your backups on another server. The solution I had prior, which worked really well, and I'll likely return to is A little more involved to setup, and you have to find a VPS to use for space, but it's more cost effective, and I've found it to be extremely reliable. However, what stinks is that you can only really restore to the account. Having the "staging" server was a nice feature of SAB.

Posted by Til, 01-24-2015, 12:20 PM
hi etcio, thank you for your swift response and information. I will just wait for a couple of days to see if they respond to me and the issues are resolved otherwise I will have to look into an alternative. Yeah, SAB is simple to use and has some nice features but if it doesn't work it is of no use. Good luck and thanks again for your answer.

Posted by cartika-andrew, 01-24-2015, 02:26 PM
Hello etcio thank you so much for your business, your comments and your feedback - I very much appreciate it a couple of comments - just in the interest of clarity and in the interest of improving our product !! 1) we do offer a hosted/cloud backup storage option if you do not want to load up your own storage device (on a VM or server, etc) - but, yes, unfortunately, you do need a storage device to back up data to with our solution 2) can you please elaborate on this? I either want to let you know a similar way to accomplish this? or I would look at adding this as a feature if its something we are missing thanks again !

Posted by boggle, 03-19-2015, 06:19 AM
I am having problems with this compnay as well, i have had no new backups since Nov 2014 and it says my passwords are wrong for the backups but they are not, i have contacted support via email multiple times and have had no response. Very disapopinted as i was happy with service until this

Posted by xman888, 04-20-2016, 04:08 AM
I have had the same experience with SAB Absolutely zero support - they will not answer a submitted ticket

Posted by Savio13, 04-20-2016, 08:10 AM
4 days without a response is very long wait, your quite a patient customer to even wait 24 hours.

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