
easyApache build with a twist, thoughts?

Posted by David_McKim, 04-29-2015, 11:56 AM
I'm interested in the prospect of updating my cloud server to the latest version of Apache, and changing some internals about how it works. Currently the server is as follows: Apache 2.2 PHP 5.3 (suphp handler, suexec enabled) MySQL 5.1 MPM Prefork Tomcat 7.0 Railo (ColdFusion emulator) Special Note* The Tomcat/Railo system requires a special reverse-proxy setup in Apache since Tomcat isn't the principle webserver software, thus it doesn't get to hog 80 or 8080 (forget which it is) to itself. What I would like to do is explore the practicality of how beneficial the following build would be. I know naturally having a non-deprecated SQL version is a wise idea. ----- Considered Configuration: Apache 2.4 PHP 5.5 MySQL 5.6 Tomcat 7.0 Mod_Security Suhosin SourceGuardian Loader (is this unnecessary due to Suhosin?) Zend Optimizer (instead of XCache) Now the two routes I have to go with PHP handlers seem to be either SuPHP or ModRuid2. I did a bit of reading a while back that started to make me favor Mod Ruid2, considering it seems to have added the security necessary to use DSO without the same security risks that ransacked a lot of earlier Joomla & Wordpress versions. I configured a web server for an associate to use Ruid 2 in fact and it seems to have worked well. The caveat is I see under Ruid2 in the red where Tomcat 7.0 is listed as disabled by default. This creates a conflict because I have an account on my server that has a dependency of Tomcat & Railo for a few ColdFusion files. That brings me to a few questions. 1. What's your opinion(s) on the best course of action when considering the above options (or alternatives you might suggest)? 2. Would this rebuild or recompile completely screw up Tomcat & Railo, if so, is there any easy way to re-import settings that make them work again? *note, I was told easyApache is just recompiling modules but there's a good possibility settings may be stored elsewhere and not immediately lost within the recompile. Is this accurate? 3. Would the introduction of Zend Optimizer and an upgraded PHP, Apache & SQL version be way too taxing for my machines current provisioned memory? 4. Is Ruid 2 really worth serious consideration? Thanks to all for any insight,

Posted by Majester, 04-29-2015, 06:20 PM
You may consider mod_fcgid, which offers similar security but also the speed you may want out of hosting wordpress/joomla sites. The caveat is that it requires more involved configurations to work properly out of the box, but works with tomcat. If you want the best reliability, suPHP is the way to go, but it doesn't have the speed benefits of the other handlers. It appears that there is issues with mod_ruid2 and the way it handles mutexes to work alongside tomcat, so you will very likely run into issues if you manage to even get it to compile. The EasyApache team from cPanel mentioned some good reasoning here: XCache is a little faster than zend optimizer, but the drain it would bring on your system depends on the type of sites you host and the number of them. You may not notice much of a difference unless your system is presently strained. It all depends on the need for the switch, as well. It's worth it in most scenarios, however, since you're running tomcat I do not believe this to be your best option.

Posted by David_McKim, 04-29-2015, 09:51 PM
Mod fcgid sounds interesting and tempting. It seems to have a pretty strict requirement that applications have to be FastCGI compliant. This makes it a tough one when I consider the amount of work it might take to get it configured and the potential issues with not supporting some PHP scripts. Suphp seems to be ideal for being a memory miser and having great support a lot of scripts, with the added benefit of being a matured handler. The system in question has about 1GB of ram now and I'd like to up it to 1.5 before too long. Wordpress and Joomla make up the vast majority of the servers hosted sites. Anything else would probably either be a pile of HTML files or a fairly straight forward PHP script. Do you have an opinion regarding Suhosin or Sourceguardian?

Posted by EthernetServers, 04-30-2015, 05:16 AM
Something to bare in mind about FastCGI: If you don't consider yourself a decent system admin, it's probably best to use suPHP.

Posted by David_McKim, 04-30-2015, 09:56 AM
That's my line of thinking. I'm not bad at administrating things, I've got the mindset and the gut for it but I may not have all the time I'd like to become adequate with administrating fcgi. Does anyone have any recommendations for enhancing the performance of joomla and wordpress based websites? I'm aware of php caching software (xcache/eaccelerator/zend/etc). If I'm going to recompile there's no reason not to take my time, research and make the most of new enhancements

Posted by Majester, 05-05-2015, 01:20 AM
Well, once you find a suitable configuration for mod_fcgid, it usually works well until you start getting more traffic or more sites on the server. There are a number of guides (and documentation) online that can help you determine what values may be good in different environments. You may also want to consider litespeed (it can get a little pricey) or even cloudlinux with their mod_lsapi (free litespeed module) to gain some wanted speeds.

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