
EZPZ Resller is it time to change company? bad experience after long time

Posted by rain000, 12-28-2011, 04:38 AM
In december its down 4th time. 1st downtime 3-4 hour 2nd downtime 10-12 hour 3rd downtime 5-6 hour=Litespeed failed to connect to their licensing servers 4th downtime now=they reply in ticket=>(Fscks do not give an ETA thus we are unable to provide one. Thank you for your patience. )i dont know whats this,can anyone tell me? They open network issue ticket for simple rebooting...but still not open any ticket or notificaton for large downtime. In they are page: Server Uptime Screenshot: Server Uptime Screenshot in 3rd party site: really disappoint with EZPZ reseller account.what about other user? other user may not facing problem cause all are not in same server. anyone please suggest other reputated master reseller?

Posted by Dan_EZPZ, 12-28-2011, 06:56 AM
Hi, The majority of the issues we've been having have been due to poor hardware from Softlayer, with drives being installed that already have errors and extremely poor support when something goes wrong. Investigations on this server are also showing a drive issue. Needless to say we are not going to be using Softlayer for future servers and will be seeking another provider in Dallas. Anyone affected by this will be credited as per our SLA.

Posted by smerrikin, 12-28-2011, 08:12 AM
I am on us7 and have been for about 2 months. I am extremely disappointed with the uptime and am starting a search for a new host. After reading so many great reviews about them I am shocked. This is my fist time doin a reseller so imagine my horror after only 2 months and having this much down time. I also had other downtime when my Name servers where installed wrong (I don't control that) and when my ssl was mis configured. I ended up trouble shooting both and informing them. I do agree support is pretty fast but that can only go so far.

Posted by Hexpress, 12-28-2011, 11:42 AM
if the problems have been due to poor hardware from Softlayer and support is poor, I think it's best to transfer accounts to another server in another datacenter, it is important that the problem is solved permanently.

Posted by FRH Dave, 12-28-2011, 12:05 PM
EZPZ's support has been outstanding. They are beyond helpful when it comes to helping set everything up. There are a few hiccups with their VPS reseller program (the OS templates are a little outdated and the server specs don't match what's advertised, even after I called it to their attention), but downtime notwithstanding, my experience has been very positive overall. I can sympathize with them if they're getting bad hardware from Softlayer. This is surprising, since I always thought Softlayer to be one of the high-end providers themselves. But if they're installing bad hardware, there's little EZPZ can do. I still think that EZPZ offers the best overall value -- again, downtime notwithstanding. They've got the perfect combination of Litespeed / end-user support / great speeds / cPanel extras / WHM extras / price. I can't say I'm ready to bail just yet, but if this keeps up, I certainly will be. The best support in the world is nothing if my sites keep going down every other week. I haven't opened for business yet and I don't look forward to having to switch everyone to a new DC / provider in month #2. I really hope they can get this permanently fixed ASAP.

Posted by shvinod, 12-28-2011, 12:37 PM
I understand Dan't point but As an end customer, I am not concerned if they get bad server or hardware from their vendors or datacenter. I am also not a big fan of of SLA where the credit is only for the time when the service was down..

Posted by rain000, 12-28-2011, 12:43 PM
If its problem about softlayer why you not transferred dc?At least You think about all customer of you and yours customers-customer you get bad reputation means we also get bad reputation from our client .what we say to our client? As per your SLA i maybe get 4 month payment from ezpz cause: June 99.67% Jully 99.72% OCtober 99.67% December 97.77% if you really sent then i will open a ticket.

Posted by Dan_EZPZ, 12-28-2011, 12:48 PM
The SLA states if the service drops below 99.9% uptime you get a whole month free. We're going to. We're already researching and talking to a few providers and clients will be notified once we've tested a few to make sure they're stable.

Posted by rain000, 12-28-2011, 01:22 PM
Thank you.I am happy with 1 yr.But this december really suffering . Hope you will found good server within 1 to 2 days. BTW i open ticket?for 4 month return?

Posted by IsolatedHosting, 12-28-2011, 04:11 PM
sry to hear about the problem you had this month but wait it out ezpz +1 good provider and they take care of there clients.

Posted by sameev29, 12-28-2011, 05:26 PM
This whole incident was an accident.It can happen to any host.

Posted by madchas, 12-28-2011, 07:45 PM
I think you are at a good place now. The downtime can happen anywhere. It's looks like they know what the issue is and in the process of correcting it.

Posted by shvinod, 12-29-2011, 01:14 PM
Occasional downtime can happen anywhere but when it is happening so frequently, anybody will be concerned and looking for a better option..

Posted by theboylard, 12-29-2011, 06:01 PM
People are going to moan but it needs to be said... EZPZ were great, I've been with them for nearly 3 years. This past year (from February 2011) they have started to drift with regular outages. I queried this with ezpz but they kind of dismissed it. They announced a server migration at the end July to a much higher spec box due to poor server performance that took over a week, with me having to shout for details, request new ssl, whmcs licence etc. Great performance but outages continued. Then the great s**t storm of our time began - UK2 server dropped off the net for 42 hrs. They rebuilt it on an older server after restores from R1Soft failed. This was pointed out in their forum afterwards along with how their uptime stats claimed to be 100% but how could that be, even excluding anything else, with 42hrs sleepytime on one occasion? They then fessed up and said the pingdom monitors were pointing at an old server!!! As compensation for those affected, I have taken up the offer of 6 months free hosting. Like others here I'm now looking at other options - I'll be buying my own whmcs licence as that will allow a wider range of partners, do I go vps or stay on reseller (bear in mind that I really don't use 70% of my current package) but it's not an easy choice to make. Where to go from here...?

Posted by Hexpress, 12-29-2011, 06:14 PM
I've signed with Hawk Host and change the accounts of users who asked me to switch servers. I kept some accounts in ezpz to see if service improves. Last edited by Hexpress; 12-29-2011 at 06:20 PM.

Posted by webresult, 12-29-2011, 06:37 PM
yes, i feel the same way ,sometime i feel want to move but 'till now i have no idea where the best web hosting does offer same quality & feature as ezpz does, my attention right now on hawkhost but to bad they don't offer master reseller but the master reseller was the second point for me, right now UPTIME is more important then everything,i also still monitoring the ezpz server,

Posted by Hexpress, 12-29-2011, 06:45 PM
As a suggestion you could see if you need master resellers.

Posted by XTremo, 12-29-2011, 06:54 PM
I use Turnkeyinternet and it's a very good service!

Posted by FRH Dave, 12-29-2011, 11:13 PM
I would be interested in Turnkey, but their VPS reseller program isn't very impressive.

Posted by Hexpress, 12-29-2011, 11:38 PM
You can consider jaguarpc to resell VPS, I have several vps with them and the service is very good, plus they have good discounts.

Posted by rain000, 12-30-2011, 01:10 AM
you may see this chart.i figured all current (december 2011) vps offer from wht vps offer section in one chart.It will be helpful for you to choose vps plan by price and service.wiredtree,knownhost,servint,futurehosting,interserver,knownserv,primehost,tmzhosting,bigbrainhost. In my another thread few people suggest tmzhosting.You see they are offer.

Posted by WebMaister, 12-30-2011, 12:04 PM
I can understand your frustration, when server is down your reputation among your customers gets hit badly. But it really seems there is no 99.9% uptime hoster or at least one that in event of major downtime does not ever go down for more than 2 hours. I have being using, they have being doing quite great in both uptime and support for 3/4 year now, then last July the server went down for 2 days Sunday and Monday and half Tuesday. Our reputation got hit really badly among our customers, they all called in screaming their mails were not working. It seems it was a major server/hardware fault! I don't know where to go look for uptime , even the Cloud Servers do not seem to be really 100% uptime at all, according to some threads here on WHT they do downtimes that are even worst than their counterparts simple VPS. Maybe the only way is to duplicate everything on two VPS servers by yourself and swicth the domains DNS IP from one server to the other in case of long downtime. Maybe this could be acceptable, as long as the downtimes are not so frequent.

Posted by BrettB, 12-30-2011, 02:47 PM
Major catastrophes can happen with any host. What's important in most of these cases is the host's plan B: how they're going to restore service in these cases. On a shared hosting platform, you may have to live with some major downtime every so often. A single day of downtime in 5 years of reliable service wouldn't deter me from a hosting company unless I felt service started degrading afterwards. If you need something more reliable, you're going to have to spend quite a bit more to get the mission-critical service level you're after.

Posted by Lanfr, 12-30-2011, 02:51 PM
In addition to the down applicants, the problem of the backup. Do not have a backup and this is very serious. I have already lost 4 of my clients sites, this is very serious. Today there was a down, when the server is back online, 2 sites no longer worked, still do not work and they do not respond to the ticket. I have many resellers of ezpz, I have 400 clients and I fear without backup. This is the situation.

Posted by Hexpress, 12-30-2011, 03:57 PM
They have announced on their website R1Soft backups on all accounts for resellers. I guess I should have them.

Posted by Lanfr, 12-30-2011, 04:12 PM
Now Justin told me: Do you have to restore files we can use to restore? We will gladly run this. In practice I lost another 2 sites it is a shame,hosting without backup what shall I write to my client?

Posted by Host4Geeks-Kushal, 12-30-2011, 04:57 PM
EZPZ needs to get their US Operations stable. Their UK hosting is rock solid but they usually have problems with their USA Infrastructure.

Posted by Lanfr, 12-30-2011, 05:06 PM
I am in UK

Posted by XTremo, 12-30-2011, 05:36 PM
Backups are your's something you cannot leave to chance.

Posted by Lanfr, 12-30-2011, 05:50 PM
General Terms and Policies of ezpz Backups - EZPZ Hosting carry's out 1 backup per day and holds them for 30 days, these backups are strictly for our own use in-case of a server failure. However you can also login to the backup server to restore files. --------- I have lost 4 sites, because I was convinced of this written contract. I repeat you can not have a hosting with no backups. My clients have lost everything.

Posted by BrettB, 12-30-2011, 06:08 PM
They probably have a clause that also states that they're not responsible for data loss. This is certainly good advice!

Posted by Lanfr, 12-30-2011, 06:20 PM
I'm looking for a good plan, resellers and resellers in the UK VPS or Dedicated. advice?

Posted by Dan_EZPZ, 12-30-2011, 06:51 PM
We had backups and they were restored. We are seeding R1Soft as you know so the regular backups were disabled. They might have been a few days old but the sites are up and running and databases are fully up to date. The only thing missing was a few image files which would need to be manually uploaded.

Posted by you86, 12-30-2011, 06:52 PM
ezpz have been great, im with them since more then a year..their support is always great.Dan is always very helpful. im on us5 and this server has 100% uptime so far

Posted by Lanfr, 12-30-2011, 06:59 PM
the backup that you have uploaded dates back to 26/10/2011 2 months ago My client has a journal, write every day 4 / articles you realize the damage that my client has suffered? This is the fourth site that my clients lose do you realize? 4 sites lost

Posted by Lanfr, 12-30-2011, 07:07 PM
are you happy? waiting for the first down for several hours, then come along to complain or the first site of your lost customers

Posted by Dan_EZPZ, 12-30-2011, 07:09 PM
No databases needed to be restored so they would not have lost any posts - only images uploaded to their posts.

Posted by you86, 12-30-2011, 07:14 PM
I hope there will no down time..but if there will then i do keep daily backup using script under reseller account and have a a vps running cpanel with 2 websites, where I can restore customer's websites with minimum down time

Posted by Lanfr, 12-30-2011, 07:17 PM
I also hope that there are more down what script are you talking about?

Posted by Lanfr, 12-30-2011, 07:20 PM
ok, are more than 300 images to load, find out where the images? my client has no backup Please, run on all servers R1Soft

Posted by Dan_EZPZ, 12-30-2011, 07:21 PM
R1Soft is being seeded on all servers - there's a post on our forums with the status of each box.

Posted by Lanfr, 12-30-2011, 07:29 PM
because then the site has been recovered 2 months ago and not yesterday? ok, the database is of yesterday No files are 2 months ago

Posted by Jerry158, 01-03-2012, 06:15 AM
Same for me.. i believe i'm on US7 Uptime in Dec was 98.01 not sure how to claim the 1 month free thing... But yeah the last month i've been having consistent downtimes, whether an actual downtime or the site performing really slows its been buggy me as of late as i've only been with EZPZhosting for about a month and a half and had so much downtime. Thinking about moving to a VPS but not sure if i can get much as i paid annually $280USD which comes out around 20 odd dollars a month which in my opinion is not enough for a VPS unless theres new promotions.

Posted by StarWebHosting, 01-04-2012, 03:39 PM
This is a really difficult area, all hosts have hardware problems and Dan has identified that Softlayer is the common factor and he is taking steps to move DC. Over the past few months things have been really difficult though numerous customer lost and a few sites with no backups to restore. As a responsible host you have to make the decision where to host your clients. EZPZ are one of the best hosts that i have used when you look at the complete package but i have had to take the difficult step to start to move some accounts to another provider.

Posted by IQ-Hosting, 01-05-2012, 06:03 PM
All companies have problems and we deal with electronic devices, everything possible happens and also the problems are always related to the main service providers DataCenter are a big part of the problems , but I think with EZPZ everything is better and I'm sure they will find a solution to this Because it is one of the best companies

Posted by FRH Dave, 01-07-2012, 02:14 AM
US7 just got added to the Spamhaus and CBL spam blacklists again. Second time in two days.

Posted by smerrikin, 01-07-2012, 02:29 AM
Did you submit a ticket about this?

Posted by FRH Dave, 01-07-2012, 09:02 AM
Yes. The server is back off the list. Hopefully for good this time, or at least more than two days.

Posted by public_html, 01-07-2012, 03:20 PM
I was always reading good reviews about softlayer, but this seems to bad to be true. Are they really causing issue to ezpz ? They have been good for most of the people, and many good provider use them. I'm seriously surprised that they are even ignoring you.

Posted by Losvre, 01-07-2012, 09:18 PM
If you use shared (reseller) get a dedicated IP so you ahve peace of mind about spam

Posted by FRH Dave, 01-07-2012, 10:34 PM
I do have a dedicated IP. Unfortunately this doesn't help, as the blocklist is blocking a different IP ( -- what appears to be our communal mail server. My contingency plan is to set up a VPS off-site as a mailserver for my customers. It's a step that I wasn't hoping to take this early, but I can't have customer emails being bounced through no fault of their own..

Posted by Losvre, 01-08-2012, 08:07 AM
oops, that doesn't sound very good. I hope you can sorted out without having to get a VPS=expenses

Posted by rahulkapoor, 01-09-2012, 01:37 PM
Hello, Though I am complete new here, however I have been following WHT for more than 2-3 months now and only registered here now. If I remember correctly, I read in this thread only that EZPZ was considering other options (outside Softlayer), as I understood. Could be a help if Dan or someone else from EZPZ can throw some light on the situation. Thanks.

Posted by Hexpress, 01-12-2012, 11:16 AM
After many days, we continue in Softlayer.

Posted by rahulkapoor, 01-13-2012, 07:11 AM
thanks for the update

Posted by you86, 01-13-2012, 07:31 AM
they are not giving dedicated ip to use as shared for reseller's website..yesterday I had a long talk with them.. first one of their staff confirmed me that I can get ip, i made payment but then they refused to give me ip. Dan said if i provide him justification for SSL then I can get, I explained him im not going to use it for ssl but as shared ip for my 35 domains under my reseller account, but they excused that and refunded my payment but overall they are nice and much much better then several other hosts, and Dan is always very very helpful

Posted by Losvre, 01-13-2012, 10:17 AM
Just get an ssl and install WHMCS which comes free anyway. They are right about the RIPE thing though.. EZPZ are very good and you get good service for the money and when they sort out a few niggles with the servers they will be top!

Posted by CarlosMtnez, 02-12-2012, 05:15 PM
Sorry for upping this thread, but I'm confused, I thought that if I take a reseller account from EZPZ I could host my clients in my own IP. Don't know about that... So, if I request an IP for SSL.. CanI host my cpanel clients with my own IP? Maybe that solves the problem. And about Backups, I'm interested in UK Hosting, so, will my clients have access to their R1Soft Backups thought their CPanel accounts? Is there any way to make my own backups every day? Sorry for using this thread to ask these questions, but the topic is on the table. Also I will send them a ticket regarding questions. Thanks in advance. Regards from Spain.

Posted by Losvre, 02-12-2012, 07:12 PM
All you say above is correct. Get an ssl for you site and ask to assign this IP as your reseller shared IP. R1 is ok with this

Posted by Lanfr, 02-15-2012, 03:55 PM
I think not enough to have a good reputation and long the servers are down every day, every day dispatch ticket that sites do not load, then there are problems email Yesterday morning I bought a dedicated IP with SSL, they have the wrong IP, my client was 8 hours without a website, even now my client has SSL ezpz does not respond not enough to have a long and good reputation, we must also offer a good service

Posted by Dan_EZPZ, 02-15-2012, 04:07 PM
Lanfr: You submitted a ticket providing the SSL a few hours ago then bumped it an hour later, sending it back to the bottom of the queue. If we're dealing with high ticket volumes it'll only add further delay.

Posted by Lanfr, 02-15-2012, 04:36 PM
Dan, I'm sure it's not your fault, I followed Jamie. I opened this ticket for SSL with Dedicated IP yesterday morning at 11.26 check Ticket # 922953 Today I opened a new ticket: check Ticket # 248913 because the problem was not solved. My client was 8 hours without a website, this is not possible. This evening, the site is back up, but the SSL certificate was not working.

Posted by UKDirectHost, 02-15-2012, 06:42 PM
I've never used EZPZ, but have always heard good things about their hosting and support. I however had the misfortune of using Softlayer before, well, was actually forced to after the buy-out of The Planet, and that was one of the reasons why we looked for a new network partner that was actually professional and used new equipment. SL installed 4 servers for us one day, 3 had to have drives replaced within 5 hours.

Posted by target, 02-16-2012, 10:06 AM
Overall EZPZ is a very good host and Dan will always try to help out. The last few months there were a few hickups, to bad about the large downtime of the server and the very old backups that got placed back. They only offered a month of free hosting for such a large issue. Despite that i still have trust in them. Only thing i think is less with EZPZ: response times on tickets are sometimes fast but sometimes very slow. They really should work on that.

Posted by Lanfr, 02-16-2012, 12:29 PM
However, even today, I have 2 VPS down for 5 hours, and still are not up. Every day, I really do not know what to say to my clients. Mine is not an attack against ezpz, also because Dan is a great guy, but there is always something that does not work.

Posted by Collabora, 02-17-2012, 01:31 AM
According to one phtographer that presents himself as the utmost expert and the last word in hosting, the problems are due to offering Master Reseller plan. I for one believe Dan is competent enough to manage such a set up and knows more about it.

Posted by DWS2006, 02-18-2012, 12:17 AM

Posted by RC-Martin, 02-18-2012, 06:23 AM
Hope that everything will be fixed soon,ezpz has a good reputation here.

Posted by wolvyreen, 02-20-2012, 07:23 AM
Well, I would like to chime in...I find the support very friendly but tbh, EZPZ is starting to go down in my books. Really people, stop arguing with those that have complaints!! Complaints only IMPROVE on customer service or weed out the bad providers! Seriously, the public doesn't come here to complain just for the sake of complaining! 1. For the past few days, the server that I am on has been running very slow every morning. I opened a ticket and was told by Jamie that the backups were running. I asked why the backups were running so late in the morning and he said that they could not be held accountable if clients run backups from their side. to which I of course responded that 1 client should not bring the server down. To which Jamie then fessed up and said that it was the server backup running. so I asked why it was running in office hours and he said that the backup just ran over it's time. I then asked why it was happening so frequently and was never given a straight answer. I suggested that the backups should be run earlier to allow ample time for them to finish and was told that it would be taken under advisement but the backups start at 4am. This morning now AGAIN, the server was slow to which I was told that the backups have now been killed and my server has been bumped up to the top of the queue for upgrade. This after already being told on the 9th feb the following: This was last week which has come and gone. 2. In the past 2months, my server has been put on a blacklist twice to which it has been removed twice 3. My Disk space in cPanel was being reported incorrectly and was reflecting that all my clients had unlimited disk space. After numerous calls from clients asking if I had changed my policies, I begged EZPZ for an answer to which I was told that cPanel was looking at it. 4. Two accounts of mine just simply disappeared and the blame was put on me that my reseller account user was hacked but they couldn't prove it. If a hacker was that malicious, why only delete 2 accounts? Why not delete many more?? After me raising this concern, I was basically told to scan my PC to which I have 3 different scanners that run daily checking and cleaning my PC for anything that could cause a breach. On top of saying all of the above, I have to admit that I LOVE EZPZ! The support that I get from the staff is what I want! You can have crappy service but without great support, you are lost! so even after all my frustrations, I'm not going anywhere until it is REALLY evident that it's time to leave. Dan and his team do a great job no matter what complaints I have at this time! NO ONE!! and I mean NO ONE can account for hardware failures unless you really drag the hardware through your ass. Peace peeps! happy hosting....

Posted by Losvre, 02-20-2012, 09:23 AM
I thing there is a big problem with R1Soft backups. I have heard lots of other companies complaining about R1Soft and I believe that must be some alternative to it. I mean you either have something that it works or just bit it and get something else that does the job.

Posted by ilovetheheat, 02-22-2012, 10:57 PM
Ive been a member for a while: So I think I can given a decent review.... I have a reseller account and (2) VPS's with them: Price: There costs are comparable with other competitors. There are other providers with lower costs but I and most people have no problem paying a little more for the below reason... Support: EZPZ provides top notch support. I have experience with alot of hosting providers but Ive NEVER seen tickets replied so fast.. Their support is second to none IMO... Dan, has helped me on so many occasions. I will gladly pay more than what other providers are charging for peace of mind.... I know for a fact when I submit a ticket, it will be dealt with swiftly!!! Downtime: I dont care who you host with... You will NEVER have 100% uptime. Ive had some down time but not long and it was dealt with asap.... A provider cannot be blamed for hardware failure... (Unless it happens all the time, and thats not the case here) Complaints: R1 backups were disabled for a while because of a conflicting issue but that was solved and now we have R1 backups. Being able to access them via cPanel ROCKS!!!! Advantage: The GREAT support, and FREE SSL's!!!! I love EZPZ. I sleep well at night and have the up-most confidence in Dan and EZPZ!!!! They have my vouch!!!

Posted by wolvyreen, 02-23-2012, 06:46 AM
I have absolutely NO faith in R1Soft. When the server crashed last year, R1Soft did not deliver. Yesterday I was informed that we have NO up to date backups because of a crash on the R1soft Server. Today, the server had to be rebooted forcefully due to R1Soft backups hanging the machine. sigh....EZPZ!!! GET RID OF R1Soft already!

Posted by calamine, 02-23-2012, 01:59 PM
r1soft is good except the delay in what is the better alternative without investing more $$

Posted by AzaraT, 02-23-2012, 04:03 PM
They did try an alternative solution however it was no good. I'm also pretty sure they also have a secondary backup solution should R1Soft fail.

Posted by wolvyreen, 02-23-2012, 04:35 PM
That's just it....they don't! Not sure if you read this comment of mineI desperately needed a restore of one of my databases and they couldn't help me. I sat for 5hours fixing my data cause I had to manually go through everything. And I'm still not sure its all accurate now. If the solutions out there are not working, and the only option is to invest more money, then thats what must be done. My previous host never had these backup problems.....what are they doing different? Maybe spending more money? Don't know.....but something is different! Last edited by wolvyreen; 02-23-2012 at 04:39 PM.

Posted by AzaraT, 02-23-2012, 05:43 PM
The other solution is for server restoring only. You should always take some backups yourself.

Posted by wolvyreen, 02-23-2012, 06:35 PM
Yes, lets focus on the fact that I didn't have a backup rather than the fact that there were ABSOLUTELY NO backups available for any of the accounts from the providers side. Nada! If the server crashed, it would need to be restored from the R1Soft backups which is not reliable. I am one person but if the server crashed, it would be PLENTY of people.... Do you REALLY EXPECT every single person to have a recent backup? Now I'm not saying I SHOULD NOT have my own backup because of the above statement, but if I do happen to find myself in a situation like I did where I happen NOT to have a backup, I should be able to fall back on my hosting provider to obtain that backup... on the main Reseller page of EZPZ they state On HostGator they state: On Site5 they state: It's part of the service that we pay for....don't forget that. I think I have made my point

Posted by Server Management, 02-23-2012, 06:52 PM
No, Sorry you pay for hosting and hosting only! Providers taking backups are merely an optional extra incase they need to restore a server. Go check the ToS for the hosts you qouted then come back and tell us all what it said

Posted by Dan_EZPZ, 02-23-2012, 06:52 PM
We do have compressed weekly full server backups on a remote server after R1Soft failing us before so if R1Soft failed we can still restore from one of those - we're just not able to restore individual client data from them.

Posted by Collabora, 02-23-2012, 07:37 PM
I did some of the work for wolvy: Hostgator: Your use of this service is at your sole risk. Our backup service runs once a week, overwrites any of our previous backups made, and only one week of backups are kept. This service is provided to you as a courtesy. HostGator is not responsible for files and/or data residing on your account. You agree to take full responsibility for files and data transferred and to maintain all appropriate backup of files and data stored on HostGator servers.

Posted by Server Management, 02-23-2012, 09:14 PM
I need to say no more really...

Posted by smerrikin, 02-24-2012, 12:56 AM
If you are a reseller and not making your own backups then you should not be in the business. I tell all my clients to make a weekly backup as well just incase the server fails and my house burns down at the same time. Stranger things have happened. On an EZPZ note. I am super happy with them lately after the switch to the new server. What a nightmare that was.

Posted by wolvyreen, 02-25-2012, 08:21 PM
i really feel i need to say that this post is so useless as it has been said numerous times already. Its also been responded to numerous times. Was it really necessary to say the same thing everyone has already said?? Come on...someone lock this thread or something...pleeease.....

Posted by smerrikin, 02-25-2012, 08:23 PM
I didnt repost this. This is the original post I made. It looks like the mods hacked away at this thread. Thanks though for making me feel bad. Look at the date stamp next time you want to comment like this

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