
Please suggest a solid, reasonably priced, Reliable Reseller Host

Posted by Laloo, 08-15-2009, 09:39 AM
I am looking for a solid, well established, Reliable host for Reseller account. Must accept Adult. Looking for something like 20 GB Space/ 1000 GB Bandwidth. Must be able to handle sites that get more than 2000 Unique users per day. I have tried so far: Mellow Host Host Fever Lunar Pages Surpass Hosting Only Surpass was nice but they can not handle sites with more than 30 users connected at the same time! Otherwise their support is good and I prefer a similar BIG boy in hosting business. I need it to host my own 10 sites not for reselling or anything like that. So who else would you recommend and at what price?

Posted by KMyers, 08-15-2009, 10:14 AM

Posted by IGXHost, 08-15-2009, 10:15 AM
1000 GB Monthly bandwidth will be difficult to find in a shared reseller environment. You're likely to have to go with a VPS if you're looking for any reliable service.

Posted by Laloo, 08-15-2009, 10:34 AM
Here are replies igxhost, yes it is begining to look like 1 TB in a reseller account is impossible to get....only promises by hosts is what I have been seeing so far. Interestingly most of my sites were booted off when they started consuming about 60-70GB/month. Webhosts promise sky but fail to deliver ground even

Posted by KMyers, 08-15-2009, 10:58 AM
Yes, I dont understand why hosts promise more then they can deliver. I do have a question about your traffic... Is this all caused by web visits or downloads?

Posted by njoker555, 08-15-2009, 11:03 AM
you were booted off for using 60-70gb of bandwidth? how much bandwidth were you promised and how much did you pay? If it's unlimited bandwidth and the price is in the low single digits then I won't be surprised, otherwise something is wrong because 70gb isn't that much for resellers, I've seen people use 200-300gb in total without any problem.

Posted by IGXHost, 08-15-2009, 11:13 AM
Depending on how much you spend, any amount of bandwidth is indeed possible for a shared reseller account. Problem is, you'll likely face issues to do with CPU/Memory usage than bandwidth usage if your sites/clients are really able to consume that much within a month. It's really best to just go with a VPS. You won't have to deal with the risk of being suspended and you'll get much more control of your server. You'll also be able to get dedicated resources so that 1TB of bandwidth that you may get from a VPS will not be limited as oppose to getting it from a overseller.

Posted by Laloo, 08-15-2009, 11:14 AM
KDisk It was just web downloads at all njoker Surpass & mellow host both chickened out at less than 70 GB a month...just traffic, no downloads. I only had like 3-4 sites...thats all!

Posted by njoker555, 08-15-2009, 11:57 AM
that's weird - well keep on looking. Don't know why some hosts would have a problem with it if the cost is reasonable.

Posted by The-Pixel, 08-15-2009, 12:13 PM
I don't know any good reseller companies that offer Adult websites. But, I've always seen great things about AYKSolutions ( - I'm just not sure about their Adult policies. Best of luck

Posted by njoker555, 08-15-2009, 12:15 PM
most resellers would allow legal adult hosting.

Posted by admin-caperhosting, 08-15-2009, 04:17 PM
Once again there's many decent providers, check out offers section, pick out a couple, then run background check on them, chat to ppl about them, and try to make the best choice, BEST of LUCK!

Posted by omnicool, 08-15-2009, 04:34 PM
I'll advise you to go with a solidstate vps with reseller/WHM/cpanle hosting enabled. Its much simpler to manage and will give a lot less headaches in the longrun. Anyway depending on your budget you could always go for a cheap VPS or dedicated server. Some cheap start at $10 and good VPS are under $50 and some entry level dedicated servers also cost less than $50 bucks. Shop around WHT or google and search for your requirements. Post your requirement and you'll be surprised at the number of offers you'll get.

Posted by Laloo, 08-15-2009, 05:28 PM
OK, thanks for all suggestions. I certainly am going to go the vps route as it looks like no reseller really offers 1 TB bandwidth for under $20/month.

Posted by njoker555, 08-15-2009, 07:05 PM
that's because bandwidth isn't cheap - most servers would come with 1.5-3tb of bandwidth to start with and they cost anywhere from $80-$150/month (just an example price range) and giving you a good percentage of that just wouldn't be worth it for any host. if they are overselling then you'll probably get what you need at the start but eventually they'll find a way to shut you down for using "too much resources" and as others have said, you're better off with a VPS if you need that much bandwidth, of course the cost is higher but it's worth it in terms of stability and the amount of control you have. hopefully things work out for you

Posted by surpass, 08-15-2009, 08:21 PM
Laloo, thank you for looking into Surpass. You've mentioned that you're looking for a solid reseller host. Our abuse and resource policies are truly what makes our hosting solid. Normally the limits are not strictly present on all of our servers until there is an account that is getting heavier traffic and we have to make some changes (either permanently or temporarily). There can always be some give and take involved with general sites that are able to successfully benefit from shared hosting. However, it seems that you have adult sites. In our opinion, it would be best from the start to have your own private environment such as a VPS. That category of content can increase in traffic quite fast, and activity from day to day can even be unpredictable. A VPS would give you more freedom to improve your site/business and not worry about any type of shared hosting restriction.

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