Knowledgebase VPS' node down?

Posted by Gammax, 03-31-2009, 08:38 AM
Hello, Any one know whats happening with VPS node with ? Thank you

Posted by Gammax, 03-31-2009, 09:24 AM
Show me this error in HyperVM... Alert: Could not Connect to the server Please login and restart hypervm service on this server. On Linux, login via ssh and run this: /script/restart But i cant login via ssh. I cant do anything but i can wait for tehnical support who is not online

Posted by Russ Foster, 03-31-2009, 09:33 AM
What is the actual server IP? <> Last edited by Alex; 05-30-2009 at 07:44 PM.

Posted by Gammax, 03-31-2009, 09:39 AM
Server IP is i can connect to HyperVM but nothing show me recent error.

Posted by Gammax, 04-01-2009, 01:37 AM
Over 24 hours my vps is down and i cant access. I was pay for about 1 year this VPS and RW can not promise that is uptime a true. i dont know what to do.

Posted by Josh-D, 04-03-2009, 09:11 AM
Hello, I would recommend looking for a new provider. Things have been hecktic for Mike. He has been looking at selling or staying in the industry. And he ran into bad luck with one of his servers nodes being shut down and he hadn't paid to restore it. ( Something about needing to upgrade its bandwitdh for $100/month )

Posted by dennyjames, 04-03-2009, 09:25 AM
Cut your losses and go for a real host, all this Mike has done now and in the past is let people down (and take their money) I have seen a lot of info about him and his past companies, shocking it is, everyone should really avoid this person.

Posted by UH-Bobby, 04-03-2009, 09:43 AM
It's not really surprising that he hasn't posted here either. He tends to disappear when something goes wrong.

Posted by APS Enterprises, 04-03-2009, 12:05 PM
I agree with DennyJames. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES PAY ANY MONEY TO RESELLERWAYS. You will not see anything for it. Also do not believe anything they also tell you. It is going to be a lie. Take it from me, I have tried to trust them since 8th January 2009 and all that has happended is me being screwed over again and again. Lets get these fraudsters shut down once and for all.

Posted by APS Enterprises, 04-03-2009, 12:06 PM
Although it still is very strange that their website is up yet my billing account has also disappeared...

Posted by Josh-D, 04-03-2009, 07:17 PM
Hello, Yes, they were hacked, all their files, were stolen and then removed. Left alot of people stranded. Hes got the site hosted on a VPS from HostChum. Another VPS provider thats going down. Last edited by Josh-D; 04-03-2009 at 07:30 PM.

Posted by Name68, 04-04-2009, 03:14 AM
According to Russ at A2B2 where Resellerways had a node, they switched it off due to non payment and not due to it being hacked. If I had to put money on who was telling the truth here it certainly wouldn't be on Resellerways.

Posted by Gammax, 04-04-2009, 08:19 AM
Hello, Now is everything okey... VPS is up but i was pay for anual and I am scared that I just one day does not exclude my service.

Posted by Josh-D, 04-04-2009, 08:38 AM
Well that just shows how A2B2 doesnt follow their privacy policy. However Yes, I didnt say they didn't pay. I was hired a month ago to assist him, instead it was me do all the work well he ran away. It seems they were about 2 weeks ago. Everything was lost. Database's website files etc. He has restored it all on HostChum's VPS and then disappered again once a server bill was not paid. To the OP, I recommend asking for a refund and finding a new home!

Posted by dennyjames, 04-04-2009, 09:56 AM
That maybe so but in this case it was justified considering the history of Mike and his hosting companies, I think it was A2B2's duty to inform people so they have some idea what's happening since Mike is nowhere to be seen again.

Posted by Name68, 04-04-2009, 12:25 PM
I am happy to read that but considering Mike's history of leaving clients in the crap I would strongly suggest that you maintain up to date backups of all important information and keep those off site and well away from Resellerways. While its not nice to be dumped on and find yourself without the hosting that you have paid for, at least if Mike follows the same route as previously and decided not to pay his bills, you'll be able to find an alternative host and continue using your backups. Please don't leave that to chance, many before you have been burned by Mike. It is a shame that WHT lost its data as there were many threads on his recent activities.

Posted by tempurr, 04-05-2009, 12:37 AM
Heartily agree!

Posted by Dan-CKS, 04-06-2009, 02:47 AM
Just Open A Dispute With Paypal And Get Your Money Back. Good Luck!!!

Posted by Gammax, 04-06-2009, 07:44 AM
Im in conversation with Josh-D who is i thinnk new boss of the resellerWays. He's very honest and very kind man. in any case i will be able to will the situation take place. Sorry for bad english!

Posted by Krazy, 04-06-2009, 07:51 AM
keep yourself a second option all the time

Posted by Josh-D, 04-06-2009, 12:51 PM
Hello, I am not the new boss of resellerways. To be honest resellerways is about to be 100% offline, they have failed to make payment on 90% of there services. I only know this as I was hired to assist in technical support and marketing/business development. However mike decided to leave and not pay bills. And at one point sell the company to another going down business HostChum. I own Calm Skies Network, was founded in 2007 as a private company to local business, and I am now taking it global to help with these clients of ResellerWays. I just don’t want their to be any misconception of my business being operated or part of Mike or ResellerWays!

Posted by ldcdc, 04-06-2009, 01:56 PM
Exactly how are you doing this without breaching the contract with your still current employer/customer?

Posted by Josh-D, 04-06-2009, 02:03 PM
Hello ldcdc, I have purchased a dedicated server and have colocated it. Those clients that have lost everything due to ResellerWays not paying its bills, and who were complaining I had offered to place them for free till they found a home. Considering resellerways website is offline again, they have no billing system working. Emails are no longer working. The clients were left stranded. Those who had support tickets open. I explained to them as follows: "Hello, I am very sorry that you have been pulled into the traps of ResellerWays and Mike. It seems all services were not paid, two of our nodes are now offline with no answer from Mike. You can view more information about him by visiting: If you have all your information, I can set you up with a service for a month to notify your viewers, clients and users that you are having problems." That is how all clients with tickets open complaining about downtime were addressed. 90% of those clients were looking for new hosting locations and were informed to contact various quality companies. From my view, I haven't breached any contracts with ResellerWays as I was not in under contract with work. And I am sure anyone working at a hosting company, and the owner neglects to pay bills, and run of not to answer anyone you would do your best to help the clients. I am all about customer service, so I am not going to see anyone have problems.

Posted by Gammax, 04-08-2009, 06:09 AM
My VPS is swithced off about 3 days. My friend Josh-D help me to save All data on them and he's now hosted my all sites of them VPS. Im sending email to Mike right now and i'll see what he will take for this.Will he give me back my money Once again, very disappointed with ResellerWays or Mike. Josh-D thank you

Posted by dennyjames, 04-08-2009, 09:26 AM
Don't expect your money back or even a reply from Mike, just another scammer. Respect to Josh-D for what he is doing to help.

Posted by Josh-D, 04-08-2009, 09:35 AM
Hello, Thank you Dennyjames, In regards to Gammax, I am glad I was able to assist. I am sorry we didnt get all the websites for you. A little note to the webhosting community. It seems Mike had purchased cheap VPS from companies like Hostchum. Would host the clients files plus his own on them. I helped another client and found ResellerWays main website hosted on it.

Posted by Josh-D, 04-08-2009, 11:11 AM
Hello, I meant to share some insight regarding.. ResellerWays seems to be either powered or is Addictive Hosting. Also they have tried to sell, their company to another scam company HostChum. Recommended to the OP to stay away from these companies. And any other provider that is charging less then $15/month for something more then 20GB disk space, especially if its including free cPanel etc. Chances are you will run into the same issue . Best of luck to everyone, and keep an eye out for those companies!

Posted by EU_CASSIUS, 04-13-2009, 07:56 PM
I had bad experience with ResellerWays and i open a dispute with paypal but i don`t know if he will refund. Tomorrow i will call the bank. All the Best!

Posted by HostingWebAsia, 04-16-2009, 12:56 PM
Services are not meant for dispute in Paypal but it can add flag to his account.

Posted by Andre C, 04-21-2009, 05:59 PM
Resellerways is a a nightmare. I had a run in with them and I had to fork out $300 to get his server backup so I could get my data out and migrated to another server. He still owes me the $300 and he last said how he wanted me to give him some time because his server been hacked. But now that his server is 100% down and he doesn't answer my calls, I think I will have to conclude that I am not going to get that money back...

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