
Was SharkSpace acquired?

Posted by vWiz, 10-17-2011, 01:55 AM
I was checking in on sharkspace and I see that the domain is being forwarded to eleven2. Were they recently acquired? I didn't know the deal went down. Very interesting, Sharkspace was quite popular and I've used them in the past for personal sites that needed to be hosted.

Posted by Steven, 10-17-2011, 02:23 AM

Posted by vWiz, 10-17-2011, 02:39 AM
AH oh my oh my! Thanks for this! Eleven2 is a great company, good to see Sharkspace went to good hands.

Posted by Michaelz, 10-17-2011, 03:05 AM
Looks like they're on a spending spree so I wouldn't be surprised by some more acquisitions.

Posted by kpmedia, 10-17-2011, 04:10 AM
I've seen a lot of bad reviews about Eleven2 lately. But I'm thinking a lot of those were not really the fault of e2. I'm curious what Sharkspace customers think of their hosting after the transition. That's often an excellent telling point of a host. (EIG almost always fails this test, for example.) I need to review them at some point. Nothing makes me curious more than mixed reviews.

Posted by XTremo, 10-17-2011, 04:28 AM
Just about every bad one I saw was a crock of shite kp....particularly the donkey feces one! From what I can see, they seem to have more than their fair share of clowns signing up.....and every situation was handled very professionally by Rodney. Something a lot of other "hosts" here would do well to learn from.

Posted by vWiz, 10-17-2011, 06:18 AM
That would be great to hear some reviews from migrated sharkspace clients. But regardless, looks like Eleven2 is stepping up their game. From what i knew of sharkspace, they were quite a large host. Must have been a pretty worthwhile acquisition.

Posted by Eleven2 Hosting, 10-17-2011, 11:14 AM
That is a true statement, we are looking to acquire more companies right now.

Posted by Eleven2 Hosting, 10-17-2011, 11:16 AM
We are definitely not EIG. We have heard nothing but positive as this transition has been a great positive move for all customers. The only bad reviews I can recall recently are folks with self-managed cloud servers that do not know how to manage a server

Posted by Eleven2 Hosting, 10-17-2011, 11:16 AM
Thanks for the kind words

Posted by Eleven2 Hosting, 10-17-2011, 11:16 AM
It was worth our time

Posted by TotalSham, 11-05-2011, 12:06 AM
I've been on Sharkspace for 2-3 years and been quite happy. I hadn't even noticed that they'd been bought... until today, when my phone started complaining about incorrect login information when it tried to fetch mail. I didn't think much of it and later got to my desktop and still couldn't get in. I checked my two sites and found - "This Account Has Been Suspended." I contacted tech support and half an hour later, got a reply: "The account was suspended due to high load. We have unsupended your account now and we will be monitoring the server. If the server load goes high again which would affect other users on the node we will be forced to suspend it again. Currently the server load is normal." I am none too pleased, considering that 1) I got no warnings, just a total suspension including my email and 2) not once did Sharkspace ever complain about my site using CPU. One of my sites is for my wife and hasn't been touched in over a year and gets pretty much zero traffic, and runs a basic Wordpress/Gallery setup. My site is bare-bones Drupal with almost no content, but Gallery running with a couple thousand photos. However, hits are fairly low on them and I haven't even been linking to it lately so it certainly should be barely using any resources. This is the kind of experience I had with the cheapo "unlimited" hosts like Bluehost (although even they didn't turn off my email), and I stuck with Sharkspace because I wasn't getting this kind of nonsense. I'm pretty unhappy that it's happening again. I'm asked support for more details and if the warning levels had changed since they bought Sharkspace... but I'm guessing that I'll be shopping for a new host this weekend. I can't tolerate my email going down whenever they want to go pointing a finger at my low-resource sites.

Posted by Eleven2 Hosting, 11-05-2011, 12:12 AM
I can assure you nothing has changed since your site was at Sharkspace or Eleven2. Nothing at all in terms of the folks monitoring your site, etc has changed, if this merger did not go through, your site would have still been suspended for the same issue and I have no clue about your site. If you can e-mail me at your ticket ID, I would love to look into this. All the former Sharkspace customers are on the same servers, and nothing has changed or is going to change there. Suspensions do happen and unfortunately its hard to give any notice when your site is crippling the server, we have to suspend your site, or let your site affect all other customers on the server, which we will not do.

Posted by TotalSham, 11-05-2011, 12:23 AM
I have PMed my ticket ID. I understand that (my day-to-day job includes, among other things, webhosting for various SMB customers so I have a good idea of what it's like from both sides of the fence), but a site that hasn't changed in weeks and receives few hits should not be getting suspended for the first time ever - and shutting down email when the website goes overboard is just ridiculous.

Posted by Eleven2 Hosting, 11-05-2011, 12:25 AM
Its definitely possible. We or really you cannot control inbound request to your site, there could have been scan on your site from an attacker or a even a search engine when we found this at the time. I can assure you we are not just sitting here suspending sites for the heck of it.

Posted by TotalSham, 11-05-2011, 12:54 AM
Update: apparently the server I was on was the last 32-bit server Sharkspace had, and presumably had a hard drive failure as they suspended a few sites during the RAID array rebuild. The site (and I think, the whole contents of the server) will be migrated to a new server tomorrow. So, hopefully this was more of an isolated issue caused by the server and the RAID rebuild. I will keep an eye on things; hopefully there won't be any more issues. Still, I can't help but be disappointed that my sites and email were down for 8-10 hours and only turned back on after I complained, and from what I can tell, my site was not doing anything that would normally cause it to be suspended.

Posted by sshd, 01-04-2012, 10:05 PM
I see a few major red flags here, that make me hesitant use eleven2. 1) you may or may not have been justified to temporarily suspend an account, but you are totally unjustified in not giving the customer immediate notification 2) The way the support person handled the case was abysmal. When the customer requested phone contact information, it should have been given out and and a person of authority should have taken his call. 3) if it was eleven2 that was being spamertised by someone, without your consent. would you have suspended your own website? If not, this is complete hypocrisy. I say this because eleven2 is high on my list of companies that I am considering, but this ( and a few item's in the TOS) worries me.

Posted by Eleven2 Hosting, 01-05-2012, 01:25 PM
We just updated our abuse policies internally in December and now all customers are notified anytime a suspensions takes place. But this is not needed too often anymore as we are running CloudLinux and Litespeed on most servers now. The rest of the fleet is being converted right now.

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