
Domain not working o dedicated IP

Posted by alexcl, 08-02-2013, 04:20 AM
Hi guys, I'm running Cpanel with nginxcp and Cloudlinux. Around 14 hours ago I allocaed a dedicated IP address to an account and to this moment I can not access the corresponding website. THe IP was allocated from WHM, "Change site's IP address". I've restarted Apache, rebuilt nginxcp vhosts, restarted nginxcp, restarted CSF, restarted ipaliases. The damn thing still won't load. Ive tried accessing from my computer, from my mobile phone (different ISP) and from a proxy site..not working from any. Does anyone have any suggestion on what to do ? Thanks.

Posted by GreenHornet, 08-02-2013, 04:51 AM
Have you updated the A-Record in the DNS zone of the domain? Also you can try to access it directly on the new IP address adding these 2 lines in your local *hosts file: x.x.x.x x.x.x.x, change x.x.x.x with the IP address where the site should be found. Also could you be more spesific about the error you are facing - 5xx, 4xx, 3xx, connection timed out, blank page, etc.

Posted by alexcl, 08-02-2013, 05:20 AM
Problem solved: Nginx had to be restarted from SSH, as the restart from WHM was not working properly. Thanks for the replies.

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