
Master Reseller - help , How much is worth ?

Posted by polski, 07-25-2011, 09:15 AM
Hey guys I have question , what do you think about master reseller hosting for 6 months with specs like below : 1. RAID 10 Disk Space Unmetered 2.Bandwidth Unmetered 3.Control Panel WHMreseller/Zamfoo + WHM + CPanel 4.Reseller (WHM) Supported Unlimited 5.mysql- unlimited 6.ftp - unlimited Tech: Intel ® Core™ i7™ CPU - 8x Memory - 8 GB Uptime - 99.9% My question is how much are you willing to pay for that ? As Im not familiarize with hosting..

Posted by KMyers, 07-25-2011, 09:22 AM

Posted by polski, 07-25-2011, 09:32 AM
Thanks for reply , I didnt see any problems with it

Posted by MrMcGoo, 07-25-2011, 02:13 PM
Master plans have to be very carefully managed to have any hope of success. Unlimited space and bandwidth with Master reseller plans a disaster waiting to (and will) happen. Sorry, I know that is not the answer you want but it is the thruth

Posted by Sinoco, 07-25-2011, 02:24 PM
This is very true. I wouldn't pay anything for it. Put disk space/bandwidth limits and you will get customers who actually know something/what they want, and not the "UNLIMITED EVERYTHING PL0X" kind of customer.

Posted by polski, 07-25-2011, 05:04 PM
It seems that it would be better if i wrote " limited to.." ahh

Posted by Forward Web, 07-25-2011, 05:24 PM
Honestly, it sounds to be like you are not very experienced at managing servers, therefore I do not recommend you jump into the master/alpha reseller market. In general, those types of packages can lead to all types of server management problems (regardless of your server specs). I think we have seen it happen here on WHT, time and time again. Stick to offering regular reseller plans and go from there.

Posted by Snargleflap, 07-25-2011, 06:35 PM
Beachcomber is right. But as soon as it's successful, that's when it will explode on you. The irony of master reseller plans is that success is your greatest hope and greatest fear

Posted by PremiumHost, 07-25-2011, 09:15 PM
I don't mind if the host plan is $10/month. Many look for cheaper is better. However i would not host any business sites on that hosting package.

Posted by Snargleflap, 07-26-2011, 01:40 AM
I know it shouldn't anymore, but it still amazes me how much people want/expect in hosting for 10 bucks or less a month. It wasn't all that long ago that it cost my company several thousand dollars to set up our own server, communications, domain names etc, long before there was such a thing as a web host.

Posted by polski, 07-26-2011, 05:23 AM
Snargleflap funny irony , but Im not offering here my services , yes you right Im not experienced , that's why Im selling my master reseller account.

Posted by ModelWebHost, 07-26-2011, 06:43 AM
And you should buy a reseller or master(if you have some reseller customer also) in the beginning and then if you have lot of customer then go ahead and buy a VPS.

Posted by HostXNow_Chris, 07-26-2011, 09:23 AM
I recommend just sticking to reselling standard Reseller hosting accounts and VPS/Dedicated servers. Less hassle, etc.

Posted by offshorehosttk, 07-27-2011, 12:00 PM
Stay away from "unmetered", because most of the times it is a lie. And unemetered for Master reseller, thats actually fishy, unless you know the site has some reputation. If its a new hosting, dont trust it. As of price, in my opinion , 15$ for 15gb space and 100gb bandwidth is a good deal. P.S:- i host 100+ active websites, which takes very low space space around 12gb. Its bandwidth and cpu nodes you should worry about.

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