Knowledgebase NOT so Proactive Security

Posted by atinoco, 04-28-2009, 08:32 PM
I signed up for Seeksadmin Proactive Security Plan 8 months ago because we wanted someone to take care of our server security (patches, security issues etc) the plan they show there looks very good, but after the initial setup nobody at seeksadmin ever logged into my server to do the proactive work, months would pass and I'd notice that windows critical patches never got installed. I just logged into my server today, saw the windows update pending patches in the taskbar and figured out it was time to cancel my account and share my experience with you guys. I contacted them when I signed up to know how did the proactive plan worked, and the sales person told me that each time they did some work on my server I would get an email with the details of what was done, i never got anything for 8 months. I've been installing our server patches myself each couple of months. They don't seem to monitor the server like they say also, I've done reboots each time i install the patches myself and I've got nothing from them. $29,95 monthly x 8 months = $239,6 I'm requesting to be refunded. the initial setup (hardening) was $75.97 USD and was the only thing they did actually perform. Stay away from SeeksAdmin proactive security, they only thing that was delivered each month, was my bill. I will be updating this review if I receive my refund. -Andres

Posted by ObjectZone, 04-28-2009, 08:53 PM
Wow - that's bad. It sounds like they did not write you down into their schedule monthly to monitor services. If they can't provide proof that they did connect and maintain the server, then you deserve a refund for at least 7 months. (The 8th month was probably included in the first hardening/auditing they did at the beginning). --Chris

Posted by Motiv, 04-28-2009, 09:54 PM
Sorry you didn't receive the service you paid for. I'm afraid that you might find the same experience with a majority of these managed service providers in the midst of things. If I was you, as a paying customer, if after the first month I saw that the server needed critical updates I would have raised concern with the managed service provider I was paying. If that same level of service continued I would definitely cancel any active services. Hope you have a better experience with whichever new managed services company you chose to go with, if any. Cheers

Posted by RossMAN, 04-28-2009, 10:43 PM
There are always two sides to every story and I can't wait to hear the other side

Posted by Motiv, 04-28-2009, 10:46 PM
Very true.

Posted by whmcsguru, 04-28-2009, 11:58 PM
Something just doesn't add up here, most definitely. Firstly, their BASE Windows package isn't $29.x per month, it's $109/month, and thats ONLY if you have Plesk. Their basic "Linux" plan? Yeah, it's 24.x per month, but does NOT include monitoring or proactive updates. Expect full monitoring + proactive updates for $30/month? Yeah RIGHT, think again. That is a completely unreasonable expectation.

Posted by Shikhir A, 04-29-2009, 12:02 AM
Perhaps the OP got a plan that is now no longer available as it's 8 months past. Just a thought!

Posted by whmcsguru, 04-29-2009, 12:04 AM
costs going up 5x the amount in < a year? Yeah, not so likely. I'm not saying DEFINITELY not going to happen, but not so likely. I could see that justification if they'd even gone up 2x, but 5x? Not so much.

Posted by petteyg359, 04-29-2009, 01:17 AM
Well, you'd be pretty much WRONG, because you didn't read their site. Before you attack the guy for ordering a non-existent service, you might verify whether the service is actually non-existent.

Posted by iWF-Jacob, 04-29-2009, 02:14 AM
Nice find there petteyg359 I must say, SA are not looking too good so far. I will be interested to hear their side of the story though!

Posted by LoganNZ, 04-29-2009, 02:34 AM
Why wait 8 MONTHS to bring this up? have you even contacted SA and asked them about it before posting this? I assume not. If i were you, in the first month i would have asked seeksadmin what was going on. Why would I wait 8 months and put my servers security and data at RISK? If you can't find get your management provider to manage your servers, how are you going to manage your own company? my 2c.

Posted by whmcsguru, 04-29-2009, 06:54 AM
Did I attack the guy? No, I did not. I said something looks fishy. Still, if you're going to only pay $30/month for "proactive security", you're going to get nothing at all, seriously. Expect monitoring AND proactive for $30/month? Yeah RIGHT! Obviously the company is offering the package, that's fine, it just takes a bit of manipulating to get to. However, again, if you really expect pro-active security (plus monitoring) for $30/month, come on now, that's just unreasonable.

Posted by Motiv, 04-29-2009, 09:21 AM
I'm going to have to disagree here if this is Windows management. Full monitoring is as much as setting up rules in whatever monitoring system you may use and then having alerts sent to the client/yourself. Now if this was 'proactive monitoring' meaning issues would be resolved by the managed services company as they arise in the monitoring system, then I think it would be a different story. Proactive updates? .... This involves turning on automatic updates, or if you don't want to do that, MS releases patches once monthly. So it would take all of 10 minutes to login, download, install, and reboot once a month. So, for $30 a month, a think any managed services company that has their stuff together could offer monitoring/alerts + "proactive" updates. Just my 2 cents.

Posted by petteyg359, 04-29-2009, 09:30 AM
If a company is offering a service for a fee, then any potential user has every right to expect to receive the advertised service, regardless of what your opinion of the price is.

Posted by AstroNyu, 04-29-2009, 09:38 AM
IF the company can't deliver what they promised then don't ever promise at all. OP was only expected to received the service like what've been advertised. I don't know why OP waited for 8 months before calling it a quit though. But in REAL life, **** happens. Maybe OP was busy doing something else hence he outsource a company to manage his server. But the thing here, it was merely a customer who are not getting a service like he was promised.

Posted by Steven.C, 05-05-2009, 05:39 PM
Hello Andres, I do not see an open ticket for you. Please contact me at steven -at- with the email address that you signed up with so I may take a look into your account to see what's going on and so I may further assist you. Kind Regards,

Posted by Zachary McClung, 05-05-2009, 07:30 PM
I would not expect much of anything with a budget service provider like Seeks Admin. If you haven't noticed around here, everyone has the same problem with the same reply from Mr. Clarke. The statement fits pretty clearly you get what you pay for.

Posted by Nick Keefen, 05-10-2009, 04:06 PM
Well, that's indeed too bad, but i can't disagree that $30 is not enough for updates + monitoring. Guys, $100/month is an average price for cheap _full management_. Cheap _monitoring+updates_ can fit into $30.

Posted by nibb, 05-12-2009, 01:27 AM
I agree. Basic services, monitoring, updates, fo 30$ can fit but fully management for 30$? 100$ the already cheap if someone takes 20 minutes a day to look into your server. And 20 minutes is to much already. Thats 3$ a day.

Posted by sharmaine1111, 05-16-2009, 01:40 AM
PSM can provide FULL management at almost $30/month so its DOABLE.

Posted by whmcsguru, 05-16-2009, 02:00 AM
nice try, but not quite In order to provide FULL management, you have to A> monitor the server's logs completely B> monitor the server 24x7 C> Offer proactive updates D> know what your client is running, and address their vulnerabilities PRO ACTIVELY. There's more to it, but that's a pretty good basic start PSM is not a "fully managed" company.

Posted by nibb, 05-16-2009, 03:34 AM
One thing is to advertize something and another is to deliver it. It seems the confusition arrises because there is not real limit or standard on what is fully managed and managed services. To offer some services is not fully managed. Fully managed is just like having a sys admin for you that does anything on the server

Posted by ServerManagement, 05-16-2009, 05:13 PM
That is not true. There is no text book definition of fully managed, every company has their own meaning of what fully managed includes. We support every aspect of the server and therefore are considered fully managed. We just do not proactively do updates to your server, they are done only upon request. Last edited by ServerManagement; 05-16-2009 at 05:17 PM.

Posted by whmcsguru, 05-16-2009, 05:51 PM
I guess there's no textbook definition of cheese, or milk, or cat then either. There is in fact a textbook definition of the two words: Fully: Now, managed: Just because the industry thinks it's ok to ignore standard definitions does NOT mean it's ok to do. A fully managed server, by definition is one that is taken care of entirely, and yes, this includes pro-active updates

Posted by Orien, 05-16-2009, 06:42 PM
I understand what you're saying and generally agree but I don't think that's a fair assessment. For instance, take the words "fully insured". By definition, that means entirely insured but it almost never works like that in real world applications. There are always different policies and conditions involved and ultimately it's up to customers to find out what they're purchasing and I think PSM makes it pretty clear what their service provides.

Posted by petteyg359, 05-17-2009, 01:11 AM
Opinions as to the difference between "(fully) managed" and "proactive updates" have no bearing on the fact that the OP did not receive the service advertised and paid for. An update saying whether or not this was resolved would be nice

Posted by realrena, 05-21-2009, 03:57 PM
Although I don't wish to get into details, I've been using SeeksAdmin for 2 years now, and this is what I've come up with. For the first year, they're been a very good server management company IMO. Response was quick, Tris was helpful, things I requested to get done were done within a day or so. However, since mid of last year, things have changed dramatically. When I first joined them, their response to tickets were very quick. Most of the time they replied my ticket within an hour. But for the past few months, the longest wait time I had to wait for a ticket to be replied was 19 days. And the ticket was regarding about a small upgrade on an existing server, which should not take them more than 1 day to provide me with a reply, let alone the upgrade itself still haven't take place after nearly 2 months. Also worth mentioning, the last "server reboot" ticket I've submitted took a few hours before they even replied to my ticket. I've decided to move on and leave SeeksAdmin starting next month. I don't know what happened to the great service they had before, but I don't think I will be looking back again.

Posted by pmabraham, 05-25-2009, 12:08 PM
Greetings: linux-tech is correct; services are either fully managed or not fully managed. BTW, this is very similar to a few years ago when "1 and 1" was advertising continuous backup on all of their shared hosting plans; they tried to change the meaning of "continuous" to allow for the fact backup was every other day. There are companies that provide full managed services; but in the almost (6 more days to go) 14 years of being in business, I know of none for $30 per month or under. Thank you.

Posted by Manageandsupport_com, 05-25-2009, 12:22 PM
Not really, there is a big difference between offering proactive management vs non proactive. With proactive management a company has to schedule a technician every month to review and update the server vs with non proactive unless the user submits a tickets company will not do any changes on the server.

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