
Need FULLY managed server advice

Posted by silentguardian, 12-04-2005, 08:42 PM
I have couple of sites which has intensive CPU and RAM usage. I would like to order a "FULLY" managed server, because I have "NO" experience about server administration. I am going to use this server like a reseller. I mean, "the provider" has to take care of everything -installing/updating the programs, patching, security, backup, and solving all other problems- for me. I just want to be interested in my sites. I have visited 800hosting's website, I guess their price is good. But I do not know if their servers are really "FULLY" managed. Do you have any idea about 800hosting's fully managed servers or could you please advice me any other fully managed server provider? I can afford 300$ per month right now.

Posted by AvailNetworks, 12-04-2005, 09:31 PM
do you have a specific machine requirement you would need to meet, $300 is a great budget to work with and you can get quite a bit of machine for that money

Posted by dandanfirema, 12-04-2005, 10:19 PM
Lots of providers will claim to offer that service, just make sure you have a very clear understanding of what they will do for you. It is good that you know what you need, dig deep, there are companies that will provide this to you.

Posted by mripguru, 12-05-2005, 12:09 AM
I'd recommend Tina and crew at AxisHOST for that - they seem to know what they're talking about when it comes to server administration (yes, I did have personal experience with them for a few months).

Posted by Tina J, 12-05-2005, 12:50 AM
When you contact a provider with your needs, make sure you make a list of exactly what you expect them to provide with their server administration. At this time, there are no clear cut guides that state what "fully managed" means...and it varies widely from provider to provider. Your budget of $300 per month should go quite a long way for a decent server and server management. --Tina

Posted by neuman, 12-05-2005, 01:24 AM
silentguardian, I would go with any provider you see on WHT as a trusted dedicated server provider and then use for monitoring/managing your server. You can go wrong when you use I'm currently using for dedicated servers and having look after them for me.

Posted by frattay22, 12-05-2005, 08:43 PM
dont u mean "you can't go wrong"

Posted by wb-Edgar, 12-05-2005, 09:01 PM
You think so? Any decent server would easily cost you $300+ at low-cost places like EV1, and to tack on any serious management on top of that, I don't know whether he'd be able to go far with that budget. ROFL!

Posted by AvailNetworks, 12-05-2005, 09:23 PM
what about places like liquid web that offer quite a powerful machine and excellent management for $279/mo....thats under the $300/mo budget $300 is plenty and a good sized budget to work with

Posted by Commit1 Anthony, 12-06-2005, 02:10 AM
The cost of fully managed servers have lowered over the past few months.

Posted by silentguardian, 12-08-2005, 03:50 PM
Here is my minimum expectations: CPU: Dual Intel Xeon 3GHz or AMD Opteron RAM: 1GB ECC Registered HDD: 2x73 SCSI or 2x120 SATA OS: Red Hat Linux Enterprise Control Panel: cPanel or Plesk Bandwidth: 1800GB / 10Mbps As I said before, I have never used a *nix system, so I do not have any experience about operating/administrating a server. In this case, "the provider" has to do it for me. I am looking for a FULLY managed server, which means "everything" for me; installing/upgrading required softwares, OS and software optimisation, neutralizing/blocking security threats, error monitoring and error correction, fix all the other problems about server... Unfortunately I cannot use anything which requires more administration experience than using cPanel or Plesk.

Posted by AvailNetworks, 12-08-2005, 03:55 PM
that should not be too hard really. where are you coming up with your 1800gb a month data transfer requirements. that is going to be the make or break on your setup I believe as most dedicated come with about 1000gb transfer. Also you said your app was cpu and ram intensive. will 1gb really be enough?

Posted by silentguardian, 12-08-2005, 07:33 PM
One of my sites is running on a server which has 512MB RAM, and it is OK. As I said before, these are the minimum values. 2GB would be quite good

Posted by AvailNetworks, 12-08-2005, 08:39 PM
ahh gotcha. I would say liquid web then. they have 2000 transfer 1000in and 1000 out. or go with and an outsource managed company like serverwizards if you think 1000gb transfer would be plenty

Posted by The3bl, 01-11-2006, 10:29 PM
Your easily in the ball park with specs and budget. Check several providers and make sure they cover everything you need done. Also ask if the management is proactive or reactive meaning they log in and just do it or do you have to submit a ticket and ask for things like kernel upgrades etc. You might check the offers section below in the ad forums. Some names I can think off the top of my head you can investigate. very good but it is reactive management, I have used them. The ones below I cannot recommend or steer you away from as I have never used them but I will list some names so you can get started and investigate on your own. . they have different levels of management you can buy. AlphaOmegaHosting.Com and many more if you do a search for managed servers on the board here or on google.

Posted by ayksolutions, 01-11-2006, 11:08 PM
As everyone has mentioned, your budget is perfect for this sort of thing. You should not have any trouble at all. Be ready to have answers though. For example, do you need the provider to install *everything* for you? All add-ons, etc...? That could get quite pricy and not a whole lot server administration companies do it, not to mention *managed* providers. Good luck

Posted by Ron Burke, 01-13-2006, 01:33 AM
Take a look at for hosting. My experience thus far has been good.

Posted by datacenterdirectory, 01-13-2006, 05:46 AM
Let us know how your selection process has gone!

Posted by angeldevil, 01-15-2006, 01:55 PM
I think you can visit their Package at 100Mpbs unlimited great price !

Posted by ayksolutions, 01-15-2006, 02:02 PM
Please do a search on 1&1 and 1and1 on these forums prior to going with them. I think you'll find that 99% of the topics here say how unprofessional this company is.

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