
Resellerspanel: the worst

Posted by mlacunza, 02-02-2013, 10:38 AM
Hi, First at all sorry for my english, is not my mother language. I need to write this message to warn the people about this provider, so the facts: 1. Im a 4 years client of resellerspanel, in this time they have 4-5 big problems, support ask in 1 hour most of the time, service could be better. 2. On last monday they made a server migration (I think datacenter migration) Results: ALL my websites are down, I need to change the IPs in my registrar, fine. 3. After that change and after 5 days 80% of my sites are still down (inluding my reseller site) I receipt a lot of stupid answers from support about how to fix "my problems", problems with php config. 4. I found databases dont moved or deleted, they said "we are restoring hundreds of DB please wait" another great message show me how good was the migration 5. Today they said: old server is down, we dont have access to it,we cant restore db... so your business is complete broken.. I take the decision to move my business to another provider and I write this for all so you can take a better decision and dont choose resellerspanel. Saludos! Mario

Posted by Zimple, 02-02-2013, 11:59 AM
I'm sorry to here about your bad experience. Hope you found new reliable provider.

Posted by AuzzHosting, 02-02-2013, 12:03 PM
Sorry to hear. However you should always do your own backups so if things like this happen you have your own backup.

Posted by StarWebHosting, 02-02-2013, 12:05 PM
I'm sorry for the issues that you are having but you should always take your own backups so if something like this happens you can fall back on your own backup. Off site backups cost no more than 5-10 dollars per month and this a valid expense for any business.

Posted by mlacunza, 02-02-2013, 12:12 PM
Yes I had backup but they promise make a daily backup and its not the first time when I ask for it and they dont do anything.. But the point is: they do a server migration and they lose my info so they need to restore it right?

Posted by StarWebHosting, 02-02-2013, 12:17 PM
Do you have an agreement with them that they will backup your site for you? If so then they should be able to restore the latest backup for you as the migration failed. Hopefully they will have more than one backup? Even if a provider says they will take backups for you you should still take your own for piece of mind.

Posted by mlacunza, 02-02-2013, 12:21 PM
Yes, but thats not the point: they made a bad migration and broke everything so they need to restore all...

Posted by StarWebHosting, 02-02-2013, 12:28 PM
I do feel your pain and understand where you are coming from on this - if they have agreed to backup your site they should have multiple backups available just in case some of the backups become corrupt. They should quickly be able to restore these backups for you. Hopefully you have a current backup of your own?

Posted by NightHourSupport, 02-03-2013, 01:18 AM
Yes, they did complete migration. Fortunately all my sites moved safely. Not sure what went bad with you. Their support is most of the time not much helpful. I remember Vince/Alexandra of their team, very helpful. New techs not much helpful

Posted by net, 02-03-2013, 01:22 AM
Anything could happen during migration. This is why it is important that you also backup and do not just rely with the provider's migration. It is called being paranoid.

Posted by mlacunza, 02-03-2013, 02:28 AM
Bingo! 3 days and they cant restore a simple ONE Mysql db, they said me: we have hundreds of restoration in this moment be patient (so hundreds of bads migrations I think) I need to figured out how to access the old server obtain a copy and restore in the new server and my site was online again After 2-3 hours I did that action RP support answer me: sorry we dont have access to old server anymore, so you lose all....

Posted by mlacunza, 02-03-2013, 02:35 AM
2 problems: 1. they dont said the date of the migration, so I dont know when I need to change my IP, I notice it when many clients send tickets for sites down. 2. I dont order the migration, RP take the decision to migrate all the accounts to other server. For this I think RP is responsible for the migration results They migrate 30% succesfuly. The others sites was a pain. For example they forgot move my main database so my main site go down and when I ask for a good migration they put a lot the stupid arguments for dont do it.

Posted by mlacunza, 02-03-2013, 02:42 AM
Yes agree, now they dont read all the tickets (including log errors) and only response: your problem not mine, and when I show them about his errors they take action or read all...

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