
DNS Issues with ISP's in Mexico, any ideas?

Posted by hostingmex, 11-15-2012, 09:34 PM
Hello I'm here because since a long time ago I'm moving between hosting providers due a issue with the access to my domains under some hosting services. Today I'm under the same problem, I'm testing two ISP's (Mexico City's Cablevision ISP and Telmex ISP) connections but on both I can not get access to my domains but if I use my smartphone and the 3G network I can see all the domains with out any problem also I activated the 3G modem on the smartphone to get access to my computers and everything works fine for each domain, email, WHM and CPanel. I'm looking for some directions and advices about this issues just trying to solve this problem Thank you very much

Posted by foobic, 11-15-2012, 10:01 PM
First verify that your DNS is set up correctly. Often people blame ISPs for failing to resolve their DNS properly when in reality their own systems are misconfigured and providing inconsistent information so it's really just a crap-shoot whether a domain resolves properly anywhere. The check at is good for this. Then try to find resolver IPs for the ISPs concerned. These are normally provided automatically through DHCP but they're usually published somewhere. Then provided the ISP hasn't blocked connections from outside you can query them directly with "dig @IP domain" or "nslookup domain IP". (If they have blocked outside connections you'll need to ask a subscriber to do this for you.) Propagation does take time and ISPs can legitimately cache old results, but if you query the resolvers directly you should see this process in action so there's no mystery about it.

Posted by hostingmex, 11-16-2012, 01:16 AM
Well this domains are not new, the problem was solved 5-6 months ago, but now I have the problem again. My actual provider said everything is OK from his side, but not mine. The weird thing here is, with two ISP the problem began 2 weeks ago, but the problem is not present on the 3G/HSDPA/HSDPA+ network. I'm out of solutions with the provider, they can not (do not want to) help me, so I'm on my own. So I need some guidelines to test for a solution or to shift from hosting provider. I really appreciate all your information and support.

Posted by hostingmex, 11-16-2012, 01:20 AM
Any help will be appreciated

Posted by foobic, 11-16-2012, 02:38 AM
Providers always say their DNS is ok. Sometimes they're right. If you're willing to share the domain name anyone can test it for you, otherwise go to, put in your domain name, post the errors here. Edit: That's actually quite common. Different ISP / different networks use different resolvers for DNS. So if there's a problem with the DNS or a problem with some of the resolvers, they can behave differently. Last edited by foobic; 11-16-2012 at 02:43 AM.

Posted by zoid, 11-16-2012, 04:04 AM
Did you follows foobic's advice and check whether your domains resolve properly? Can you post them?

Posted by marul, 02-05-2013, 06:32 PM
I have the same issue with telmex. I have some domains that works ok for everyone except telmex customers. Perhaps there is a connection problem telmex/hetznet but if customers set google dns ( everything is ok. example:

Posted by FCA9, 02-05-2013, 10:33 PM
You'll always be alone while dealing with Telmex.

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