
eVerity down?

Posted by ThatScriptGuy, 04-28-2010, 10:09 AM
I've got a small reseller account with eVerity, and none of the accounts are responding. Neither is the main everity domain. Anyone else experiencing this? (I know my clients are...)

Posted by tempurr, 04-28-2010, 10:44 AM
Hi, Yes, I am experiencing this also - for about the past hour or so that I've noticed (just got on the 'puter though, so don't know how long it's been down). I have several small accounts too, and can't get anything to come up. Everity site is also down, so doing a support ticket there is not an option. I don't have an alternate email address for them either, so I guess we're stuck? I did try to call their 800 number, but a womans voice comes on (the owner is a man), so am not sure it's still the right number. I couldn't leave a message because the auto-message stated "the mailbox is full". I'm not even certain it's the right phone number now... I'm sure once he knows there's a problem, he'll get it fixed right away - it's getting in touch with him that is the problem right now. I have enjoyed Everity's service, but when problems happen like this and hits the server(s) and their site goes down too, we really need an alternate method of gettting in touch with them. Like a Hotmail/Gmail/Yahoo email account or SOMETHING. Lets keep our fingers crossed; Everity has been on here before, so maybe he will be able to get notified this way (I'll try to PM).

Posted by ThatScriptGuy, 04-28-2010, 10:46 AM
Now the sites are loading, but VERY slowly for me. I was able to submit a support ticket just now, so hopefully between that and your PM, James will be aware of what's going on.

Posted by ThatScriptGuy, 04-28-2010, 10:49 AM
I just got WHM to load, and the server load is astronomical right now: Kind of disheartening that the main everity domain would appear to be hosted on the same box as the client websites. That makes this a very frustrating experience...

Posted by tempurr, 04-28-2010, 12:48 PM
Looks like the sites are back up - all seem to be coming up just fine now. I'm sure James was on top of it... probably aware of the problem even before we were. I'm just glad we do have a good host; downtimes aren't very frequent (thankfully!) and when they are, they don't last long. Thank you, Everity! Now, if we could get them to give us a "Plan B"... just in case? Maybe an offsite contact?

Posted by ThatScriptGuy, 04-28-2010, 01:17 PM
I would be happy if the main everity domain was hosted in another datacenter. That way, we'd be able to stay in contact regardless of what happens to the hosting servers/network.

Posted by ThatScriptGuy, 04-29-2010, 09:35 AM
Experiencing continued slow or no loads with our domains hosted by everity, and the main everity domain itself. I haven't experienced ANY downtime with everity since I signed up, but this long of an outage with not much word from James is troubling.

Posted by tempurr, 05-03-2010, 09:57 AM
Yes, I agree that the outages are frustrating. Mostly because we cannot communicate with James to submit a support ticket. Although he did answer a PM a couple days ago, it was after the sites were back up. But they've been down/up/down several times, so I'm not sure what the problem is; this last time has been for at least 10 hours... again, with no way of submitting a trouble ticket as eVerity's site goes down with the rest of them. I can handle an outage now & then if is only intermittent and for a short period of time. But when it is frequent like this and lasts for hours, I get cranky. Makes me want to move my cheese, know what I mean?

Posted by ThatScriptGuy, 05-03-2010, 10:04 AM
I believe this latest outage is caused by theplanet's network problems ( Try to load your websites from a proxy like and they will likely load right up, as mine are.

Posted by everity, 05-05-2010, 08:27 PM
I am sorry for not responding to this thread sooner. I did reply to all the private messages on here. There were two separate problems to blame. The first was a problem with the server overloading due to a highly unusual circumstance that has since been resolved. The second was due to a problem at the data center. The fact that they occurred so closely together is coincidental, as they are not related. The server which host's has very few sites on it and has very rarely experienced any problems. I have been hesitant to move to another host as I feel that shows a lack of confidence in my own service. This is something I am willing to seriously consider though as the business continues to grow, to ensure that support tickets can still be submitted even during server downtimes or data center problems. I am not sure if the total amount of time when your sites were in accessible is within the SLA or not, but I have credited any accounts with reported downtime on that server with a free month, just in case. Please feel free to submit a ticket and I would be happy to give you my personal cell phone number. I would rather not post it here as this option is normally only available to Priority Support customers. I feel giving you this number for free is fair, as compensation for the inconvenience you have recently experienced.

Posted by ThatScriptGuy, 05-05-2010, 10:06 PM
Your personal response here and generous compensation is why I am proud to be hosted by eVerity. In regards to hosting the domain name - It has nothing to do with confidence, and everything to do with ensuring your customers have a way to get in touch with you in case something like this happens again. I am a small "webhost". I offer hosting to my smaller clients and utilize your services to do so. All the same, I host my company website over at Sharkspace, so that when downtime like this does occur, my clients have a way to get in contact with me. At the very least, I feel you should have an offsite email (Gmail, Hotmail, whatever) that is well publicized that is checked often so that you can be reached in events like this. You may not need to move the hosting for elsewhere, but we do need an alternate means of contact to get in touch with you. Just my $.02 Thanks for the great service so far.

Posted by layer0, 05-06-2010, 12:09 AM
@everity - you might want to consider a small VPS for the purpose of hosting your own site. You'd still be able to use your own server hostname, nameservers, etc. (negating the confidence issue) but at the same time it can be offsite.

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