
I need a VPS with IPv6 and IPv4 rDNS updating via API

Posted by wuzamarine, 04-12-2016, 03:40 PM
I need to be able to spawn a new image and update the IPv6 and IPv4 rDNS record via the API. Digital Ocean and EC2 have a manual rDNS record update, so they won't work. I could possibly tunnel IPv6 via Hurricane Electric (have not tried), but when I saw there was no way to do the IPv4 also, I gave up. Whom supports this?

Posted by Mike_A, 04-12-2016, 04:48 PM
Pretty sure you can set rDNS automatically with RamNode. Not sure about IPv6 though, I don't use IPv6 on the VPS I have with them and can't remember my Solus login to check right now. When you say "spawn a new image" I assume you want some form of "complete automation" so they probably won't work for you though.

Posted by wuzamarine, 04-12-2016, 05:33 PM
I don't even see API docs on Ramnode, much less how to set rDNS via code/call/script

Posted by wuzamarine, 04-12-2016, 07:08 PM
Oh, that is not Vultr. I am migrating from them now and need a new destination

Posted by Mike_A, 04-12-2016, 07:13 PM
I somehow missed the part where you wanted an API to do that. Sorry OVH has an API for basically everything (including rDNS), might check them out.

Posted by wuzamarine, 04-12-2016, 07:39 PM
Dang, I see dns servers, but no rDNS

Posted by Mike_A, 04-12-2016, 07:42 PM
I have a billing module with their API and rDNS is a part of it, so it's definitely possible. Send them an e-mail or something.

Posted by wuzamarine, 04-12-2016, 09:22 PM
OVH might very well solve the IPv4 rDNS, but I still have a real serious need for the IPv6 rDNS as well. I looked deeper into using Hurricane Electric for the IPv6 but, one 'show stopper' is the 50 IP address limit. I am writing this into code and then never want to look at it again once I am done. Rototating a new account in every few days is not a viable solution. There will be many registrations. Is there a commercial IPv6 tunnel broker that is elastic? Free is not a requirement.

Posted by Mike_A, 04-12-2016, 09:55 PM
OVH supports rDNS for IPv4 and IPv6 (at least for dedicated servers.)

Posted by wuzamarine, 04-14-2016, 02:52 PM
No IPv6 support on their VPS network :/

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