
Limit download over x filesize

Posted by mystycs, 09-11-2013, 10:45 AM
This is more of a network question rather than hosting but Is there a way to limit a download over lets say 20MB to throttle at 16KB? I am trying to limit files over 20MB to throtle at lets say 16KB a second knowing its 20MB. Basically i would have a server between the Modem and my computer to do this. Is there any such way or solution/software to do this?

Posted by Tuxxin, 09-11-2013, 11:07 AM
We would need more information on what exactly you're asking. Are you looking to limit speeds at home/office? From a website? If a website do you manage the server?

Posted by mystycs, 09-11-2013, 11:12 AM
I just want to manage this at home for now. But in the event someone starts a HTTP download that is over lets say 20MB, it will completely limit the download to 16KBps. Basically i guess a firewall that manages bandwidth.

Posted by Tuxxin, 09-11-2013, 11:15 AM
I think your only real option is QoS but you wont be able to limit it by total file size but you can limit connections based on what it's doing..

Posted by mystycs, 09-11-2013, 11:16 AM
Is there any such service to do so for lets say http downloads? About QoS i know but not serving my needs.

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