
How you verify your user

Posted by Rick777, 09-05-2010, 02:34 PM
Hi I have just a query that we are all in in Hosting business directly or indirectly how much of you verify the user when you get some new signup or user is genuine let see an simple example incase any of my reseller or mine reseller client do involve in fraud activities i.e domain registration or webhosting for that user in that case if any police case shall register against that Reseller user and the user gives wrong information about his identity (address,phone,name)does myself shall be responsible along with my reseller to face in any legal terms directly or indirectly the fraud user belong to me. If we recieved the payment from CC or bank trancation we have the proof of the user account details but in case of the user comes to your office and submit cash we do normally asked for a proof when some unknown user submit cash at our office but the identity proof can easliy be forged. For our outstation client we usally asked them to submit bank draft to pay against the company or submit cash in our company bank account in their cities bank branches. in that case we have no information about the user that it is genuine or not. In mine knowledge we should clear define acceptable user policy on the website. What so you think??? Do you ever experienced this type case and how do you deal with them.

Posted by CyberHostPro, 09-05-2010, 07:03 PM
Hi You should have some kind of anti-fraud system on your order forms! if you use WHMCS you can activate the Maxmind plugin which is free and is very powerful.

Posted by ActivistAdmin, 09-06-2010, 10:51 AM
We verify users based on IP, City/State in relation to the IP as well as there phone number. If it appears fraudulent we require valid state ID for additional verification. Never heard of cash paying for hosting - doesn't sound like a great idea.

Posted by JamieJ, 09-06-2010, 11:39 AM
We use maxmind, it does a great job.

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