
stay away from - jixhost comment

Posted by kanvulf, 05-09-2013, 05:16 AM
we have some bad experience with i hope no one wont have that kind of experience any more with this compnany so the thing is, they removed our customer accound without any confirmation (well it wast porn or etc.) they didnt block or suspend they removed our customer data and when we ask them they told was removed by abuse. and we want the data back to move some other place than they ask 15 dolars for data which is they deleted without our confirmation. well im asking you guys what kind of company is this hosting or mafia?

Posted by zoid, 05-09-2013, 05:46 AM
they appear to have a representative here on the forum who might be able to shed some light on this but judging from what you said i have to agree that it looks bad

Posted by Faris Aziz, 05-09-2013, 06:22 AM
Have you read through the TOS? - Well, there must be something we may have caused them to terminate the account.

Posted by kanvulf, 05-09-2013, 11:14 AM
well if there is some things wrong about any user accound or domain they can block or disable no need to delete it. Asking for money its some thing else

Posted by rocketsciense, 05-09-2013, 11:24 AM
They are right as per there TOS, asked them to send abuse complaint which they received against you? then you can get clear picture about it. and paying dollar for your backup is not worth.

Posted by Licensecart-Callum, 05-09-2013, 07:01 PM
I was just going to say did you read their Terms and conditions you agreed to when you signed up, you need to base your terms on theirs. 1. You/your clients may not have any offensive material/images or language of any kind in publicly viewable pages, including but not exclusive to adult images/explicit language etc... However, you/your clients may do so IF you/they solely have such content in a membership only area. (e.g. password protected area) AND all members are warned of the content BEFORE joining; Did you client have a DOB Checker? Anyway normally I would say it was the providers fault by terminating an account without being warned / suspended but in their Terms they fully state in the first section. So I believe the provider wasn't doing anything wrong unless you can confirm your client did have a warning page.

Posted by kanvulf, 05-10-2013, 03:12 AM
I had some bad experience and i share with people. Well people will decide. Lasly I have never enough time to read "Terms and conditions" staff if there is that kind of things in their terms so it doesnt make them RIGHT! if some thing wrong with some article you can close it you can block it you can disable it BUT YOU WILL NEVER HAVE RIGHT TO DELETE SOME BODY ELSE DATAS WITH ANY REASON EVEN IF ITS PORN OR RASIST. (which is mine wasnt) thanks anyway! chears.

Posted by Crothers, 05-10-2013, 03:33 AM
No, you're wrong. A business decided to only take on customers that fit in their moral compass. If porn or racism isn't allowed on their servers, they undeniably reserve the right to delete your content as they see fit. It's their servers, it's THEIR cPanel account. Not yours. You're RENTING it under the basis that you follow THEIR terms, not yours. If you violate an AUP or TOS, you should immediately have all of your data deleted with no recourse. You do not have rights when you rent a service, they have the right to do as they please regardless if it's morally right or wrong in your mind. You are not empowered and you shouldn't feel empowered, you should feel obligated to follow the contractual agreement you entered into when paying them (the TOS and AUP).

Posted by zoid, 05-10-2013, 04:06 AM
First of all, it would be nice if everyone could stop theorising about porn or racism as this is obviously not related to this case. So whats the point? Secondly An AUP is not the ultimate truth but always needs to be in accordance with the legal customer rights in order not to be be void right from the start. Then, they can do as they please (always in accordance with THEIR provider) as long as they use their little server for themselves and only have their own nice little websites on it. The moment they provide a service to others on a monetary basis they cannot do this anylonger. For the time the customer paid, the customer does not own it but is still entitled to the service and moral has little to do in this area but only legal terms. If a provider does not share its customer's moral views he can cancel the contract and ask the customer to move but certainly not simply delete whatever he wants. Whatever it was in this case, the provider should have first informed his customer and then in addition possibly suspend the account in question. But definitely not go ahead and simply delete data and then try to extort money from him for the restore. Last edited by zoid; 05-10-2013 at 04:14 AM.

Posted by rv_irl, 05-10-2013, 06:34 AM
What was the nature of the content that caused them to suspend? In all cases, it's a good idea to ask the provider beforehand what their policy is when it comes to Abuse and suspensions along with how they will handle it, the typical process they will follow etc. This way, you know what to expect should the worst happen.

Posted by Atlanical-Mike, 05-10-2013, 10:39 AM
If you abuse their terms and conditions then they can either: - Suspend you and give you time to remove the content. - Terminate the account. I'm going by that it was Adult content but I might be wrong because there's a T next to the WAS. But people say these things: 1.) Read the terms and conditions you are agreeing to when you sign up to their services. 2.) Take a backup.

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