
CPU load questions

Posted by Jesna, 10-06-2013, 03:54 AM
Hi all Im having a reseller account but my sites are a bit slow sometimes. The average cpu load is between 5-15 (8 cpu's). When its is on 5 I can live with it. But on 15 its slow. I have contacted my web host and they are monitoring the server. Its a new problem but has been there for 3-4 weeks. Is the cpu load too high? and can I do anything to help the problem? The server use cloudlinx and litespeed I have cpanel and whm. /Jakob

Posted by Tuguhost, 10-06-2013, 04:03 AM
yupz, seem they overload their server for me, a stable server will have average server load max 70% move to another provider its shared server, whatever optimisation you do, i doubt it would decrease server load slightly

Posted by net, 10-06-2013, 04:06 AM
They thought using cloudlinux and litespeed they can put unlimited accounts :-) But, you should coordinate this with your host and ask them to move you in a server not overloaded.

Posted by net, 10-06-2013, 04:08 AM
How can you say his provider can't decrease the load? OP: I do not recommend to move until you talk with your provider and solve it. If they can't help you anymore, then that is the time for you to move.

Posted by Tuguhost, 10-06-2013, 06:47 AM
i didnt mean his provider i mean whatever OP do, it wouldnt made a lot of impact for server load

Posted by JixHost, 10-12-2013, 07:00 AM
Its likely an over filled box, however it could also be 1 account using all the resources from the server if cloudlinux is not setup correctly.

Posted by gingir, 10-12-2013, 11:38 AM
Ask them to move your account to another server and if they refuse to do so move on.

Posted by mrzippy, 10-13-2013, 01:00 PM
Honestly, cloudlinux should be able to prevent this, unless the server is *seriously* overloaded. This seems unlikely since the OP said the problem only started a few weeks ago. It seems more likely that CloudLinux is not properly configured, and there is at least one site using up too much resources. Either way, I would suggest contacting the hosting provider and telling them exactly what you posted above. Explain that you noticed server load has been high for the last few weeks, and you need to see the problem fixed or moved to a different (not overloaded) server.

Posted by EthernetServers, 10-13-2013, 01:25 PM
Not necessarily caused by another cPanel account, though, in which case CloudLinux won't help at all. It could be anything from backups running to updates and so on. I would suggest being patient and giving your host time to rectify the issue, and, if they are unable to leave, I'd suggest visiting the reseller hosting section here on WHT and finding another provider.

Posted by SSD-Greg, 10-13-2013, 01:58 PM
Have you tried contacting your host and telling them about your situation? They may be able to fix this issue they can reconfigure cloud Linux and have it run at a stronger rate. If they are unable to fix this problem and if your site still has high loads then you should look into transferring to a new and more better reliable server providers. There can be many different factors and reasons why your server load is high.

Posted by Webhostpython, 10-13-2013, 02:03 PM
Depending on how often the load goes up to 15 (and if it seems to be at the same time, same day of the week everytime it goes up), it could be backups or websites that are getting traffic spikes. Either way, if you've been there a while, and this problem just started, try letting them know how you feel, and more importantly how serious of a problem it is to you. Almost all issues can be resolved with some good communication between you and your host. It could be a simple fix such as changing the times that backups run, or moving an account that has out grown its plan to another server where there are more resources for it. Good luck!

Posted by Jesna, 10-19-2013, 05:14 AM
I have decided to try out a vps from TMZ I have had it for a week and it runs great. Its a fully managed so im hoping it is amlost as easy as a normal shared host Thanks for the replies The problem is still on the reseller account. I have not asked for moving to another server because the problem can come there too... /Jakob

Posted by SkyNetHosting, 10-20-2013, 03:50 AM
Sometimes it may not even if you are on a fully managed VPS. Are you familiar dealing with root WHM?

Posted by TmzHosting, 10-20-2013, 10:57 AM
Hi Jakob, I am glad you are happy with our services. If you ever need anything, please let us know . - Daniel

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