
Should I leave my current host?

Posted by exerson, 10-06-2013, 11:48 AM
I am not gonna throw out my hosts name because up until recently I have been very happy with them. I have recently read a few posts that refer to server load issues as well as slow running sites and sites being down. I am fairly sure that those clients are on the same host I am. My sites have been going down at least once a day since the 24th of September Some days it is just one and some day's it is all of them. I was told: I responded that I was fed up. They responded: Should I take them up on there offer to switch servers or just find a new host? Opinions?

Posted by JiffyDomains, 10-06-2013, 12:02 PM
If you are happy with the service and support then I would say take up the offer of a move and possibly refer to their SLA to see if you're due any account credits for the downtime accrued upto the transfer date. Other than that you could take a look in the offers section to see if anything suits your needs.

Posted by @Jesse, 10-06-2013, 12:09 PM
I'd stay for sure, but move to another server. You could move to a new host, but lots could go wrong. You already know that these guys work for you, but just having a difficult time at the moment. It happens sometimes. Moving to a new server with them could solve it.

Posted by victormeldrew, 10-06-2013, 12:10 PM
If your happy with them i would say stay, we all have some problems now and then no one is perfect.

Posted by exerson, 10-06-2013, 12:16 PM
Sound advice. Thanks guys.

Posted by datarealm, 10-06-2013, 12:16 PM
If the issue has been happening daily for two weeks now, then their active monitoring does not appear to have been adequate. The part aside, if you are otherwise happy with your host, why not allow them to attempt to correct your issue by switching your sites to a different server? If you continue to experience performance issues after they migrate your site, then yes, without question you should be looking for alternate providers that can meet the demands of your site.

Posted by EthernetServers, 10-06-2013, 12:18 PM
I'd give them one more chance and let them migrate your accounts. If, after all of this, you still have issues, I would begin looking for a new service provider.

Posted by DWS2006, 10-07-2013, 08:11 AM
Give them another chance, but be prepared to make a move if history quickly repeats itself. The move could easily fix the issues though, it's easy to unintentionally overload a server with reseller accounts. Every now and then a server will have an unusually high number of active resellers (resellers that have 100 accounts instead of 20 or 30) and that could create issues until some of the heavier accounts are migrated.

Posted by menj, 10-07-2013, 08:25 AM
Sounds like they care about their clients and aware of the problem with their servers. Hard to find such qualities, so stay with them.

Posted by KzN-Kane, 10-07-2013, 08:57 AM
Should wait give a chance & move to another server. If it still going bad after maybe a move will be necessary

Posted by HostMantis, 10-07-2013, 09:36 AM
Agreed. And also make sure you have current backups of all the accounts downloaded locally in the event you need to make a quick move.

Posted by tjohnson3757, 10-08-2013, 07:46 AM
Since you said you have been happy with their services I think you should take them up on their offer. That is normal for things like that to happen on shared hosting and since they are offering you to move you to a different server I would go with that and see how that works out, hopefully better for you.

Posted by Louis - SiteMyWeb, 10-08-2013, 11:54 AM
If you happy with the service they provide to you then I would take them up on their offer.

Posted by exerson, 10-16-2013, 12:19 AM
OK guys had my accounts moved on the 7th and I have had issues everyday since then pingdom telling my sites are down as well as ridiculously slow load times. Does everyone agree that it's time to leave now?

Posted by @Jesse, 10-16-2013, 10:45 AM
It's time to move elsewhere

Posted by DWS2006, 10-16-2013, 11:33 AM
Agreed. @OP, you gave your host the benefit of the doubt but they couldn't correct the issues. It's time to move on to a better provider.

Posted by HostXNow_Chris, 10-16-2013, 12:14 PM

Posted by JiffyDomains, 10-16-2013, 03:07 PM
I would agree it's time for a move, take a look in the offers section to see what promotions are running and give another provider a shot.

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