
Cirrus Hosting down 3rd day now

Posted by webzsolutions, 07-12-2009, 12:01 PM
I have a reseller account through Cirrus and all of my sites went down on Friday morning. When I contacted them through 'trouble ticket' all I was told was that they were working on the problem (no mention of what that problem might be). When I contacted them again hours later they replied that they had already told me they are working on it and basically not to contact them again that they would let me know a.s.a.p. Well, today my sites are STILL down. I'm at a loss. Does anyone know what is going on?

Posted by Tyl3r, 07-12-2009, 12:26 PM
3 days of downtime? Why haven't you found another provider yet? What's your IP, I'll check to see if it's down here.

Posted by rbit, 07-12-2009, 08:43 PM
I also have a reseller account with Cirrus and another corporate account ... Both accounts have been down now since early Friday. Cirrus has said "... we have had a severe hardware failure on our Shared Windows Hosting server that your hosting plan is currently on. Throughout the afternoon, our technicians have been working at our data center to resolve the problem, and get your service backup. Unfortunately, we were unable to recover the current data hosted on this server as the issue affected all the hard drives in our redundant array making recovery not possible. To compound the problem, our most recent backup restore points have been corrupted. Therefore, we have launched our disaster recovery procedure to restore your data to our last available uncorrupted restore point that we have in our archive backup system. Regrettably, this restore point is approximately 1 month old. While we are restoring to this backup, our technicians will continue to try and recover the current data on our failed drives in the event there is a possibility to restore this data." Unbelieveable! Backup restore points failed - what happened to actual hardware backups? They now estimate to be back up 6am EST Monday... with month old backups...!! "We have successfully restored the June 11, 2009 backup on a new hardware node. All data is intact up until that day which is a tremendous relief. Our engineers are trying to get the restored image booted as soon as possible." Can anyone recommend a *good* Canadian webhost running ColdFusion 8? thks.

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