
AxisHost DNS?

Posted by Vortex-Steve, 07-12-2009, 08:23 AM
Hi guys, The majority of sites on my Axis Host server have been unavailable for the last 5 hours (this was the first I noticed at least, likely to be longer). I can ping the server and access WHM and cPanel via IP address, and sites which have externally managed DNS are fine. I raised a ticket on their helpdesk at 8am this morning (5 hours ago), but have had no response as to what is going on. An announcement came around a few days ago about an outage due yesterday for 1-2 hours, I can only assume that perhaps there is an issue with their DNS cluster which has now come into play. Is anyone else suffering issues? Without a response from them it is hard to judge what has gone wrong. Thanks,

Posted by RSkeens, 07-12-2009, 09:11 AM
From their announcements: Best of luck, hope it passes soon.

Posted by Vortex-Steve, 07-12-2009, 09:20 AM
Yeah, got a response literally as I stuck this up. Shame the issue had already been there for 6 hours before they realised...

Posted by Tina J, 07-12-2009, 09:33 AM
It wasn't there for 6 hours before we realized, I assure you. We've been working all night to get this sorted - but we literally have 100s of tickets coming in and our night shift is not equipt to keep up with that kind of volume. When I came back in this morning, I gave everyone the official reply to pass along to the masses. Basically, the DC gave us the wrong date for the physical migration and something that we were told was going to take 2 hours (max) has now turned into way too long. We're pretty upset about this and will be posting more information as we have it. This wasn't a lax response on the technical side, it was a communication issue which has been addressed. --Tina

Posted by Vortex-Steve, 07-12-2009, 10:54 AM
Tina, Thank you for the update. I have no issues with AxisHost in terms of technical response as you are always very good, just recently communication has been a lot slower than you have managed in the past, and I appreciate this is a rare occurrence. It was just particularly bad timing as I had rescheduled a meeting from yesterday to this morning to ensure that I didn't hit the down time! Thanks,

Posted by Vortex-Steve, 07-12-2009, 11:29 AM
Everything back up and running now. A pain to have happen, but at least it was a weekend rather than weekday! Thanks for the updates Tina.

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