
New home for a sst refugee for 2010

Posted by Anrulz, 12-31-2009, 08:07 AM
Hi guys, As you may know sst is sold with no info given to members and we all got screwed ... further info So I got my backup from Blacklotus , thanks a lot ... I am looking for a new host for 2010 it will be just in time , I checked the offers but didnt see anything about irc. It isnt vital but I would like to have that too and posting request for suggestions/recommendations before jumping on any offer would be the best I think. My website is off for 3-4 days or so, it wasnt a very active site but still some members registered, this is why I am not crying to have it back asap , I am not going to make a mistake by hurrying and jumping on the first available host.All I am worried is unfortunately my rank and rep on google, it is going down with every second website offline... of course I would like the issue solved but without mistakes... My reqs are : - 10 gb web space - 200 gb bw - my own nameservers - irc/ssh access for my : ircd , eggdrop , bnc (Note I dont understand from setting up these , and they were down because I couldnt find someone to set them up , if you can help with that would be great but not necessary , it also means I wont be using them for some time also the irc server will be empty even when I set it up , but still I would like to have it for future ) - Preferred : Cpanel(can be direct admin as well but my backup is cpanel no idea converting that) - WHM for sure for controlling the domains ( I dont know how this works on direct admin but I would need an equivalent tool for that ) - 7/24 Available support This can be msn or skype or something else , but I would like to write someone asap when i face a problem and would like to recieve an answer : ok I am on it, I dont want to look at my watch and say , it has been 15 mins still no reply ... I am also not expecting someone to be online for 7/24 but at least online when he is awake or his staff. - Reliable Since felosi disappeared and left me with nothing , no answers etc. I feel so bad and would never like to experience the same thing. - Mysql , mail , other basic etc. stuff unlimited My monthly budget is 10$ Thanks a lot for reading , thats all I can think of for now if I remember something I will add ... Best regards, Anarchy

Posted by njoker555, 12-31-2009, 03:21 PM
Your requirements seem fine minus the IRC thing. Most hosts wouldn't allow that. SSH access, private nameservers, and basically everything else you mentioned is possible. Whether you use IRC now or in the future, many hosts wouldn't allow it either way so if that's a function you really need, ask your host before ordering, you'll save yourself a lot of trouble. If you want to do IRC, you should look for a dedicated server but your budget is lacking a bit. And you already said you checked the offers section and didn't find much info on IRC. Not very surprised. If you leave that requirement behind you, huge windows of offers will open up.

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