
Setting up SFTP for 2nd Client

Posted by RobInRockCity, 05-04-2015, 03:46 PM
A couple of months ago I installed CyberDuck on my MacBook and then set up public key authentication between CyberDuck and my VPS. I also checked my VPS's finerprint while setting things up to ensure that I'm connecting to my VPS. (Hope I said that correctly.) Things seem to work well, and I believe that things are very secure. Since that time, I picked up a side job where someone wants me to manage their website. This new client has a website on the same web host as me, but has his own web hosting account. It is a shared plan. Here is what I need help figuring out... 1.) I want to set up CyberDuck so I can securely upload/download files to his shared account 2.) Because I have a VPS and he has a Shared AcCount, I'm not sure how to set up CyberDuck with public-key authentication 3.) Most importantly, I want to be 110% particular that anything I do with CyberDuck/SFTP will in no way jeopardize the security of my CYberDuck account with my VPS. So, for example, it is unclear whether I need a separate Public/Private Key pair from the one I created for my VPS. To be honest, I have a horrible memory and I forgot most of what it took to set up SFTP on my Mac. Combined with the fact that this new client has a Shared Account, and I don't want to do anything to put my VPS at risk, I feel really confused! Here is hoping I don't screw up what I set up back in February... Sincerely, Rob

Posted by JustinAY, 05-05-2015, 01:02 AM
Hey, hope all is well your way. From what I gather, you both are at the same webhost, but you've purchased a VPS and he has a shared plan. This changes things drastically because if this is a cPanel host, you're likely limited to using a password by default for SFTP. What you would want to do is get the password and the hostname to use for your CyberDuck install. This will not affect anything on your VPS. You would be connecting to an entirely different server. On a side note -- if you have a managed VPS, you could host your client on your VPS. This way the host still can help manage the VPS, and the clients payment could help defray the cost of the VPS. Just a thought. Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

Posted by RobInRockCity, 05-05-2015, 09:59 PM
Right. I was able to get help setting up CyberDuck with a new FTP account and using FTP-SSL over Port 21. Presumably that is more secure that just FTP, although not as good as SFTP. I can use public-key authentication, but the issue is that I have to generate the key-pair in cPanel, which presumably created: ida_rsa and Well, when I copy the Private Key (ida_rsa) to my MacBook, it would overwrite the exsiting Private Key I set up for my VPS. See the conflict? And even if I could, I think using the same Public-Private Key-Pair for both my VPS and my client's Shared Plan would be bad. So how can I set up key-authetication to my client's shared account?

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