
BEWARE of GreenGeeks WebHosting

Posted by egmweb, 02-27-2014, 10:54 PM
Hello All, I would like to warn you guys to get into the Web Hosting GreenGeeks. I've signed up for a reseller account back on December and the service was the worse EVER. The interruption of the service was all the time, the speed was the slowest and the Support terrible. I've created a Ticket with them to have them to refund my money as they say 30-day money back guarantee. I've got a reply saying that I needed to fill out a Cancellation form, which I did. That action created another Ticket number. Then I replied also that I wanted my account to be cancelled and that I wanted my money back. Then they told me that I needed to send an email to which I did. NONE a single response. After that, I received an email saying that the Ticket was redirected to their QA department and I would receive an answer shortly. This week (February 2014) I've received an email from them saying that a new invoice was generated. I've went back to their site and checked the ticket and still no answer. When I spoke to a chat operator they told me that they were waiting for my response all this time. I couldn't believed that... As of the end... because I told them that I will come to this forums and to the social media... they deleted all the tickets from my account... and also refused to refund me my the money. Please take this story as a warning.... I feel completely mocked by this guys. Not only for the terrible service, but the way how they handle things to avoid refunding the money. EGMWEB.

Posted by Josh-D, 02-28-2014, 01:17 AM
Hello Eduardo, I am the Quality Assurance Director at GreenGeeks and would first like to reach out and apologize for the problems you have been facing. In regards to your issues, I do see that you signed up with GreenGeeks on Dec. 5th 2013 on our Reseller: Seed plan. You completed a Quarterly signup and used a coupon for a total of $47.88. Now I see that you did place a Cancellation Request on Dec. 7th at 01:01 PM with Ticket #MQR-137-31707, requesting your service be cancelled due to some intermittent issues you were facing. Our agents outlined that this was caused by your recent DNS Propagation and would certainly clear up. Additionally we asked if you would allow us to work with you on fixing any other matters. This inquiry was sent on Dec. 8th at 6:28 PM. Unfortunately we received no response and where unable to reach you via telephone. GreenGeeks makes it a priority to double verify all cancellation requests for security reasons. Especially when we see "Account Changes" just prior to the Cancellation Request. With the lack of confirmation via telephone and/or email it does seem your Cancellation Request was closed out. Following this recently you did receive a service renewal notice at which time you communicated again with our agents (Feb 26th 2014). I see that we did offer a special renewal rate promotion which was declined. Our billing department expressed that your account would not be eligible for a refund as you had passed the 30 Day Money Back period and we have records of hosting accounts being created/serving website traffic after the Cancellation Request was placed on Dec. 7th 2013. Upon your hostility regarding the refund, the matter was escalated to a supervisor to review. It was during that time that we noticed once again that "Account Changes" occurred placing what I can only assume are fraudulent details for your contact information. This unfortunately raised some flags on the account locking our ability to issue a refund until approved by management. We then proceeded again to reach out to the numbers on file (both new and old) to verify the claim and get the proper information on file to review the refund matter. It is during this process that you have elected to post this thread attacking GreenGeeks and I am certainly sorry that you felt this was required instead of simply working with our agents. At this time we have issued a manual refund (since the ability to refund the original transaction has passed) to the email address on file. I can only hope this is your email so that you can indeed obtain the refund. As a side note, GreenGeeks does not delete any ticket. I do see that our billing agents MERGED your tickets together to better keep track of the matter. I do see that they failed to notify you of this and have spoken with our shift leads to insure this does not happen in the future. Last edited by Josh-D; 02-28-2014 at 01:21 AM.

Posted by HostWithLove_Cody, 02-28-2014, 01:29 AM
Since the client wanted a refund and was told to submit a cancellation request, which he did promptly, it would have been good to simply process it for him. Glad to see a refund has been rendered though. So long as the refund went back to the same email address he paid it from, there wouldn't be any issue.

Posted by Josh-D, 02-28-2014, 02:17 AM
Thanks Cody, Completely agree with you. This something I investigated, unfortunately after the Cancellation Request was placed two cPanel accounts were created and the entire Billing Profile details were changed. This triggered an alert to insure the actual owner was aware of the recent changes. This contact failed and we reverted all profile changes and maintained the hosting service. Should that scenario not have occurred the account would have been terminated on Dec. 8th in full accordance with our Terms of Service. This is certainly something that we will investigate internally to insure a scenario like this doesn't occur in the future. It certainly is a shame Eduardo felt he had to post here on WHT to get a resolution. I did forget to mention, so will do so here. Should Eduardo have any further concerns he can reach out to our billing team and upon verification can finish helping him out.

Posted by HostNurse, 02-28-2014, 02:22 AM
I am glad you got your refund back. Still, it would of been better if things did not reach to this.

Posted by egmweb, 02-28-2014, 09:39 AM
Hello All, Thanks very much for your response. Yes, I recognize that I did change all my profile information, but it was as soon as I realized that all the Tickets that I've got created in your support website were deleted by your Support Agent (Greg F). He deleted all the tickets after I told him on my last reply that I will use the content of the ticket [#MQR-137-31707] to go to the Social Media Networks and Forums to demonstrate you guys in GreenGeeks were not right. Plus, my hostility started on my third communication within the same Ticket with your Support Agent after I've explained kindly previously what happened. The Agent kept saying: The refund is not applicable... @josh, This is the first time this happens to me. I've never came across a situation like this in the past. Anyways, thanks very much for issuing the refund. Please let me know if you need any other information. @cody and all the people within this thread, thanks very much for your support and to WebHosting Talk, facilitating this medium to be heard. Best regards to all. Eduardo

Posted by JixHost, 02-28-2014, 11:24 AM
In my experience its just better to give refunds easily, this way the client can see if the grass is greener elsewhere. If you service was good, they will likely return and will likely never leave again.

Posted by egmweb, 03-03-2014, 04:33 PM
Hello Josh-D, I'm wondering if you issued the refund as you've mentioned in your previous post as I haven't seeing anything yet. I tried to reach you at GreenGeeks and your Agents told me that the refund will not be possible. So I tried to send you an email to but I couldn't get it through. Thanks in advance. Eduardo

Posted by xlilx, 03-04-2014, 01:22 AM
I am glad you got your refund back. Still, it would of been better if things did not reach to this.

Posted by Josh-D, 03-04-2014, 01:39 AM
Hello, I've reached out to you via email regarding this matter. For your privacy I won't reply in public to the email address that the refund was issued to.

Posted by kpmedia, 03-04-2014, 06:23 AM
GreenGeeks doesn't allow cPanel backups, even though they use cPanel. Beware!

Posted by Josh-D, 03-04-2014, 01:19 PM
kpmedia, GreenGeeks certainly allows backups, and would appreciate it if false information wasn't being spread. Customers have the ability to compress their individual directories inside cPanel followed by downloading the backups. We also provide full cPanel based backups for customers who are looking to transfer to another cPanel based service provider for $5/cPanel account. Now there is a huge difference between these types of backups. Yes the plain and simple, one is a full compressed backup which can easily be restored on any other cPanel server well the other is potentially a few compressed files which need more manual work to recover. But the difference is actually more technical on the side of the Web Host. A cPanel backup CAN be cpuwatch'ed however this does not kick in during the compression stage. As such its during this period of time that the server faces increased server load and I/Owait which in turn slows every other customer down. With a simple folder compression, GreenGeeks is able to place this process inside the cPanel users "control" allowing our throttling service to kick in and artificially slow down their individual website (providing more resources to the compressed process) well not effecting the other clients on the server. Additionally, I want to address the claim that I know will follow by some hosts "cPanel backups aren't a problem unless your overselling". Unfortunately this statement is invalid, a single cPanel backup of a traditional hosting client (a couple of GB in size) certainly will not cause a problem on our network. However GreenGeeks doesn't simply host 1 cPanel account per Dedicated Server which means the potential for lets say 20 cPanel accounts to initiate a backup all at the same tim. Now lets assume that each of these accounts is 2GB in size, we have a potential of 40GB to be compressed at any single moment. This would cause the Server Load Average to increase and would certainly bump up the I/Owait on the server. These actions would cause slowness for our entire client base and the only way to bring the server back under control is to kill a process. This then brings up the moral question, who's backup do you kill if they are all the same size and paying the same monthly amount? Note: GreenGeeks does offer unlimited diskspace and have some customers with 20GB+ on our network which further points out the problems with using a cPanel backup. It is because of the above potential scenario that GreenGeeks does not allow the cPanel backup service to run on our Shared/Reseller/Premium service lines. This also includes GreenGeeks restoring a cPanel backup!. All restores/backups are handled on a secondary server after rsyncing and "/pkgacct skiphomedir" of the content. This insures our customers not zero latency from the migration to and from our network. Additionally I'd like to point out that GreenGeeks does utilize r1soft processes and have recently rolled this out to our Premium customers allowing them to restore website content from previous snapshots and/or download a compressed file of their content from our r1soft servers. Our customers find that this is plenty in regards to "Backups" being offered by GreenGeeks!. I hope I was able to set the record straight on this, I will not be responding back on this matter via this thread but welcome anyone concerned to reach out to our support team. Should Eduardo have any further questions/concerns I'd be more than happy to address them. Last edited by Josh-D; 03-04-2014 at 01:22 PM.

Posted by egmweb, 03-04-2014, 01:42 PM
Hello Josh, Thanks very much indeed. The refund was applied to my account. This threat can be now closed as resolved. Special Thanks to WebHosting Talk to facilitate this medium to be heard. Best regards, EGMWEB

Posted by DD-Matthew, 03-04-2014, 02:00 PM
I do like a happy ending

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