
Reseller Hosting: Beginner's Questions

Posted by jdotcom, 05-17-2011, 04:32 PM
Hi all! Yep, new here. WHT really seems a very good forum. Already learning a lot from the real people Been thinking to be a Reseller for quite sometime now. Got a few questions in mind -- 1. Data Centers. While it is suggested to find a Host provider with data center located within its market, how does it affect when the data center is located in another continent? 2. Customer Support. I've always considered good and knowledgeable Customer Support very important, and is on top of my list. One whose always there. How far does one Hosting Company provides it reseller when it comes to "customer services"? Technical support is in one of my major considerations. Well, I admit I'm no tech savvy, so I'm seeing myself highly depending on my provider to assist and solve anything that have to do with technical problems. At least until I'm able to afford to hire my own technician. But until then, I need the provider on this. How does 24/7/365 really works? 3. In creating the hosting plan, how do you actually allocate Disk Space vs. Bandwith? 4. Cloud Hosting. I'm pretty new about it and I just notice that it's popular nowadays. How does it differ compare to the common standard hosting? 5. What's an "OP"? Read that a lot of times here in WHT. ;p Anyone? Thanks in advance. PS: Answers in plain English is highly appreciated.

Posted by ahsima, 05-17-2011, 09:19 PM
1. People ask for data centers to be available in specific locations, however data centers in US or UK will have pretty good speed. 2. Yes, technical support with 99.9 % uptime will be mandatory 3. Regarding the BW unlimited offers are becoming reality and exhaustive disk space is also available 4. Cloud hosting helps in spikes of traffic. regards

Posted by agustan, 05-17-2011, 10:52 PM
1. I think it's not a major issue to have data centers different from your clients/market location. Just like me, I'm in Indonesia (ASIA), but the host provider/data center is in the US. The speed is still reliable here to be accessed from Indonesia (Asia). Well, it's true that it will be faster if your clients located in the same continent/country as your data center/host provider location. 2. Reliable host provider with great reputation always provide great customer service to their clients (including as resellers). And my host provider provides 24/7/365 supports (via emails/tickets, and live chat). So, choose your host provider carefully 3. I setup 3 hosting plans under my reseller account: - Basic plan (250 MB of disk space and 2500 MB of bandwidth) - Pro plan (500 MB of disk space and 5000 MB of bandwidth) - Ultimate plan (2500 MB of disk space and 25000 MB of bandwidth) 4. I'm not familiar with 'Cloud hosting' and have no experience with it yet. So can't tell more about it 5. As I know, "OP" means "Original Poster" (the first person who started the thread/topic).

Posted by aodat2, 05-17-2011, 11:05 PM
Here's the answer as best I could describe accordingly. 1. The reason why you would want a server which is near is because the connection speed would be best to you and the clients near to you. Thus it would be only sensible to get a fast connection to the server instead of having the server 1/2 way across the world. 2. Customer support varies from company to company. The best is for you to check with the company itself on what they could offer to you and all. Like for us for example, in the early stages, we offered no support for our reseller package. Then support to the reseller only, then finally even white labeled support as well to client(escalated). So I guess that is something which has to be checked out by yourself with the company you're looking at. 3. Depends on which control panel you're using. If you're talking about cPanel then when you create a package, you will be asked how much disk space and BW is wanted on this package and etc. That's how you allocate how much Disk Space and BW you're giving out. It's usually created within the control panel itself. 4. Try reading this link... you'll get more idea on what it is and etc. or you could always go to Google and type in "Wiki Cloud Hosting" or perhaps "Cloud vs Standard Hosting". 5. Usually when they say OP, they mean the person who started the thread(Thread Starter) but most probably people are going to ask what's a Thread and etc, so they use OP instead which basically means "Original Poster". Hope it answers most of your questions if not all your questions. Should there be anything else, just ask. Don't be shy. We all were small once before. Not many started out BIG.

Posted by jdotcom, 05-18-2011, 02:55 AM
Asima, Agustan, and aodat2: Thank you for the replies. Regarding the Disk Space and Bandwidth, i mean, how can I determine how much bandwidth does it need to be alloted for every Disk Space? Is there a certain formula or ratio for this, or both are just unrelated at all? Thanks for the encouragement in there. I really appreciate as I read it.

Posted by agustan, 05-18-2011, 03:52 AM
Actually, there is no specific formula to define how much disk space and bandwidth to your hosting plans. It's totally up to you to set them up. Just doing some simple math, for example, you got 50 GB of disk space and 500 GB of bandwidth for your reseller account. Then, if you create a plan with 500 MB of disk space with 5000 MB of bandwidth, then you may host about <100 accounts under that hosting plan. You may also want to check with your hosting provider's TOS, if you're allowed to oversell and make sure you don't break their rules.

Posted by aodat2, 05-18-2011, 06:18 AM
As agustan said, there's no real formula for choosing what disk space and BW to package up. I've seen before people offering 10GB Space with 30GB BW and I've even seen 1GB Space with 1TB BW. It's just what you think your customers will most probably want best and what is the most feasible package to offer. Also I'm sure you'll start asking this if not now, soon. There's no such thing called as Unlimited Space. They eventually block you by saying you can have only X number of files/folders(inodes) on the server. As for Unmetered BW, then well... how much could you use anyways? When your BW goes too high, so does the load of the server because there's too many people on the server together on the same time, at that time, they will suspend your site and tell you you're using too much resources and etc after which you will need to go for a better/higher plan anyways. So in truth, there's no such thing called as Unlimited Space coz nobody in this world came out with this HDD yet. If you do know someone who has it, please do tell us. LOL. As for Unmetered BW, it is possible but then again you're capped at the maximum on the line the server is on. So hope this again helped you a little bit more.

Posted by HostXNow_Chris, 05-18-2011, 08:58 AM
TIP: You can oversell more diskspace and bandwidth with standard Shared hosting plans than you can with standard Reseller hosting plans.

Posted by hostnesta, 05-18-2011, 09:04 AM
Don't get caught up in the MESS! Unlimited is a term for the "BIG HOSTS" Sit down create your own tailored packages and cost them. Remember you are in an ocean full of wales and sharks.

Posted by jdotcom, 05-19-2011, 07:18 AM
agustan and aodat2, thanks. Yes, all your input helped me better understand it bit by bit. And yep, thanks for the advance lesson regarding the "unlimited" thing. It is said that overselling is only use for marketing purposes, but as for the actual application itself, limit still applies. @hostnesta: got it, thanks.

Posted by jdotcom, 05-19-2011, 07:30 AM
As cloud hosting is becoming increasing popular and offered by host providers, what are the chances that standard hosting packages becomes obsolete? It just occurred to my mind, what if people (end-users) started to migrate using cloud hosting - because of its cheaper, flexible, and much more to offer "unlimited" features versus the standard hosting, then is it a wrong time and a wrong decision to start into a webhosting reselling business? Last edited by jdotcom; 05-19-2011 at 07:42 AM. Reason: sentence structure

Posted by jdotcom, 05-19-2011, 10:54 PM
Anyone? -- My mind have been set in pursuing my plans regarding reselling web hosting. I just thought I would like to get a little more valuable opinion and significant inputs to take note and widen my considerations.

Posted by jdotcom, 05-19-2011, 11:00 PM
Hi HostXNow, I see I see. Yep, i quite noticed that when I review the packages from most of the Hosting Companies. But, can we resell standard shared hosting plans if without reseller accounts?

Posted by agustan, 05-19-2011, 11:21 PM
I haven't found yet such reselling for shared hosting plans without reseller accounts. Maybe you can do that just for affiliated programs (based on commission) - you can ask the affiliate program's details with its host provider.

Posted by aodat2, 05-20-2011, 12:51 AM
Cloud hosting as cheap as it might be will NEVER come close to standard Web Hosting costs. Reason is because in a cloud, we do give you specific server resources to use as well. We could not oversell ourselves in a cloud as we could on a shared hosting account. Resources will always be limited in a cloud hosting environment but in a shared hosting environment, you are given the disk space + bandwidth only. Not limited by the resources. So this is 1 of the things which will actually come up when you're on a Cloud as compared to a Shared Hosting. Ps. Clouds are not as cheap as you might think they are. Look around... the costs are not even near Shared Hosting. VPS maybe, but cloud - no. Does anyone actually oversell for clouds? Hmmm... I know we don't. How do you do that anyways?

Posted by jdotcom, 05-20-2011, 05:16 AM
Just what I thought so. For now, I’m looking forward to set up a small web hosting services, and preferred managing client’s accounts first hand from my reseller’s account. So yep, we’re looking at a reseller’s account Thanks for specifically clarifying about the Disk Space/Bandwidth vs. Server Resources. Yes, that makes very much sense. I see. Hmm… one of my site is happily being hosted with Vexxhost standard shared hosting. Currently from their website, I see they are offering new Cloud-based hosting with unlimited features for USD3.99 per month. Also, I found from other thread is a reputable cloud-based hosting named Cloud Web. Seeing their cloud hosting plans, it seems that the features are not far different from the Standard, aside from the word “Cloud” itself. Plans were actually offered in 3 different no. of Disk Space and Transfers accordingly. cPanel and other account features are all available, just like standard shared hosting offers, at a price that’s affordable too. There are few more others. That's why after having these few references, I get a little concerned weighing between reselling Standard Shared Web hosting or Cloud Shared web hosting.

Posted by XTremo, 05-20-2011, 06:16 AM
Personally I ignore all this cloud stuff.....and base choice of providers purely on the reputation they've built. At the end of the day I need my sites working.....and working well. And it makes no difference to me how that is's the results that I'm interested in. And word of advice....stay well away from all this unlimited nonsense. Buy purely on a provider's track record, not on promises of things that don't exist.

Posted by jdotcom, 05-21-2011, 07:49 AM
XTremo: Thanks for a realistic and straightforward advice. Really appreciate it, and is highly noted.

Posted by Phoenixbiz, 05-23-2011, 05:56 AM
Hi all. I provide web development but always get asked about hosting - it seems like a head ache and a lot of stress to manage but would be keen on a reseller package where i could 'flick' the customer and get an ongoing commission each time the customer pays/renews. I dont want to be the person they call at 2am when the site goes down though!

Posted by HostXNow_Chris, 05-23-2011, 06:27 AM
Signup to be an affiliate so you get x amount for each Sale.

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