
YouHosting: from the best to the worst reseller hosting provider

Posted by yhuser, 04-14-2014, 04:52 PM
YouHosting was no doubt the best reseller hosting provider a few years ago. Now is the worst reseller hosting provider from all points of view. They have attracted me and other resellers with great features like free reseller hosting, white label, stable servers, free support by tickets, the ability to set default 404 error page for clients, custom CPU Quota Exceeded Redirect and other great features from my point of view. After they have opened Hostinger local brands (,, and much more) YouHosting started to become increasingly worse and forced users to upgrade. Since YouHosting has been opened, they caught a lot of resellers with a lot of clients with that great features, so they added Website templates in clients control panel. All website templates have included in footer links to,,, and Some links like are not a problem, some like, are a problem. From now YouHosting is no longer white label (it is still listed on site that they provide white label reseller hosting). I accepted this.. Then, they disabled support by tickets and the ability to manage redirects/to set default 404 error page for clients, custom CPU Quota Exceeded Redirect for free resellers. There was many free resellers with a lot of clients who saved custom redirects before YouHosting disabled it, so custom redirects like default 404 error page for clients remained saved. They have moved redirections server to another location and changed the system how it redirects visitors to 404 error, CPU exceeded and other error pages and due to "technical reasons" old settings could not be moved, so now resellers are required to click the "Save" button on "Configure Redirections" section of reseller area which is disabled for free resellers. Now if visitor will click on any broken link on any website reseller host, a "404 Error Page redirect" to hostinger local brands will occur. If any website reseller host will use more than 10% of server resources, a "CPU Quota Exceeded Redirect" to hostinger local brands will occur and the same for Bad file extension redirect, Bandwidth limit exceeded redirect, IP connection limit exceeded redirect, Account inactivity redirect. No problem, I upgraded to VIP. YouHosting also have a VPS reseller program which actually resell Reseller prices per VPS is the same with prices if order a VPS. I still managed to get a few customers who ordered a few VPSes. When I tried to active their VPSes I got an error that there are no free nodes (why you don't add free nodes when maximum number of VPSes is almost reached?). This was fixed in about a week and I lost of course those customers. Who want to wait 1 week for a VPS ? Maybe some need a VPS now or today. Today I got 1 VPS order but I cannot activate it again due to that error.. I will lost this client too.. ***What I will tell now is not acceptable for me and I think for all new and existing resellers too.*** They steal clients of free resellers and VIP resellers (I don't know if this is for SuperVIP resellers too) They sent emails to all clients (new and existing) of free resellers and VIP resellers inviting them to Hostinger local brands! Just got this from my client: I created a web hosting account on my reseller account and got the same email but in my native language. I registred with other YouHosting reseller just to confirm and I got again that email! This is unfair and a bit spam. No unsubscribe link and it's unsolicited email. I noticed that my customers number decreased, but I did not thought about this. YouHosting is now just tool to steal customers and promote hostinger local brands. Youhosting, please become again the best reseller hosting provider. Last edited by yhuser; 04-14-2014 at 04:59 PM.

Posted by nkawit, 04-14-2014, 06:15 PM
Are they not a free provider? that probably explains it ... you get what you pay for

Posted by S-Jack, 04-14-2014, 06:31 PM
He gets more than he pays for if it was free:-)

Posted by yhuser, 04-14-2014, 06:32 PM
They offer both free and paid reseller plans. Both sucks! They should stop stealing clients of resellers. I've already lost a lot of customers due to their email invitations. I checked canceled domains logs, all pointed to Hostinger.

Posted by S-Jack, 04-14-2014, 06:38 PM
You're getting it for free. Do you really expect to be having the same service. They will be trying to make money as much as they can and everything gets more expensive in these economic times. Move to a different provider which you pay for is all I can say

Posted by yhuser, 04-14-2014, 06:42 PM
I'm not getting it for free. I used Free plan and I upgraded to VIP (paid plan), but just in name it's VIP.

Posted by S-Jack, 04-14-2014, 06:44 PM
Change hosting providers, most are decent and long owned.

Posted by yhuser, 04-15-2014, 02:58 AM
I'm sorry, but I think you did not read half of what I wrote, so you do not understand what I mean. I'm waiting for other users opinion, YouHosting clients opinion or maybe YouHosting staff explanation.

Posted by Fidde, 04-15-2014, 03:52 AM
Neither YouHosting or Hostinger have accounts on WHT as far as I know. Hosting24 however does (a Hostinger company) and they might be able to answer (or bring Hostinger to the forum). I wouldn't use a reseller service that offer services for free. If you have paying customers, get a VPS or dedicated server and your client information will stay yours.

Posted by 287287, 04-15-2014, 04:12 AM
They started for think they don't try and make as much money as they can.

Posted by yhuser, 04-15-2014, 04:13 AM
Fidde: You are right. I trusted YouHosting so much and I never expected this - steal my clients, even those who pay. Now they added at the footer of unsolicted email: "Thank you for using our services," It is like I'm closing my web hosting and I'm inviting existing customers to Hostinger. Hostinger is a team of scammers.

Posted by WPHS, 04-15-2014, 04:22 AM
I don't get this: what's the difference? I guess that's a lie to.. There's red flags all over this site... I see what they are saying now, each customer account you host can only have up to 10 GB disk space. But if there's no limit, then why limit the amount per domain? Last edited by WPHS; 04-15-2014 at 04:33 AM.

Posted by 287287, 04-15-2014, 04:31 AM
Can't you have as many domains you like but each domain can only do 10gb.

Posted by Royalty, 04-15-2014, 04:41 AM
yeah the downtime at you hosting is pretty bad also with both paid and free plans if your website sparks 15 views it goes down for like 30 minutes straight the server's are not strong enough to allow 100 visitors to be on the website at one time

Posted by yhuser, 04-15-2014, 04:48 AM
As I said above, Hostinger attract resellers with great features (correction: it was great features) and then steal their clients using all possible ways: Links to Hostinger in Auto Installer Links to Hostinger and all their projects including YouHosting on Website Temapltes All errors redirect to Hostinger Canceled subdomains redirect to Hostinger Then if client still want to stay with reseller, Hostinger send an unsolicited emails invitation. Do they interact with resellers hosted websites or not ? Last edited by yhuser; 04-15-2014 at 04:52 AM.

Posted by 287287, 04-15-2014, 07:18 PM
Youhosting I feel was the way when people came by saying $0 to start your own reseller business, they got a lot of people thinking about doing it and starting one. Now after they did this, try and move all they own clients to their own company and make them start paying!

Posted by yhuser, 04-16-2014, 07:18 AM
UPDATE: Hostinger is stealing clients of all resellers, Free, VIP and SuperVIP. The "about us" page of their projects write that they are world leaders, actually they are world leaders scammers. Both YouHosting and Hosting24 have accounts on WHT and can bring Hostinger to the forum, but what to say? "We confirm that" ? I invested a lot of time and money to steal Hostinger my clients - VIP plan, support for clients, 5 domains for clients: eg:, etc., web hosting for main domain because youhosting can't handle.. Last edited by yhuser; 04-16-2014 at 07:26 AM.

Posted by S-Jack, 04-16-2014, 10:04 AM
No if you're paying for a reseller and not getting the service you want move hosts and find a new one. Then you can start writing reviews etc about the company

Posted by W3USR, 04-16-2014, 03:35 PM
I don't know why people buy the VIP & SVIP plans from youhosting, you can buy a good cPanel reseller hosting for that prize.

Posted by yhuser, 04-16-2014, 03:59 PM
They allow you to provide free hosting and they was really great in the past. Unfortunately, YouHosting goal was and still is catching a lot of resellers with a lot of clients. After they did this, move all clients of resellers (does not matter if Free, VIP, SuperVIP) to Hostinger. I just asked for an explanation on YouHosting forum and I got post deleted and account banned.

Posted by WPHS, 04-16-2014, 04:46 PM
If I were you yhuser, choose a reliable, reputable hosting company that will provide you with what you need for your business. There are plenty of them around here my friend. It sucks to start over, I know this first hand but I think you'll find that when you choose a new hosting provider, that, things will change and look better for you. It's sad that this company did this to you. Free or not free,. still doesn't make it right. You worked hard for what you built and for this company to do this to anyone is a spit in the face. My advise to you is simple my friend, do a search on these forums. Once you find 3 companies that interest you, email them or chat with them and ask them questions before making a final decision. Good luck to you yhuser...

Posted by W3USR, 04-17-2014, 05:16 AM
Are providing paid hosting through youhosting..? Get a decent cPanel reseller hosting account, manually create accounts for all of your clients and move there websites one by one..

Posted by Thieser, 04-26-2014, 01:07 PM
I signed up for free hosting on a random website hosting provider and with in an hour of time i received an email linking to .Yes the are stealing customers for their brand.

Posted by WireNine, 04-26-2014, 10:41 PM
That's a pretty big claim, do you have evidence of such emails to your clients ?

Posted by i7Grendel, 04-27-2014, 06:12 AM
I registered for a new account on my own reseller account. The next day, I found this email in my mail box. I'm from the Netherlands so I got an invite for Hostinger Netherlands with my own domain as the sender's name.

Posted by Andei, 04-27-2014, 07:41 AM
I'm actually shocked that people are shocked about this... First of all nothing in life is free, and if it seems too good to be true then it probably is. I refuse to believe that someone is naive enough to think that the people running YouHosting are angels sent from the sky to offer you a free possibility to make money, it's common sense that their servers cost money, and there is no possible way for them to pay for those servers off your free package, or even the VIP and SuperVIP packages since (in theory) you could be hosting millions of websites on those packages. They have played this scheme pretty well it seems, drawing people in with their free packages and then approaching their clients... you can't exactly take all your clients and leave either because it seems they're not using cPanel (as far as I can tell) which makes moving to another host close to impossible... And of course it's in their best interest for the servers to be crappy and overloaded since your clients will notice this quite fast, and where will they be running to?... they'll be running to the paid hosting service offered in their emails by hostinger.

Posted by host-dude, 07-24-2014, 04:46 PM
I figured I would give them a try a few months back. I was highly disappointed. As soon as my domain name propagated, I did check to test the server speed and stuff, site was down every hour. I went to their forums and saw pages and pages of threads about servers being down and that people could not access their "cpanel" (I cringe at that name they use for it because clearly is not the one.. true.. cpanel). When my site was not down pages loads were slow. The user area for the reseller was the worst constructed system I have ever seen. I did move on to another reseller program and I am more than happy with it. Last edited by host-dude; 07-24-2014 at 04:47 PM. Reason: typos

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