
How to perfectly setup this vps?

Posted by brackhap, 04-13-2016, 10:46 PM
Hey guys! I've got a vps from ovh, here are the specs: KVM OpenStack1 vCore2,4 GHz2 Go RAMSSD 10 GoLocal Raid 10 I'm planning to use to to host some sites, essentially CMS : drupal, osclass and wordpress, maybe joomla too. How could you setup this VPS to be efficient? Operating System ? 32bit or 64bit?Apache or nginx or Lighttpd?panel, useful or not? which one (free)?Tweaks to do in order to enhance the server?Security advises... P.S: This is my first experience with vps. Regards

Posted by Savio13, 04-13-2016, 10:49 PM
If its your first time, get someone or your host to do it for you.

Posted by brackhap, 04-13-2016, 10:59 PM
Thank you for this easy answer, I expected that I'll get this kind of answers. But I want to learn, and the best way to learn is by doing things... Anyway thank you for your time.

Posted by RDO Servers, 04-13-2016, 11:02 PM
64bit OS is the best way to go. Nginx will give you better performance over Apache. Control panels do make things much easier to manage. CentOSWebPanel is a good free option. Keep in mind, Drupal sites use a lot of resources! You may want to consider increasing your RAM.

Posted by Savio13, 04-13-2016, 11:04 PM
I thought you wanted it for production, if its for learning, perhaps try without a panel and just Apache a bit harder than having a panel but is a good teacher

Posted by super-tech, 04-13-2016, 11:48 PM
>>> Operating System ? 32bit or 64bit? I recommend 64bit OS. >>> Apache or nginx or Lighttpd? Nginx serve much faster than Apache. >>> panel, useful or not? which one (free)? For a starter, Control panel is the best option. With the help of a control panel you can easily manage the server and it provide various graphical information about system resources ( Disk space, bandwidth, CPU usage etc.) Go with CentOSwebpanel its free. >>> Tweaks to do in order to enhance the server? 1. Configure webserver as Apache FastCGI + Nginx as reverse proxy. It provide better performance 2. Use mysqltuner script to tune Mysql service ( ) >>> Security advises Use CSF firewall it is much easier than IPtable. (

Posted by webmcs, 04-14-2016, 03:50 AM
You're a vps service provider? I'm confused I've bought many vps for my email marketing purpose but when I ordered them or checkout after few hour they set it up and provides me logins details.

Posted by brackhap, 04-14-2016, 09:28 AM
Thank you all, for you answers. One more question, which distros should I use? centos or debian? I've read that debian is more efficient and lightweight. But since some of you advised me CentOSwebpanel, that means they prefer CentOs... I'm not a vps service provider, I'm just tryng to host my personal sites and learn by the way... Regards

Posted by HostingMike, 04-14-2016, 10:33 AM
If you really want to learn, the site's aren't too important and you're comfortable doing this, go without a control panel. Do you have prior experience with Linux or the command line? nginx is faster and easier to configure in my opinion. I'd go with nginx, php-fpm and MariaDB. You can find loads of tutorials for setting this up online. Don't forget to implement some kind of backup system to automatically backup your sites and databases, plus copy them offsite (e.g. Amazon S3, Google Cloud Storage, Backblaze B2) frequently. Make sure you test restoring from this backup system too, there's no point having a backup system in place if you can't make restorations. As for Linux distro, have a look at things like the package managers used, how often new releases are made, how often new packages are released etc. It's a personal choice really. You'll find lots of CentOS users here because 1) cPanel doesn't support Debian and 2) CloudLinux is widely used in the shared hosting industry, which is based on CentOS/RHEL. Lots of people use Ubuntu for their personal servers, so you'll find lots of tutorials out there are geared towards Ubuntu, which is basically a faster paced version of Debian.

Posted by brackhap, 04-14-2016, 10:57 AM
Thank you NgageMike Yes I'm used to work with Linux and command line, I've used ubuntu and arch linux for long time. I already set up my vps with CentOS 7 64bit, and I can deal with apache webservers and nginx + php-fpm and MariaDB. I'm planning also to get a backup server where I can store my snapshots.. For Linux distro, as said above, I'm accustomed with pacman and apt-get but I'm ok with yum. I'm trying to get experts' advises and compare, because I rad that centos is a good OS for server but it needs some tweaks to be lightweight, things that I can't guarantee because it's the first time I use CentOS.

Posted by MightWeb-Greg, 04-14-2016, 12:48 PM
It sounds like you have a great foundation to learn this if you've already done it in Ubuntu. I suggest you just go for it and learn by trial and error. Create the vhosts for apache install wordpress and link everything up. There are a lot of tutorials online where you can see how to optimize the OS. If you want a control panel to mess with that's free there is CentOS Web Panel. It has all of the normal tools and is pretty good on resources for the specs you have.

Posted by alphavm_net, 04-14-2016, 05:54 PM
Hello, with smaller RAM memory amounts you could also use a 32 bit OS, maybe 64 is better with large memory amounts, if you plan to upgrade in the future then better choose 64, about ngix better performance as suggested, and about panels i think they are almost a must to have in the vps, for the ease of configuration with their use. Then configure php 7 for better performances, a web firewall if you need and there you go

Posted by brackhap, 04-15-2016, 02:35 PM
Thank you for your answers Ok, I setup the vps using Ubuntu 14.04 64bit (15.04 is available too), I've ordered an upgrade to 4GB Ram and 20GB SSD. I've also installed vestacp, and I don't like it... anyway I'm learning... Regards

Posted by VPSLandDwight, 04-15-2016, 02:48 PM
Wise words.

Posted by brackhap, 04-17-2016, 07:47 PM
Thank you

Posted by net, 04-17-2016, 09:59 PM
If you really want to use control panel and is familiar with Linux then try ISPConfig. You can use Nginx too with this control panel. Good luck!

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