
Resellers with non-Softlayer servers?

Posted by RossMAN, 12-30-2011, 01:46 AM
As the title suggests I'm looking for reseller suggestions that have servers at DC's anywhere but Softlayer. WHT don't let me down!

Posted by BrettB, 12-30-2011, 02:07 AM
Off the top of my head, I believe InnoHosting and Eleven2 don't use Softlayer. Trying to avoid SoftLayer, eh?

Posted by DevMonkey, 12-30-2011, 02:15 AM
You're looking for a provider which resells themselves but not from Softlayer? That's the way I originally read it but that seems a bit of an odd request. or, are you looking for providers which have reseller programs (and aren't reselling servers from Softlayer themselves)?

Posted by RossMAN, 12-30-2011, 02:21 AM
Yep. In the perfect world I would find a top notch quality host* for $10/mo, LiteSpeed, in business for 5+ years run by more than 2 adults, near 100% uptime and WebNX datacenter. *My personal definition of top notch quality host: httpme, idologic, clook, rochen, knownhost (no longer offers reseller), etc. EZPZ and InnoHosting are currently on my short list. I'll have to double check where HawkHost and DowntownHost's servers are located. I wish StableHost was cheaper and offered a WHT coupon. OK end of "the perfect world", back to reality.

Posted by Host4Geeks-Kushal, 12-30-2011, 02:29 AM
EZPZ use softlayer for their Dallas Operations.

Posted by RossMAN, 12-30-2011, 02:36 AM
Per their Reseller Hosting Offers thread dated 12/5/2011:

Posted by CrocWeb, 12-30-2011, 03:50 AM
If you don't mind me asking, why do you want to avoid SoftLayer?

Posted by Host4Geeks-Kushal, 12-30-2011, 04:19 AM
Although never used them, but they supposedly provide inferior quality hardware.

Posted by JLHC, 12-30-2011, 05:58 AM
AFAIK the OP is looking for reseller hosting services.

Posted by Forward Web, 12-30-2011, 07:21 AM
Thats not a very good assumption to be making, hardware will vary from web host to web host (not resting solely on the DC in which the servers are located in). @ OP I think you are putting to much of an emphasis on items that wont necessarily guarantee a solid service. Example, you mentioned Litespeed (which is pretty much irrelevant to the end user for shared web hosting). Looking at DC's is important, but ultimatley it really comes down to Network speed, hardware, how the company is managed and how many users the company is generally putting on each box.

Posted by XTremo, 12-30-2011, 07:56 AM
TurnkeyInternet and Hostdime.....both they have their own DC's.

Posted by RossMAN, 12-30-2011, 09:21 AM
Because I'm the OP and that's what I want? As a consumer (I'm not a web host) I like to have choices. Thank you everyone for the replies and please keep the suggestions coming in.

Posted by Hexpress, 12-30-2011, 10:14 AM
Dan, mentioned that most of its recent problems are caused by poor hardware SoftLayer and poor support.

Posted by RossMAN, 12-30-2011, 10:20 AM
Bingo, that's what caused me to create this thread. To be fair, I had a shared hosting account with at Softlayer Dallas or Seattle. The web site isn't mission critical and AFAIK the uptime has been very good.

Posted by domaincart, 12-30-2011, 11:04 AM
I recommend Hostdime/Surpasshosting.

Posted by JixHost, 12-30-2011, 01:04 PM
At one time we had utilized Softlayer servers for our shared hosting nodes. We did have some issues with hardware and although the support was quick, it was quite limited considering the high costs we were paying per server.

Posted by kpmedia, 12-30-2011, 01:13 PM
Stablehost, Stream101 and SpeedySparrow are all non-SL that I know of. Each is a reseller host I'd trust in North America.

Posted by Jedito, 12-30-2011, 02:13 PM
We have servers in different datacenters (including SL/The Planet)

Posted by TonyB, 12-30-2011, 09:43 PM
This is news to us and looking at all the hardware we have with Softlayer. I think this is a matter of people confusing a single failure and associating that with an entire datacenter. The reality is hardware does fail and it's only a matter of time until you encounter it. You can decrease your chances by using more reliable hardware. Always use raid so single drive failures there is a less chance of total data loss. If you're using SATA disks then consider SAS disks they are a heck of a lot more reliable in a server environment. This doesn't even take into account the total lack of due diligence a lot of people take with their servers. They don't run their own tests on them when being deployed. They do not actively monitor file system health, disk health or anything of that nature. So a minor issue becomes a major issue 3 months later when something fails in a catastrophic way. If you had medium errors from a disk for 3 months you should have it replaced if they did not stop within a short time. You did not so it ends up eventually failing and in the process causing file system issues. Sorry for the rant but I think to lump anyone using a datacenter in as having inferior hardware because some providers had issues. So what they had issues but who knows the true details as to why. I've heard of providers not knowing how to do file system checks. So an issue where they need to fix things with an alternative super block highly unlikely to happen. If it wasn't Softlayer but someone else I would say the same thing here.

Posted by rgpayne, 12-31-2011, 12:16 AM
There are several DC Hosting firms to consider ---- SingleHop is one, there are also several resellers that offer multihome space at various Geo Locations, Softlayer is one of the largest and most resellers are resellers from softlayer, planet, hostgator which all reside in the Softlayer Network.... If you are looking for a reseller, server owner, outside the softlayer netowkr do a whois on their IP it will show what DC they are using on their main IP then contact their support staff and ask what Geo Location they service out of ... Dallas, Washington, Seattle = Softlayer

Posted by FRH Dave, 12-31-2011, 02:24 AM
EZPZ does indeed use Softlayer Dallas for their reseller hosting. They use LA for their US-based VPS servers. I have both currently.

Posted by NamePress, 01-03-2012, 02:55 PM
1 for Hostdime they provide service from owned Datacenter

Posted by DevMonkey, 01-03-2012, 06:09 PM
I could provide services from my own "datacenter", it doesn't necessarily mean that the service is good at all. In fact, my "datacenter" could be my garage. Poor recommendation.

Posted by childzplay, 01-04-2012, 05:51 PM
I would argue SoftLayer uses the best quality hardware. Servers, switches, storage, components - all first rate. Everything is enterprise class unlike a number of hosts selling desktops as servers. From what I've read in both threads - this one and the EZPZ one referenced. It appears as though there was a drive issue. So what would be an inferior drive? With only a few drive manufacturers left, I guess one would have to deduce the inferior product came from either Seagate, Western Digital / Hitachi, or Toshiba. Having had extensive experience with all three drive vendors, I wouldn't classify any of them as offering inferior product.

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