
Eleven2 reseller services keep getting worse..

Posted by travelero, 07-16-2014, 06:52 PM
Eleven2 used to be great. Now a reseller account can't even hold an empty wordpress site. Right, empty. I use it just to try new themes etc, but now I can't even update the site! I've been with them for years, and I find terrible that they continue degrading the service we pay for. One thing is true, Customer service is very kind and fast, and the plans give you a lot of space. But it is not worthed if you can't use the service you are paying for.

Posted by Eleven2 Hosting, 07-16-2014, 07:09 PM
Did you have a support ticket I can check? Our hosting works great with Wordpress so there must be some other issue that we can get resolved for you.

Posted by S-Jack, 07-16-2014, 08:14 PM
You pay $20 for 100gb which includes a whmcs license or isn't it like $10 per plan. So $20-$13.95 = $6.05 for 100gb isn't going to dedicated and provided straight to you. $6.05 isn't economic especially if you're getting the services "with" cloudlinux and litespeed multiple ones still don't have either.

Posted by travelero, 07-16-2014, 09:41 PM
Thanks, But it is not a ticket problem. I have open some. The answer is that wordpress takes all the cpu etc. Of course this might be an issue in a heavily visited site. But in a test only site, that is simply not an answer. I keep my account with a few html sites, all mine. But under no circumstance I'd recommend your service to anyone selling hosting. Your support is great and fast, the space of the resellers accounts are generous, but in the end, it is just for very basic sites, and definitely not for reselling. I've been with you since it was sharkspace, and your service now is far far from what it was. I hope you improve this, because changing providers is always a pain.

Posted by Nick H, 07-16-2014, 09:42 PM
Hello, Could you please provide us with some information so we can identify your account? This could be a Ticket ID or domain name. We can't look into your specific issues if we don't know what account it is. Thanks!

Posted by travelero, 07-16-2014, 09:49 PM
I think the plans are very economical. That is not an issue. And for the money you pay, support is great. The point here is that the server service was a lot better. I had several wordpress sites -which I migrated when they grew- and not a single issue. Now a single wordpress site can't be updated. That is the point

Posted by Tyl3r, 07-17-2014, 08:10 AM
The problem with offering 100GB for $6 is that the server most likely has 1000GB of disk space, so technically if they didn't want to oversell, they would only be able to put 10 customers on a server, having a profit of $60/server. That obviously wouldn't work, let's say the server prices $500/month, for a company making $6 per account to break even on server prices, they would need 100 resellers on that server, each reseller has an average of 10 accounts, making it 1000 cPanel accounts on a server, and that's just to break even on the actual server cost, not paying for support staff, license fees, etc. For them to actually make a profit, they would most likely need to put 200 resellers on a server, which means 2000 cPanel accounts on a server. If you put 2000 accounts on a cPanel server, you're asking for huge problems. I'm not saying this is what Eleven2 is doing, but this is why there's a huge problem with offering 100GB for pennies, it may work for a few months as resellers only have a few accounts to their name, but once those reseller accounts grow, you'll have nothing but problems and it'll be too late.

Posted by jrianto, 07-17-2014, 05:51 PM
Tends to happen when web hosting companies gets much larger, it's not easy to keep the same level of excellence when it first started. Are you looking to move out? I'd recommend looking into Site5.

Posted by desfire, 07-18-2014, 07:06 PM
Agree.. they were so good, now they're horrible.

Posted by PremiumHost, 07-21-2014, 02:52 AM
When you first signed up, the server could be empty or did not have many reseller accounts / websites hosted. Now the server is probably at full capacity when each reseller wants to use their 100GB disk space allocation. stablehost pointed out how many other sites you would have to compete for resources on the server.

Posted by respite, 07-21-2014, 05:43 AM
Oh snap Nick didn't say this is not a helpdesk lol actually trying to help a customer? Mind blowing to me. Nevertheless im on the and its been crawling for about a week now last night took 45-60seconds to save some files inline filiemanager and about a minute to load the server status page which had some fancy red alerts. I don't bother to report this a) because they should be paying attention b) im using it for development purposes so its not mission critical at this point.

Posted by respite, 07-22-2014, 05:46 AM
Felt bad rather not providing evidence of the hanging servers you can see the status page in cpanel yourself its been hanging for i'd easily say two weeks now - and no intervention at all apparently they don't monitor there servers.

Posted by Jutt, 07-22-2014, 06:17 AM
I am not sure how Server is working with named service down. And with that much Server load, its really seems like Server is highly overloaded and they are not doing anything to minimize the load in past 2 weeks? Few might say high server load dosnt mean overloaded server, but in most cases, high server load decrease the server performance and speed. If that server issues remains, you should ask them to move your accounts to a less crowded Server.

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