
Any good vps provider like knownhost?

Posted by WebmasterZen, 04-08-2016, 07:01 AM
I've been with knownhost but their pricing is not affordable for my forum based site. I have a vps (ram 2.25 gb) with cpanel and paying around $35 per month. There support is superb, they mostly reply within few minutes of opening a ticket and issue will be resolved within one or two hours maximum. I think $35 is little bit high for hosting a site like mine. It's a new forum with not much activity and I don't even use cpanel for many days. Is there any other host providing quality/reliable vps hosting like knownhost? I can search the advertisement forum, but I need suggestions and want to take benefit from your experience. What you will suggest for my site? Should I go for unmanaged or managed vps?

Posted by net, 04-08-2016, 07:04 AM
Managed vps is not cheap. That price is actually good already for a managed vps. If you are having hard time paying $35, why not go for shared/reseller hosting instead? Since it is a new forum with no activity much.

Posted by Savio13, 04-08-2016, 07:07 AM
SSD or standard storage? you can perhaps get a LAMP setup which will cut out the control panel charge.

Posted by WebmasterZen, 04-08-2016, 07:21 AM
Shared servers are usually overcrowded and you have to face downtime due to other users. Which reseller or shared hosting you will recommend? How about Vultr? They are unmanaged? their pricing is good, but I don't have much knowledge of managing a vps.

Posted by net, 04-08-2016, 07:27 AM
This will depend on the setup of each provider. If you go for those cheap ones, surely you will experience just overselling. So, it depends. Exactly. Managed vps will add price. If you go for unmanaged vps, then make sure you know how to optimize it, secure it, trouble shoot it, protect from hacking, abuse, etc..... it is not simple as you think.

Posted by WebmasterZen, 04-08-2016, 07:37 AM
yes you are right, that's a big list. Is there something like vBulletin hosting? like WordPress hosting? let me search..

Posted by Savio13, 04-08-2016, 07:43 AM
vB Hosting and Wordpress hosting is sometimes used as a marketing strategy, in reality it may be the same as your standard hosting.

Posted by TheLex, 04-08-2016, 07:45 AM
I suggest you to look for unmanaged VPS. Like that you will save a lot of money and will learn some handy skills.

Posted by WebmasterZen, 04-08-2016, 07:57 AM
I'm also interested in this but can't find tutorials or guides to start a vps from scratch to setup a website on it and then managing its security. There are very few tutorials and all of these cover just one or two steps.

Posted by Savio13, 04-08-2016, 08:08 AM
If you really need to go unmanaged, ask your next provider to setup everything, and you will need to run updates etc later by your self. Not advisable but just an option.

Posted by TheLex, 04-08-2016, 08:17 AM
Can you please tell me what kind of steps do you need ? Install Apache server, Install MySQL server, upload website files, connect with database, run the needed folder permissions if needed and that's it. Tell me please what you need for a detailed guide. I am looking forward to write one if it is a pain for the people who are not using unmanaged.

Posted by WebmasterZen, 04-08-2016, 08:26 AM
I've not used unmanaged before, so I'm not sure what to ask. I'm currently with knownhost and everything is managed. I have bought a vps from vultr, installed vestacp and then don't know what to do with the domain? There should be a complete guide about how to setup a free control panel on a new vps, and then how to add a website/domain, pointing domain and then uploading website files. After this, security is main concern because new users don't know what are security threats to a vps and how to protect their vps. It will be great if you write a complete guide about this process with as much detail as possible and sharing your experiences. If you are going to write about this process in few days, then please share it here. It will be really appreciated.

Posted by TheLex, 04-08-2016, 08:48 AM
I think there will be easier to make a guide how to install and use zPanel. zPanel comes with all the features you need. It is simple to install and simple to use. From there you will never need a menaged VPS. There is not that much or a big deal, knowledge is power. There are a few simple things which you must do and then you'll be able to proceed without any problems. I am going to make a guide and i'll share the link to it here.

Posted by XTremo, 04-08-2016, 01:17 PM
If you've been used to the peace of mind that KH provide, it ain't going to end well down the unmanaged route.

Posted by linux7802, 04-08-2016, 02:13 PM
If you are not using cPanel, then you can purchase new VPS without cPanel, it will cost you only $15 to $25 range. The other best option is shared hosting, where you will receive cPanel and quality support.

Posted by linuxclark, 04-08-2016, 06:58 PM
If your site is not busy, do as Net suggested. Get a shared hosting, It will be easy to manage and save you some money. Check out

Posted by abrakatabra83, 04-08-2016, 10:16 PM
vBulletin is H-O-R-R-I-B-L-E. I got hacked many times (and it was updated regularly). One time my entire VPS got destroyed because of it. STAY AWAY just a tip since you say this forum is new. get another forum software. the feeling sucks when you pay that much only to get hacked repeatedly by script kids on the VPS question, DO NOT get unmanaged. if you MUST get a vps, get a cheap one from some obscure company. quality costs man

Posted by WebmasterZen, 04-09-2016, 12:46 AM
I have tried vb4 for few weeks and I can say that vb4 is open to many threats and spammers. But vb5 is quite good. I'm satisfied with its security and performance. By the way, thanks all of you for kind suggestions. I will look into each option and will decide what I should do.

Posted by Nnyan, 04-13-2016, 03:42 PM
I think once you have some more experience with the industry you'll see that $35 is a bargain price for the quality of product and service you get. Also you may want to take a look at the VPS offers forum as KH typically has a discount coupon in there. Can you get the same level of service year after year for less? I haven't been able to find it but I wish you luck!

Posted by SecurusNetworks, 04-15-2016, 11:33 AM
KnownHost is a affordable managed VPS provider. Alternative would be WiredTree but I think you should start with a shared hosting as you don't want to spend much on a server.

Posted by RollenHost, 04-17-2016, 06:05 AM
I think if you have a new website with less than 5000 visitor per day you don't need VPS, just search for a good shared hosting and save your money

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