
WHMCS tech question

Posted by Dietrich, 05-23-2011, 02:42 PM
Hi all, Thanks again to the contributers here who provide good info to relative lurkers such as myself--the content on this forum has proven itself invaluable. I cannot count the number of times I've plugged (query) into google and found exactly what I needed. Thank-you! Short version: I have a reseller account through HostGator. I want to set things up so that I can easily access all client accounts without having separate credentials and the bothers associated therein. I'm thinking I just need to configure WHM to create new accounts in sub-directories of my master account / webspace, if that's possible(?). Reasoning: (in case the premise of my question is stupid, and there's a better solution) I develop websites and web apps. I've been using a developer's acct on 1and1 and simply hosting my clients for free, but I dislike their back-end and lack of direct database access. It's also a nice way to get a few extra bucks per month for the effort of hosting the sites, and my customers all simply want to pay and have their hosting "taken care of." My customers don't even need their own cpanel--I take care of all ongoing service, maintenance and updates. I technically don't even need a reseller account, I suppose, but my thinking was that the automatic billing and resource allocation (bandwidth usage) would provide me with the best start. Addendum: I have a technical background and none of this stuff scares me, so I don't require a stupid-simple solution, and I can deal with a link or broadly-worded answer, as long as it can be done! :] I've done a good deal of searching, and I would've guessed that someone else would've already been over this somewhere, but I'm just not finding it. Can someone throw me a bone? -- Not *at* me but *to* me would be preferable. =] Thanks for reading!

Posted by RoboTekHost, 05-23-2011, 02:50 PM
whmcs is good for you mostly to auto provision accounts but you might want to check whmcs main website

Posted by Dietrich, 05-23-2011, 03:10 PM
Hi Ian, thanks for responding. I should have mentioned that I am using WHMCS. I have searched over there with to no avail. I swear I'm normally good at searching for things--worked in a library all through grad school! Yes, the auto-provisioning/billing and all that is my reasoning. Last edited by Dietrich; 05-23-2011 at 03:12 PM. Reason: added whmcs info

Posted by Peter_Net, 05-23-2011, 09:33 PM
You should check with Hostgator. I don't know any setting in WHM can customize location of hosting accounts. On windows hosting, websitepanel allows sub-accounts created under master space.

Posted by Dietrich, 05-23-2011, 09:42 PM
Hi Peter, thanks for responding, Yes, it sounds like I'm asking for something like the "master space" option, but with WHM/*nix. I don't know why I'm so hesitant to contact HG. I'm paying a small premium for superior customer service, why not use it? :] Honestly, I didn't think it would be a deal. Seems to me like a lot of web devs would want to host their clients' sites since it's less of a headache to be familiar w/ and have some control over the dev environment and all that. But hey, what do I know? I'm a hardware guy dragged kicking and screaming into the artsy design stuff. Thanks again guys. I'll report back my findings in case someone else is searching for the info. Cheers, -DM

Posted by hotohori, 05-23-2011, 10:34 PM
Hi, I might be wrong, but I don't think whmcs can provision sub directories account. Most likely can be done by a custom add on script. Having said that, imo, it will be easier and hassles free to just host your clients' website on separate cpanel. It's less messy. You will be able to better monitor traffic and resource usage. If your only concern is to be able to login using one credential then you do not have a problem at all. Will your reseller account login, you can access to all clients cpanel. Hope this help.

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