
Windows Reseler

Posted by dcserver, 07-17-2009, 01:14 PM
I found what seems to be a good deal here: My only issue is that I want something similar to cPanel for windows, where people will be forced to through my install of WHMCS rather than their own management panel to order services. I've got an eNom reseller account & they have Windows packages built in, but I register all of my client's items through my own eNom account, since I want all orders to be going through WHMCS. With all things considered, is there a more effective way to handle Windows reselling? I already have Linux reseller & it's just so much easier. I just want to be able to say I have services for both major OS webhosting systems. Thanks guys!

Posted by Ultima VPS, 07-17-2009, 01:42 PM
I know WHMCS has Dotnetpanel integration though I've never tried it with a DNP reseller setup.

Posted by Matt Saunders, 07-17-2009, 02:16 PM
I think you are looking for a provision through which you can create a reseller of yours who will be having admin functionality over his clients like accepting orders,automatic provisioning of accounts, etc - basically all functionality that an admin has at WHMCS. If this is the case, WHMCS does not have this provision and you will need to have a separate installation of WHMCS for your reseller to operate as admin. Also, WHMCS has integration with some of the major control panels like Helm 3/4 and DotNetPanel which will help in automatic provisioning of accounts, suspension/unsuspention/termination of accounts, etc.

Posted by Ultima VPS, 07-17-2009, 02:25 PM
I think he is asking it for himself (a reseller) as opposed to his own resellers (though the setup is basically just replicated). Correct me if I'm wrong. Also thought it was a missing feature of WHMCS that you couldn't create reseller accounts and WHMCS instances.

Posted by Matt Saunders, 07-17-2009, 02:29 PM
WHMCS will not be providing this feature (deliberately) to create reseller account in WHMCS and have them operate independently (typically like the hosting reseller accounts in control panels) - since this will effectively affect their sales a lot. However, it would be a nice feature to have as an addon at extra price.

Posted by Ultima VPS, 07-17-2009, 02:34 PM
I think if there was someway to license the reseller function their sales would go up. For instance lets say a normal license is $15.99 per month. Say add a 10 Reseller function for say $30 per month etc. I'm sure overall sales would go up as more hosts introduce a low cost solution for their resellers.

Posted by dcserver, 07-17-2009, 03:24 PM
You guys sure are a wealth of info as I dive into the industry on the humblest of levels . I essentially want to say that I offer MS hosting, even if I am not a fan of it myself. It sucks that there is no API available that I could use to make an appropriate module in WHMCS for the eNom Windows Packages. I'd like to spend no more than 100-200 yearly for a Windows reseller account that fits with WHMCS snugly & has, if not very close to it, unlimited space/bandwidth. Anyone have any ideas?

Posted by kjawaid, 07-17-2009, 05:01 PM
IMHO stay away from datapacket i have read alot of horror stories

Posted by dcserver, 07-17-2009, 09:25 PM
well for me to even have windows reseller hosting auto-configured with whmcs would mean that my reseller install for windows resides in the same parent directory for my domain name as everything else, right?

Posted by PremiumHost, 07-17-2009, 10:33 PM
I'm sure you cannot find windows reseller with unlimited space/bandwidth for 100-200/year. Your budget is already low for a windows reseller account. Regarding WHMCS integration, many control panels are supported (Dotnetpanel, Helm, Plesk) and work the same way like cpanel.

Posted by dcserver, 07-17-2009, 11:03 PM
sry, i meant to start at 200-300, i apologize for the typo! as for the WHMCS integration, i don't know why i zoned out there -- you configure the server and then the panel module; DUH lol. another solution i'd be open to is having a windows reseller account where upgrading the same server im on would have reasonable costs (ie: i'd purchase more space as people requested more of the service). what do you guys think, and does anyone here have a windows reseller account i could discuss purchasing from them? thanks!

Posted by dcserver, 07-17-2009, 11:35 PM
DataPacket is certainly no good:

Posted by Softsys Hosting, 07-17-2009, 11:36 PM
This sounds like a perfect idea. You can go ahead and purchase a reseller account for around $200-$300 - but be aware that you will not be getting unlimited space/bandwidth nor will I be suggesting you to go for it. Consider signing up for some kind of realistic disk space/bandwidth plans with established host. Also, most reputed hosts will have a good upgrade path for you to jump from one reseller plan to higher one or purchase additional disk space/bandwidth or eventually upgrade to VPS as well. Furthermore, you will need to directly contact your prospective provider for any queries that you may have regarding their services. Good luck! Rick

Posted by Your_Galaxy, 07-28-2009, 07:30 AM
Anyway, as I can see WHMCS v4 is now available and you can integrate it to HELM control panel - that's developed for WIndows - based servers. Please have a look : Moreover, there are Plesk modules in WHMCS also :

Posted by CyberHostPro, 07-28-2009, 10:01 AM
Hi Datapacket use Helm3 I believe and WHMCS works fine with Helm3, i personally use it myself to know! Datapacket have a very bad history and bad track record on these forums, I would suggest searching these forums for datapacket. However I have not heard anything in a while, I believe someone bought them and must of rebuilt the company.

Posted by Ultima VPS, 07-28-2009, 10:07 AM
CyberHostPro you have a history of making comments about other hosts. Apart from being unprofessional your comments aren't from personal experience. Please refrain from making comments regarding competitors. Better take care of your own backyard rather than throwing rubbing over the fence.

Posted by webhostingeyes_com, 07-31-2009, 09:58 PM
its sounds cheap but there are a lots of people not like it

Posted by Collabora, 07-31-2009, 11:55 PM
Is this a Limey expression? I can't figure it out

Posted by Shockzy, 08-01-2009, 12:28 AM
take a look at; I used their service for 3 months when I was doing my school project that required ASP.NET and MSSQL Databases. The one issue you might come upon is the $15/month Windows DotNetPanel plan is only 10GB/100GB with 10 MSSQL Databases which may not be enough for you; however, their $25 plan offers unlimited. It also comes with the nice Outlook e-mail replica webmail, the name escapes my mind sorry. During the 3 months of my use, I never had any problems connecting to the website or downtime at all. The support may not be A+ and reply within 5-10 minutes; however, it's bearable. please note my domain is not with PremiumReseller anymore; however, I can verify with receipts if required.

Posted by Ultima VPS, 08-07-2009, 09:47 PM
It would be SmarterMail 5.x. Personally I would caution against Ulimited plans as they have the tendency to degrade over.

Posted by Ultima VPS, 08-07-2009, 09:59 PM
It's meant to be rubbish not rubbing Think the message was delivered and heard.

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