
Account suspension in shared hosting

Posted by bhaskarcse, 02-18-2012, 12:31 AM
I have hosted more than 30 domains in a shared hosting. One of my wordpress had some security problem and was hacked one day. It started using more CPU than that was allotted by my hosting provider. So all of my domains were suspended altogether. I just want to know if the same thing happens in a reseller account will all the domains be suspended similar to shared hosting or will only the domains that was hosted under a certain reseller be affected.

Posted by DWS2006, 02-18-2012, 01:01 AM
Depends on the provider and level of the violation, but more often than not a reseller provider will suspend only the offending account.

Posted by PlotHost-Max, 02-18-2012, 01:32 AM
We suspend only the offending account. Anyway maybe the other domains also have security issues ... so this is why they suspended all accounts.

Posted by RC-Martin, 02-18-2012, 05:57 AM
The problem with hosting multiple sites on a shared account is exactly this. When a site has issues,then the whole account goes down because the offending site cannot be isolated. With reseller accounts the advantage is that the offending site can be identified and suspended without having to suspend the whole account. From there on it depends on the provider on how they will act. We suspend only the offending account. From there on we work with the reseller to fix the problem.

Posted by hclloveh, 02-18-2012, 11:41 AM
I don't need to lock all accounts. Just suspend a main account, then all sub-accounts 'll be automatic set to "can't access" on their Cpanel/WHM.

Posted by bhaskarcse, 02-18-2012, 11:53 AM
Thank you guys for your reply. Can you let me know which reseller hosting account is best in terms of service and support?

Posted by hclloveh, 02-18-2012, 11:58 AM
It depends your request. I recommend CloudLinux OS must be installed, so it 'll take care and make all your customers more happy.

Posted by Jutt, 02-18-2012, 12:33 PM
Best to check offers section

Posted by techjr, 02-19-2012, 06:28 AM
Not positive that helps with the question asked.. Anyways, Innohosting is a good one although pricier in terms of disk space and bandwidth compared to others. In my opinion they need to upgrade space and bandwidth a bit but they have a solid reputation and very fast support response times. They will only suspend a single domain too if you make a different account for each domain under the reseller. Then I would take a look at mddhosting. Probably more suitable for you if you are just hosting your own sites in my opinion. Server speeds between the two are equally fast so you can't go wrong with either. There are others I would like to recommend but I don't know if they suspend the whole account nor have I used the others in more than 6 months which in my opinion makes any suggestion to those unnamed hosts unreliable suggestions.

Posted by Forward Web, 02-19-2012, 08:00 AM
I wouldn't put too much of an emphasis on comparing companies by diskspace/bandwidth, especially with so many companies overselling. I'd focus more on features and history of uptime (reliability).

Posted by CyberLinux, 02-19-2012, 11:19 AM
Cloud Linux is a useful thing for a host but not the best one for a client as his resources will be limited, also depends on what are the limits host setup in the server. If it is cpanel server you can check it in cPanel resource usage.

Posted by Forward Web, 02-19-2012, 11:24 AM
Not sure I agree with this statement. Your resources are going to be limited regardless. What Cloud Linux does is it holds you accountable for the resources you are consuming without punishing other users on the same box. In general, Cloud Linux creates a more stable environment which translates into faster site speeds (assuming your site actually belongs in a shared environment, if it does not, you will run into problems).

Posted by ldcdc, 02-19-2012, 08:10 PM
Maybe, but the huge benefit of shared hosting was instant access to almost 100% of the server's computing capacity. As long as all accounts were using those resources for a tiny period of time, everybody was happy. But, in time, ways to limit usage started to pop-up. They're a great benefit to stability, but I'm not too sure if, at the end of the day, they don't come at a net cost to the customers. At least servers have gotten a lot more powerful over time, so $7 can still go a long way, even if many limits are in place. If there would be a host that everybody agreed to be the best, there would be no point to this forum, would it? The suggestion to look in the offers forum might seem unhelpful, but that is actually a great place to find the name of hosts that have a meaningful presence here on WHT. Reviews are generally easier to find on such hosts, by using the forum's search feature. The best choice is always the one you make yourself - if you're sufficiently informed, because you know your needs better than anybody else.

Posted by domaincart, 02-20-2012, 08:07 AM
Reliable reseller hosting providers suspend the resold account only that used many resource. If the reason is a malicious file when they disabled it and help you fixing the issue. If they don't when they are an untrustworthy provider and stay away from them. Read reviews on WHM before purchase. I recommend Hostdime or Surpasshosting.

Posted by CyberLinux, 02-20-2012, 10:41 AM
Obliviously it create a more stable environment, there is no doubt in it. But no website owner wants to see a message "Max resource limit reached" message at his peak business hours.

Posted by Forward Web, 02-20-2012, 12:05 PM
Yes, but that was never purpose of shared web hosting. To sign-up for a shared web hosting account expecting to get close to 100% of the servers resources (or a larger piece of the pie) would be abuse (taking advantage of a loop hole).

Posted by Forward Web, 02-20-2012, 12:10 PM
Of course not, but my point is you are going to encounter those types of performance issues regardless (with or without cloud linux). No reputable web hosting company is going to let one shared web hosting account bring down the performance of the entire server. All cloud linux does is help make the policing of those resources much easier.

Posted by Larry, 02-21-2012, 02:16 AM
I use CloudLinux, and it's been great on my servers. When an individual account gets compromised, only 25% of server resources are lost until the issue is fixed, thus leaving 75% for the other websites and WHM administrative interface to fix the issue. If you get reseller hosting, definitely get one with cPanel installed on CloudLinux. Most hosts will only suspend the offending account, but servers with CloudLinux installed may grant you enough time to fix the issue yourself before it becomes a problem for the entire server.

Posted by ldcdc, 02-21-2012, 06:24 PM
Oh, but to some degree it has always been the purpose of it. See, if you're getting a 20Mbit line from your ISP, you expect to be able to reach that most of the time when you need to. If you get a 100Mbit connection to your server, you expect to be able to max it out most of the time when you need to. Same thing with sharing a server with a bunch of other customers really. No, you don't expect to be able or allowed to max it out 100% of the time, but when you need it, for those few seconds or minutes at a time, you expect to get the great performance that the machine is capable of. If you go to the extreme and throttle each shared hosting account to the precise share what they paid for, they all end up basically on tiny-tiny VPSs that sit idle for 99.9% of the time, and when something anything is required of them, they just can't cope.

Posted by SupportHub, 02-22-2012, 05:27 AM
The certain domain that creating load only can suspend. It will not affect the other accounts there in this reseller account. Things to keep in mind to avoid account suspension: * Avoid hosting popular images or videos on your account * Avoid hosting high resources scripts and mySQL database calls * Keep your billing information up to date * Do not host files that would violate copyright rules and regulations If your account has become suspended:

Posted by Haamid-GoodHosting, 02-24-2012, 05:20 AM
Sometimes when you reach high bandwidth very fast, your account will be suspended.

Posted by Larry, 02-24-2012, 06:25 PM
Which is why "Unlimited" hosts shouldn't promise "Unlimited" in the first place. It's disappointing to clients when they learn the truth about "Unlimited" hosting.

Posted by JixHost, 02-24-2012, 10:17 PM
no, in a reseller account the 1 cpanel would be suspended. You should place 1 domain per cpanel to avoid having all domains shut down.

Posted by TheJoker, 02-24-2012, 10:30 PM
I'd much rather take a risk of my site slowing my site down, then your site hogging resources slowing my site down. Cloudlinux FTW!

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