
Reseller Hosting Server Requirement

Posted by viking79, 05-10-2013, 06:56 AM
Hi, Anyone of you know what will be the entry level of an re-seller hosting server? What kind of spec in order to host say 100 clients 500 clients 100 clients As I was told by the provider of 1GB of VPS with 100GB disk is designed for 1 website hosting. Is this true ? As they say i have 80s account in the VPS, it is over usage on my RAM. Why a site that no traffic in Cpanel/Whm VPS will suck up all the RAM? Is this true?

Posted by Ricky-GWS, 05-10-2013, 07:16 AM
There is no hard fast rule for this type of thing. I mean you could host hundreds of static/html sites if not thousands with virtaully no problems. However most sites these days are dynamic and database driven, but similar rules apply in that you could host a lot of fairly low traffic sites, but it only takes one or a few sites to be busier for problems to start occuring. Therefore if you had the view of hosting hundreds of accounts per server it would make sense to have a fairly powerful server i.e. atleast quad core.

Posted by viking79, 05-10-2013, 07:19 AM
is that true that cpanel will hold up each site created in memory ? my problem i think is how much RAM needed. As lot of VPS provide here are shared CPU which is 2x Quad Core.

Posted by Ricky-GWS, 05-10-2013, 07:29 AM
You will always want a good amount of RAM, atleast 8GB but more likely 16GB+ The most common constraint is Disk bandwidth or CPU. I'm not sure what you mean about each cpanel account being created in memory. The memory used will be due to system and cpanel processes + processes from users. If no one is visiting a website on the server then there would only be system and cpanel processes running (cpanel processes including mysql apache and other daemons)

Posted by viking79, 05-10-2013, 07:33 AM
I have the same thought. But my current provider tell me that the more account I created with Cpanel/Whm the more memory it use up. And I can 110% sure that the site that accumulate all the site that I current host will not > 200 visitor a day. I'm planing to get a right provider with the right hosting requirement. So I'm here to seek for information. Thanks for your sharing ..

Posted by Ricky-GWS, 05-10-2013, 07:35 AM
I'm not sure if thats true. Perhaps in some setups it could be true (LVE), but even then it'd be marginal memory per account. What exactly are you seeking advice for? A dedicated server or a VPS?

Posted by viking79, 05-10-2013, 08:18 AM
What is LVE? Im looking for a vps.

Posted by rv_irl, 05-10-2013, 09:16 AM
It all depends on the nature of the websites. There is no written rule to say you can host X amount of websites on a server that has Y specs. Each website will behave differently and typically will experience different levels of traffic. Likewise how each website processes each visitor and the amount of resources it will use, vastly depends what scripts that certain website using, how image intensive it is and how optimised it is. You can have a powerful server hosting 1x very busy website, yet have another powerful server hosting hundreds of not so busy websites. You can even have a server hosting a very quiet website but because of the amount of plugins, images and sloppy coding - it uses up the entire resources of the server. So traffic volume alone isn't sufficient nor is the CMS used (assuming a CMS is used). There are so many variables that you need to consider and as a result, there is no clear cut answer. If a host gives you one without knowing much about what you're hosting then it's safe to say they're more interested in getting the sale and a good sign that you may have potential problems down the road. Ultimately, it all comes down to previous experience of the website(s) you run, and if you're a webhost, previous experiences you've had hosting similar websites. With the introduction of things such as CloudLinux, it's more feasible to prevent a single website from overloading the server and can help increase server density - but CloudLinux is also not an end-all solution and so common sense & past experiences should never be neglected, and if anything should be given priority. If I was in your shoes, I'd try to find out how much resources your existing websites are using and find out your existing server specs. That will at least give you a starting point.

Posted by Ricky-GWS, 05-10-2013, 09:18 AM
Lightweight virtual environment (Cloud Linux) which separates each account into its own virtual environment hence it would use some memory for each account

Posted by PremiumHost, 05-10-2013, 10:01 AM
This is not true. Server resource is used when websites have visitors. Hosting domains with no/little traffic does affect server resource but only when you host hundreds of domains. 1GB Ram VPS should be able to handle 80 domains with small traffic (less than 5GB/month per site). If budget allows you should consider upgrade more RAM.

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