
LayeredTech down?

Posted by, 10-10-2009, 12:20 AM
My server 72.232.214.x and are not responding. Anyone knows what's up?

Posted by Nick H, 10-10-2009, 12:23 AM
Yep, same here for our LT server. Seems the 72.232* range is affected.

Posted by superman50, 10-10-2009, 12:24 AM
Is Servstra server hosted at Layertech? It seems Servstra is down as well. I have server ip starting at 72.232. so I assume it is on layertech as well?

Posted by Nick H, 10-10-2009, 12:26 AM
Yes. <10chars>

Posted by dcdan, 10-10-2009, 12:28 AM
All my servers at Databank are currently down (it's been about 30 minutes already). Anyone knows what's going on? is down too... Edit: it appears their forum is up and there is a possible explanation: Last edited by dcdan; 10-10-2009 at 12:34 AM.

Posted by superman50, 10-10-2009, 12:28 AM
So who should I contact now? I dont see anywhere Servstra have any phone to call to. Since the main site was down I dont think there is anyway for my mail to reach them. I think im gonna move to rackspace pretty soon this is just pure disaster. With $500 daily spending at adwords, site go down several times since early of last month this is a total business loss.

Posted by ocoth, 10-10-2009, 12:29 AM
My servers are down 72.232.* on layeredtech Plus layered tech panel and also is down! Argh....second time recently....!

Posted by superman50, 10-10-2009, 12:33 AM
When is the first time and long is the downtime when it happened during the first time?

Posted by ocoth, 10-10-2009, 12:37 AM
It was one to two months ago, the downage was for over an hour, possibly two. They were doing an upgrade but things went wrong. Encompass and ltstatus also went down.

Posted by superman50, 10-10-2009, 12:42 AM
I wonder what went wrong this time.

Posted by RACKSET, 10-10-2009, 12:57 AM
Actually this is for 40 minutes now. Anyone has update from LT techs?

Posted by superman50, 10-10-2009, 01:04 AM
Ya, anyone have any news from LT? Please share....

Posted by RossMAN, 10-10-2009, 01:13 AM
Referenced thread: Network outage forum:

Posted by gamefreak13, 10-10-2009, 01:16 AM
I'm on 72.232.x.x as well and I'm down. I'm starting to get really fed up with this. This happens every 2-4 weeks (at least that I've seen, probably more) for about 1-4 hours. It's not enough time to make me go through the hassle of switching hosts, but it's just enough to tick me off.

Posted by multiwebinc, 10-10-2009, 01:21 AM
Anyone know how long it's been down for? I'm assuming it's been about a couple hours now.

Posted by gamefreak13, 10-10-2009, 01:24 AM
I was working on my site and it went down between 8:58PM and 9:20PM. I'm estimating 9:10PM. California (PST) time. It has now been 1 hour. Figures, this happens right after I sent out my monthly e-mail to my 6,000 members, who are now probably confused and upset that they can't load my site. Last edited by gamefreak13; 10-10-2009 at 01:33 AM.

Posted by dcdan, 10-10-2009, 01:28 AM
Sorry, I haven't noticed the network outage forum...

Posted by superman50, 10-10-2009, 01:31 AM
Down for 1 and half hour now. I think its going to down for another several hours. Prepare for the worst.

Posted by Ryan G - Limestone, 10-10-2009, 01:35 AM
We are on multiple floors in Databank's facility but not seeing any power outages.. it seems to be network related. Our network is separate and Databank's page appears to be online but hosted off-site at mediatemple. LT's website does not resolve because the IP space pointing to the nameservers is not being announced to the internet (confirmed through our BGP tables and route-views.) has a DNS round robin pointing to two IPs. One of the IPs is offline and also not being announced to the internet, and the other IP is online and located at SAVVIS.

Posted by bats, 10-10-2009, 01:37 AM
I lost connectivity to my server at LT at exactly 11:00 CST. It came back up at 11:36 for 10 minutes and has been down since. It's very similar to the outage Aug 22 when their support portal was unreachable as well. This is very frustrating since there is no way to get a status update or reach their support dept at all.

Posted by gamefreak13, 10-10-2009, 01:44 AM
I'll be contacting the sales department when the servers are back up requesting my next month to be free. These outages, for a DEDICATED SERVER, are unacceptable, even if only 5 minutes long. This has now almost been 2 hours. If they want to keep this customer (of 4 years) they'll need to compensate me for the downtime. This seems to be happening more and more frequently. And thats only the downtime I see when I'm online. I wonder how many other times it goes down without me knowing. I urge everyone else here to do the same. Request a discount or your next month free or something. Anyone remember what their TOS/service agreement says?

Posted by dcdan, 10-10-2009, 01:45 AM
Thanks Ryan, Good to know you're working on this. Also it is good to hear that there was no power outage. If you have any ETA on the resolution, please post an update.

Posted by Walter, 10-10-2009, 01:46 AM
Down for 1 hour 45 minutes. Their status site is down too. Their support site is unreachable too. Only the main page is working. Forums are working too, but still no word from them. Really professional service.

Posted by superman50, 10-10-2009, 01:47 AM
Im with gamefreak. Ill be asking for a compensation. If not Ill just switch to other more reliable provider. Maybe rackspace.

Posted by Ryan G - Limestone, 10-10-2009, 01:50 AM
Sorry for any confusion. I am not a representative of Layeredtech but of Limestone Networks. We are also in the Databank facility.

Posted by Srv24x7, 10-10-2009, 01:50 AM
Thanks for the information i though our servers are down.

Posted by Srv24x7, 10-10-2009, 01:52 AM
We are also affected from the same range. Not good second time within a month.

Posted by ElrondTwg, 10-10-2009, 01:55 AM
This is seriously getting old.

Posted by elmister, 10-10-2009, 01:59 AM
72.233.x.x is also down I think entire LT is down Please, LT, make an announcement, i've got phone calls from customers and need to give them information

Posted by gamefreak13, 10-10-2009, 02:00 AM is down, is down, and my host's website is down. Layered Tech support goes to an answering machine. I'm going to try to get through to "Enterprise Sales" or something and maybe talk to a human being. Toll Free: 1-866-584-6784 Phone: (972) 398-7000

Posted by dcdan, 10-10-2009, 02:02 AM
All my servers at DB are up now. According to uptime stats there was no power loss, only network outage...

Posted by ElrondTwg, 10-10-2009, 02:03 AM
Back up for me... 2 hours and no way to contact LT support. Awful.

Posted by Srv24x7, 10-10-2009, 02:05 AM
its up now. Thanks LT

Posted by gamefreak13, 10-10-2009, 02:06 AM
I'm back online. is back up, but with no details regarding this outage. And even if it did, it doesn't do any good if.. A.) I don't check the website every few hours every single day to see if there is an outage coming. B.) I can't check it during an outage. They need to send an e-mail to all customers notifying them of planned outages. And unplanned outages should be so few and far between that they go un-noticed. And the ones that are neccessary should be a few minutes long at most. Last edited by gamefreak13; 10-10-2009 at 02:10 AM.

Posted by ocoth, 10-10-2009, 02:07 AM
My gosh it is up just in time. One of my clients is a restaurant delivery service, open at 5pm every evening (Australia). Connectivity was restored at about 4:59pm! VERY close call. They hadn't even noticed. Just like last time, but they noticed then!

Posted by Srv24x7, 10-10-2009, 02:22 AM
Yes it is indeed a network outage.

Posted by plumsauce, 10-10-2009, 02:51 AM
A. That's why many people use third party monitoring services. B. That's why a few hosts use failover dns and keep a second presence outside of their own facilities.

Posted by ocoth, 10-10-2009, 03:29 AM
Data Bank (Dallas) network services were impacted as a result of scheduled maintenance of our inter-dc connectivity (http :// Customers in the impacted network segments may have experienced service interruptions between 11pm and 1am. Most issues were resolved within the first 30 minutes of the maintenance window, but some issues did persist. Our network services group is continuing to monitor the impact to ensure all services are fully restored. At this time we would ask that you verify if the issue reported in your support request persists. We apologize for any inconvenience this maintenance has caused, and sincerely appreciate your patience, and your business. We appreciate your business.

Posted by multiwebinc, 10-10-2009, 03:35 AM
If I set the secondary DNS to another server, will regular accesses sometimes go to the secondary server even if the main one is up? Like if I just have some simple html page saying that the server is down, I don't want that to be displayed if the server is actually up.

Posted by plumsauce, 10-10-2009, 04:20 AM
I'll pm you the info as it has nothing to do with this thread.

Posted by multiwebinc, 10-10-2009, 04:23 AM
Thanks... but I actually do think it's pretty relevant and other people may be interested in knowing how to set something like that up in the case of network downtime.

Posted by gamefreak13, 10-10-2009, 02:06 PM
I'm interested in knowing how to set this up too. If even just routed to an old laptop running a web server at my home. It'd be slow, but probably be able to output a simple "unavailable" message. My concern with doing that is the method by how it works. If it says something like "well the primary name server hasn't responded in 2 seconds, lets try the secondary" and my server is just really busy, I don't want people going to the second server.

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