
Is this for real?

Posted by morganix, 11-26-2006, 03:52 AM I know you're all aware of the deal, and I'm quite aware that they are overselling, but I have to ask this. I've looked at their Resource Usage Policy, and it seems practical that I could use 4-5TB of bandwidth a month without violating their terms with the right tools. There are four main things that stick out here.... - Consume more than 16 MBs of RAM. - Utilize in excess of 15 seconds of CPU time. - Simultaneous Apache connections in excess of 50. - Number of simultaneous processes should not exceed 5. Link: I just recently ordered an unmetered 20Mbps server to handle my media downloads, but I'd like a mirror. I would only use it to host files, everything else would be hosted on a dedicated server. So, with that in mind, could one write a script to limit the amount of connections so they didn't exceed 45? Also I'd need to stop all connections if I got close the the bandwidth limit. Considering the price, I figure it's worth a try if it's possible. So... is it?

Posted by localhost127, 11-26-2006, 03:57 AM
With those kinds of resource limits they're not overselling, they're just offering you limits that you could never possibly reach. With those rules, they basically guarantee that nobody can download media files from your site, and that you cannot have a very active site. The only way i could see someone utilizing all of that service would be by maxing out FTP connections.

Posted by morganix, 11-26-2006, 04:09 PM
Most browsers these days support FTP connections and will automatically download files via FTP, so could I write a script and take that route? This probably isn't worth my time but I cant help but be curious.

Posted by localhost127, 11-26-2006, 04:31 PM
For most purposes, it is useless. You could perhaps use it as a personal backup just to keep a secondary set of the files, however there is really no way for you to control the number of hits that you receive. It is fairly common practice for some people to setup anonymous ftp sites, however you would be unable to do this on your host.

Posted by Monkey Made, 11-26-2006, 11:51 PM
The only suggestion I can offer is to drop that service now, before you put a lot of time into it. The restrictions they give you are far to limiting.

Posted by Rageki-John, 11-27-2006, 03:04 AM
That is very true. They have so many restrictions that it is impossible to use up all of the resources that they provide you.

Posted by morganix, 11-27-2006, 03:16 AM
I don't have any services through them, and it looks like I never will. I was just curious if it was possible to use them as a cheap file host. Thanks for your comments guys!

Posted by Iwannasite, 11-27-2006, 03:17 AM
Even if you found a way to use it within their limitations, you'd still be dropped and given some excuse. People who get excited about these kinds of deals should know better by now. One of these days the FTC is going to make an example out of one of these hosts and maybe things will get back to sanity in the hosting business.

Posted by drewnick, 11-29-2006, 10:59 AM
It's going to take both a) disgruntled, informed clients and b) unfair trade practice filings by competitiors before anyone gets cracked down on.

Posted by morganix, 11-29-2006, 03:08 PM
Well, the only previous experience I ever had was with a well known and hated overseller who is out of business now I think. It was several years ago, and I bought a $20 a month package with 650GB of monthly transfer. Many people had problems with them like slow connections, but everything worked perfect for me. I even used about 500 - 600GB of transfer every month... service was perfect the whole year I prepaid for. The only reason I dropped it was because I was just using it to host media and warez for friends.

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