
Leaving Jodo, need advice for alternative

Posted by Ron-Ams, 09-24-2009, 02:24 AM
Hello, Lately I have lots of problems with the performance of the Jodohost servers. Sites need minutes to load and their support department moves me from server to server, tweaks several mysterious settings or puts a site in a dedicated pool, but the problems return quickly without any significant changes to the actual sites done by us. Discussion about this is sometimes a bit difficult as the supportstaff doesn't always understand (or ignores?) my questions. As I have been with Jodo for quite some time, I have given them the benefit of doubt, but it's been like this for months now. Therefore I would like to know if there are any alternatives that can compete with Jodo. Their priceplan for resellerhosting is interesting (starts at $ 17,50 a month, so I wonder if there is any competition out there. I don't really need resellerhosting, it can be a plan where I can host between 1-10 domains, each with their own site. I am using dotnetnuke, so I am looking for Windows/ASP.NET/MS SQL. I am familiar with Hsphere and I am not a big fan of Plesk, as I can't put dotnetnuke in the root of a website for some reason. I am open to other suggestions or solutions for this of course. Thanks, Ron

Posted by (Stephen), 09-24-2009, 02:33 AM
Ron, I don't know what tickets you may have/have had in place, however if using Dotnetnuke, I know that if you do not get hits within 20 minutes or so, the has to recompile. There are various keepalive methods to help with this, have you considered that? This isn't a support forum, so feel free to PM me your ticket Ids if you want me to check them, but I will refrain from further 'support' here as to stay within the rules

Posted by PremiumHost, 09-24-2009, 03:59 AM
That's a weird problem. Each website created should be application so you can host dnn in root folder.

Posted by Softsys Hosting, 09-24-2009, 04:39 AM
Exactly! This sounds quite weird. In any case, what are your disk space/bandwidth requirements? Are you looking for Windows 2003 or Windows 2008 platform?

Posted by tcstatic, 09-24-2009, 07:03 AM
If it's a script problem, it's a script problem. Did this happen all of a sudden, or has it always occurred since installing dotnetnuke? Stephen agreed to take a look at this, so I would give them the benefit of the doubt. If you have been happy up until this point with them, at least take this opportunity to discuss the problem. If it's a script/configuration problem, you are simply going to take the problem elsewhere if you move.

Posted by eric_pu, 09-24-2009, 07:47 AM
Nice advice. Let them help you exactly locate the problem.Making a critical phonecall and asking for a professional would be the top choice!

Posted by Ultima VPS, 09-24-2009, 11:06 AM
If you are running DNN I'd say your best option is to get a 1GB VPS and install MSSQL Express on it. The performance will be fantastic and you will have full control over your hosting.

Posted by Yash-JH, 09-24-2009, 11:17 AM
Sorry to hear about your problem with our service. We have hundreds of DNN sites running on our servers with no problems. I'd suggest PMing Stephen directly (or reporting the problem on our forum), and we could continue to investigate the issue. If the support team switched you between several servers, that usually rules out a server-specific or performance-specific issue. Putting you in a dedicated IIS pool means that your website runs its own process - and hence no other website can affect it. If this didn't help too, there may be some underlying configuration issue. As Stephen said, it could be a keep-alive issue

Posted by Ron-Ams, 10-12-2009, 04:15 PM
Thank you all for the respons to this post. As I don't think this post is the right place to discuss the issue I have with Jodo, I won't go into that here, although it has woken up some people over there As the long history of tickets wasn't very helpfull in the decission for Jodo, me and the owner have decided to move one of the sites to a dutch webhosting company (It is a dutch site). The other domainnames aren't in a hurry. Thanks again, Ron

Posted by PYDOT, 10-12-2009, 08:02 PM
Its sounds to me your having a script or application problem. I heard good things about Jodo and if they are moving you from server to server, then I bet its your application that is causing the problem. If this is the case, you will have problems no matter where you go, until you find the error or optimize the application.

Posted by johngrey, 02-22-2010, 10:53 PM
Did switching the host fix the problem for you? I know the team at Jodo is extremely diligent and putting a bad name to their service won`t be justice.

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