
Reseller Hosting / Cloud Server

Posted by jdotcom, 06-01-2011, 11:48 AM
I’m starting a small hosting business. While a Reseller Plan seems to offer the easiest and most convenient way to start one, it is limited to sell only shared hosting. My plan is to sell Shared Hosting, Reseller Hosting, Domain Reselling, and Email Hosting. So I am considering going with a Cloud Server – Though, I still have a lot to learn here. I’ll be going with a minimum of no less than the 1GB/RAM server, and I might opt for the 2GB. Will this be good enough for a start? How can I literally setup the server to customize each hosting solutions I just mentioned? I mean, as compared to a Reseller Hosting Account, all you need is the cPanel, then you’re all set to take and fill in you’re client’s order. And all installations were basically already taken care of, as in it’s already in there. I’d like to hear your Security advices too. Important points I should consider doing/installing with Cloud Server. i.e. setting up Firewall, Ddos, backup, etc. As to selling Domain, how can I do this? Is it thru a Domain Registrar? a Domain Reseller? Any recommendations? Appreciate your views, explanations, suggestions, and advices. Thanks in advance.

Posted by chris9998, 06-01-2011, 12:06 PM
well if you going to go that way is going to cost you about $280 a month.

Posted by HostXNow_Chris, 06-01-2011, 01:27 PM
You can get a Cloud VPS Server with 2GB of RAM. A Cloud Dedicated Server is not needed. For a firewall you can use just use CSF ( ) which is FREE. A managed provider will install DDoS software and setup offsite backups for you for free. A FREE eNom Domain Reseller account is included with all WHMCS licenses. I recommend getting a WHMCS to bill your customers. It also has a support ticketing system. You can also configure WHMCS to automate account setups, etc.

Posted by ubservers, 06-01-2011, 01:33 PM
Reseller hosting combined with a domain reseller can let you offer every service you are looking for at a lowest rate to start off. Shared Hosting, Reseller Hosting, Domain Reselling, and Email Hosting What you are looking for is: Master reseller + Domain Reseller (Enom for example)

Posted by cartika-andrew, 06-01-2011, 01:33 PM
Hello, If you are not particular what you are doing, I would not be looking to setup and manage your own cloud server. That really is not good advise. You could look at a fully managed cloud server, but, that is pretty limiting as well to just that one platform, etc.. I absolutely would not setup your own server though and resell from it unless you really knew what you were doing. Nothing like mis managing a server to lose the customers you do acquire

Posted by ubservers, 06-01-2011, 01:34 PM
Reseller hosting combined with a domain reseller can let you offer every service you are looking for at a lowest rate to start off. Shared Hosting, Reseller Hosting, Domain Reselling, and Email Hosting What you are looking for is: Master reseller + Domain Reseller (Enom for example)

Posted by HostXNow_Chris, 06-01-2011, 01:57 PM
OP is after Cloud. You will have a job getting Master Cloud Reseller.

Posted by ubservers, 06-01-2011, 02:01 PM
What he said is that he is looking for cloud because reseller hosting can't offer Reseller and email hosting. I am telling him he is wrong about it and I am offering him another possibility to make him same some money. Next time, read carefully and let the OP decide about his needs and options. He is looking for help, lets give him all options possible

Posted by HostXNow_Chris, 06-01-2011, 02:26 PM
I thought OP was after Cloud for better uptime. Cloud cannot separate different services any better than a standard Reseller account or VPS server.

Posted by jdotcom, 06-02-2011, 01:07 AM
Hi chris, yep, my estimate is more or less around in that figure too. Hi ubserver, yep, have considered searching for a master reseller account. However, it’s not easy to find a provider who have all in one package – I mean, one might have what I’m looking for the product/service, however lack good customer support (or in some cases, have a real bad reputation and reviews). But thank you for bringing it up. By chance can you recommend anyone being good at both? Hi Andrew, yes, it’s indeed unsettling to compromise the quality of the service that’s why for now I’m thinking it thoroughly thru which path is more appropriate. It’s not necessarily that I’ll be doing the technical procedures alone, I’m considering having an IT consultant, if necessary. Then maybe I’ll learn along the way. – though yeah, very costly. And I seriously still don’t know where I can find one. Hi HostXNow, does it mean it’s not advisable to have different type of hosting services (shared, reseller, etc.) under a cloud server? And yes, I’m planning to go with WHMCS.

Posted by Henry wilson, 06-02-2011, 04:41 AM
If you want to offer every service you are looking for at a lowest rate to start initially the include Reseller hosting combined with a domain reseller.

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