
Wirenine Review (3 Month)

Posted by danisgood, 01-23-2013, 06:33 PM
Hi, I just thought I'd write a review for Wirenine ( I've used many resellers in the past, and I don't usually write reviews. I don't write reviews when I've just had bad experiences either. If I'm honest, the only reason I went with Wirenine is because they seem to be one of the only hosts to offer Hostbill. I've played with Hostbill in the past, I've used WHMCS mostly and wanted to get back in to Hostbill. I have a level 2 package, and the price I pay is very good for what I get. I don't pay much ($25 per month), and I've paid a lot more in the past, but I picked Wirenine due to them offering Hostbill and the reputation I found about them. The reason I left my other host (A well known UK host) is because of constant downtime due to daily backups causing the mySQL service to time out. This is a problem when I was running WHCMCS and Wordpress. So I looked around and saw Wirenine. I've occasually had the same problem, however no where near as much. Whilst I'm from the UK, I haven't found the speeds to a US server to be a problem. I've started to use Cloudflare (However not noticed a difference yet), but I have no complaints about the speeds to the server. I've not ran any speed tests, but I've never had anyone say a site loads slow. The main problem I've had is with their support. For the majority of the time, they take a good few hours to reply. Earlier today i had a problem with the Hostbill license, and it took them over 3 hours to first reply to me. The problem was due to the license expiring due to a overdue invoice on their end. This does worry me, as I would assume these recurring payments to Hostbill would be paid on time. I wasn't able to log in to the backend of Hostbill until it was resolved. The other problem I've found (Which isn't a huge one) is the limit on CRON time scheduling. Hostbill wants it's CRON job to run every 5 minutes (As does WHMCS, I believe). However Wirenine limit you to every 15 minutes. Again, not too much of a big deal... But I've never had experience with a host limiting that. But overall, I'd have to say Wirenine are quite a good hosting company. They aren't the best, they certainly aren't the worst! They offer Hostbill (Which like I've said, is the main reason I chose them to begin with). Whilst I've found their support to be slow to respond (And possibly outsourced, which I wouldn't have a problem with, apart from the speed of the replies), they offer a good value for money. Sure, they don't respond very quick... But I've found it's rare to have to contact them. Would I recommend them, apart from the licence issue, yes. I am a little worried with them allowing my Hostbill license to expire. I've not had the problem before and I certainly don't want to see it again. I would be lying if I said it hasn't worried me, I am going to start looking at other hosts just in case, but unless it happens again, I can't see myself moving. -- If I have to verify I have an account with them, just let me know how and I will.

Posted by Onra Host, 01-24-2013, 02:19 AM
Glad to see you are liking it over there at Wirenine for most part! What backup system was your last provider using? On the note of cron jobs; it is normal for most hosts to actually have the 15 minute interval limit. However, WHMCS and HostBill can run perfectly fine on 15-minuite interval limits for daily operations. I assume your talking about your mail cron as well, which would always theoretically be on 15 minute delay to your inbox. If it does become a problem or annoyance , I would suggest moving your main website to a small VPS or asking your provider to provide an exception??? Has the Hostbill licensing problem been every month or just this one time? If just once, I wouldn't worry to much. Plenty of things could of possibly happened with the payment transactions among other things. To verify, click on the "Report" button on the top right corner of your post and provide them with the domain and/or IP that you your on with the provider that you are reviewing.

Posted by danisgood, 01-24-2013, 01:39 PM
My old host was using R1Soft, and moved to Bacula. However the problems still existed. I know Wirenine use R1Soft. Regarding the CRON Job times, I've never known anyone to limit it. However I can understand why. I have emails piped to Hostbill, so the mail is imported instantly. The licence issue hasn't been every month, this is the first time. That's why I'm not worried too much. I've reported the post to verify my domain. Thank you, Onra Host for your help!

Posted by db09, 01-26-2013, 05:08 PM
Glad to hear you have had a mostly positive experience with Wirenine. They are some good folks over there, I'm sure they will take good care of you if given the opportunity.

Posted by danisgood, 02-06-2013, 02:10 PM
UPDATE: Well, lately I had a day or so of downtime, due to backup issues. They told me after they'd disabled the addon until the developer got back to them. However, because of this, I suffered downtime due to timeouts. I contacted them asking for credit (As it had gone under their 99.9% guarantee), however unlike their normal support, I received short replies rejecting it, as they will only credit downtime when the server is physically offline. I understand that if this is their policy, there is not much I can do about it, however I tried to explain that if I'm buying a hosting service and all I get is timeouts occurring, stopping visitors to my site, it may as well be down. However, I've not had any change. I don't mind I'm not getting a refund of credit for this months downtime, as their policy is that downtime = server physically off, but the short replies and not actually listening is what has finally made me cancel my service. I can deal with downtime, as it's impossible to have a service up 24/7 forever, there shall always be problems, however the service I had with them when talking about the problem was not helpful and not what I'd received before. I also feel worried that it took nearly a day before they noticed a problem with the server. As soon as I noticed the dozens of emails I had from monitoring services that it was down, I emailed them. And it seems to be that until I (Or someone else contacted them after), that they didn't realise. (This is all what I assume happened, due to the time it took for them to respond to the problem) I've cancelled my account. Overall, until the past week or so, I've not had that many issues with them. Downtime, whilst no one likes it, happens. However how a company goes at resolving it and actually talking to customers, is something that the company has control over. Maybe someone over there can train the staff to be a little friendlier to customers, and monitor their servers a little closer to see when issues arise. I am sorry to go, mainly because I like hostbill, however with their licensing structure, it may be some time before I purchase a licence myself. I'm going to be using a well known UK host, who I have used in the past and apart from the odd occasion, have great reliability. Their costs are expensive but the quick and friendly support are worth it.

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