
My shared hosting email hacked or not hacked?

Posted by 19881024, 03-23-2015, 07:40 AM
Guys I need you to help me with this. This is regarding a person's email. He wants to know if his email has been hacked, It is the shared hosting fault etc. Story in short. This person has a client in China The client in china does trade with him regularly A few days ago the client in China receives a pishing or what so ever you call it email asking to transfer the money to a different bank accout ( due to tax etc...) As the sender email was exactly this person mail the client trust and sends the money Question: Is this person's shared hosting to be blamed? Was his email actually get hacked? Can some body send an email from this person without actually hacking it? Sorry for my poor english not sure if you understand what I mean

Posted by GORF, 03-23-2015, 10:18 AM
You would have to examine the full email headers to determine if the email "was exactly this person mail" or just made to look like it. The sender's computer could be compromised with malware that could capture the email settings - host, username, password - and send them to someone else. That would allow someone else to authenticate as the legitmate sender and use their account to send mail. This scenario is not the fault of the hosting company.

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