
Security Mailing Lists

Posted by UH-Bobby, 10-09-2013, 04:40 PM
Hey all! To keep aware of security issues, what mailing lists are out there? Are there any hosting related security mailing lists? Thanks!

Posted by Andrew-x, 10-09-2013, 04:43 PM
You mean, you want to send spam email?

Posted by EthernetServers, 10-09-2013, 05:11 PM
What software packages are you using such as cpanel, cloudlinux, etc. The first thing to so is subscribe to all the mailing lists for software you use on your servers. Then other ones such as for PHP, Apache would be good

Posted by snapstart-chris, 10-09-2013, 05:25 PM
SANS NewsBites OSS Security Full Disclosure Bugtraq Apple Product Security (They use a lot of OSS) Bugzilla Security list for any distros that you use for your networking vendor's gear

Posted by UH-Bobby, 10-09-2013, 08:04 PM
Um no. I think you totally misunderstood what I was saying.

Posted by UH-Bobby, 10-09-2013, 08:08 PM
Thanks both of you, great ideas :-). I'm on the cPanel, and CloudLinux mailing lists. I was looking for some more general ones, even if it's not necessarily products I use, I still like to keep aware of other issues. I was a little annoyed to find out about the WHMCS issue from another vendor instead of WHMCS directly. So, I'm trying to be a little bit more proactive on receiving news and alerts pertaining to the hosting industry. To the other responder above, I'm not looking for lists that I can email to, I'm just looking for email lists that I can get news and alerts on. I just want to be more aware about things going on in our industry. I don't frequent WHT like I used to, but I'm going to start being more active around these parts again :-)

Posted by EthernetServers, 10-10-2013, 05:40 AM
What you're doing is a good idea. If only more people subscribed to mailing lists, there would be a lot less hacking/intrusions taking place if people could update their software more quickly as a result of getting notified.

Posted by snapstart-chris, 10-10-2013, 01:57 PM
Exactly. It takes all of 1-2 minutes to skim through them once a day.

Posted by UH-Bobby, 10-14-2013, 10:51 AM
Ok, I've got something that may be of some help: I've created a mailing list for security issues. My goal with this list, I'd like one list that as hosting providers we can sign up to get alerts on many different things. I'm hoping that other people will jump in to contribute as well.

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