
Hostlatte - avoid!

Posted by abluegrape, 10-30-2009, 01:35 PM
Now and again I find myself in need of a bit of hosting here and there and found Hostlatte in the offers forum. First few days was fine - quick answers to support etc and then it all went south. I noticed a couple of minutes of down time here and there so asked them what was happening - they were honest and said they were getting problems (their site went awol at the same time but email worked) and were looking into it. For the last 3 days, according to, they have supplied me with 33% uptime. To be honest I went with them as they offered a billing system with their accounts, something I needed more than the space - it was $5 cheaper to get the reseller account than just go get the license for Blesta. Anyway, after a few back and forths, they said they had seen a bit of down time but not the amount I was saying (even though its monitored!) and I asked, under their 99.9% uptime promise, to refund for the month. Nothing for a while and then their Level 3 tech said he would look into it for me. That was a couple of days and although I have updated the ticket wondering whats going on - server still dies etc, no one has answered. I will now be going via my credit card company to get the money back, something I don't like doing much as it could be easily remidied if they manned up and admitted the bad service,refunded and apologised. Anyway - if you want uptime, don't go for Hostlatte (, you won't get it and you won't get answers! I will send my domain to the mods. Anyway - think I will just go with the original plan of getting a Blesta / WHMCS / whatever license instead of giving these people a chance! Once more - take you life in your hands if you go with this mob. So, once more into the offer forums

Posted by DominicQuick, 10-30-2009, 01:43 PM
In my opinion if you can get 1TB Transfer for $4 a month that is really unstable. Go for a non-overselling host and you will find reliability. Plus if you can get hosting for the price of a cup of coffee i would not have even contemplated signing up to such company. If you pay more you get more service and support. Dom

Posted by abluegrape, 10-30-2009, 01:47 PM
Yeah I know - I saw them offering their $16 for just under $11 in the offers section, needed something quite quickly and they seemed okay on their original answers to my questions. Live and learn

Posted by DominicQuick, 10-30-2009, 02:28 PM
We've all had to do that Only problem is that new hosts offer low costs to get established and then the reliability is poor. Ive also noticed that they have just 1 reseller server and a few VPS servers so thats probably why your downtime is as low as it is. In the future do your homework first and pick a reliable host and dont be afraid to ask any questions. Many reliable hosts actually answer questions even if the hosting plan is for £2 a month. Best Wishes, Dom

Posted by ldcdc, 10-30-2009, 04:25 PM
Thank you for the review. Domain received and hosted by Hostlatte.

Posted by ItsJustHosting, 10-31-2009, 06:32 PM
Thanks for sharing your experience. I cannot access their site now, if they're experiencing difficulties I hope they can get it under control.

Posted by abluegrape, 10-31-2009, 06:37 PM
They haven't sorted it in the last month so I wouldn't hold your breath. They still haven't responded to my questions about what is going on or refunded me.

Posted by The-Pixel, 10-31-2009, 06:50 PM
Thank you for sharing your experience with us.

Posted by JixHost, 11-01-2009, 09:05 PM
Hopefully all will be corrected in time.

Posted by PremiumHost, 11-02-2009, 01:50 AM
If you had such poor uptime, Hostlatte should issue full refund. Most hosting providers offer money back guarantee and SLA which would entitle you to 100% refund when uptime falls below particular level.

Posted by abluegrape, 11-02-2009, 04:13 AM
They got as far as saying, and I quote: "I have been monitoring your site from a couple of hours yes we did have some hiccups regarding the uptime but its all been restored . let me talk to my higher department and see how to compensate for the downtime and inconvenience it has caused to you . For HostLatte Shuja Level 3 Customer Service" That was on October 27th and since then they haven't even responded to the ticket or any other questions I ask. In fact, looking this morning they closed the ticket - what a bunch of muppets. Even untrained monkies could keep a website online to get an uptime of above their brilliant 30%. So, I would suggest staying the hell away from HostLatte ( - just making sure Google et all pick this up if anyone searches their name) Cheers.

Posted by iHubNet-Matt, 11-03-2009, 04:23 PM
Sorry to hear your troubles. First of all their offers are not reasonable. And added to that they are too new also. So I think there were no chances for you to know their service quality by researching. Any way hope your next host will satisfy you.

Posted by polonuxseo1, 11-04-2009, 07:15 AM
Oh my..tsk.. be careful next time..

Posted by abluegrape, 11-08-2009, 05:53 PM
Well out of the blue this evening I received a reply asking for my PP address for a refund, see if this one materialises!!

Posted by astraxis, 11-09-2009, 02:35 AM
Hi! Hearty welcomes for this type of reviews! Neal Jasper

Posted by AquariusStorage, 11-09-2009, 02:43 AM
It's not just you! looks down from here. Ahh, maybe they are gone?

Posted by abluegrape, 11-09-2009, 04:17 AM
This is one of their regular downtimes, everytime I get up in the morning its down for at least 2 hours and anywhere up to 8 or 9 hours. Suprisingly no refund yet this morning either

Posted by mynehost, 11-09-2009, 05:58 AM
Seem like down over here... don't you think that they have run away ?..

Posted by XeHSean, 11-09-2009, 07:08 AM
They appear to still be offline. If your website is not back up soon, or if this downtime is becoming a regular thing, you may wish to consider switching hosts

Posted by angeli, 11-11-2009, 03:55 AM
Nice advice, thanks for sharing

Posted by nrrona, 12-11-2013, 02:50 PM
wow, looks like i should have done more research into this company. Needless to say it appears they never learned to be a reputable company in all these years. I unfortunately signed up with them on a 3 year promo i saw this year... and for a few months everything was going well. They would reply to support tickets usually within an hour or less. And then one day one of their servers crashed and was offline for 10 days. lost a lot of peoples' data b/c they hardly had any backups. On top of that dozens of people complained on their facebook page and were censored. Everything changed after that. Their support ticket replies went from under 1 hour to 24+ hours wait time. The person responding was so inept it would take literally DAYS of back and forth emails with him to resolve simple issues. Their main page is a blatant lie. They claim "ANYTIME money back guarantee" and yet all my requests for a refund have one ignored. This company is absolute garbage and not a reputable company at all.

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