
My nightmare with

Posted by Leonids, 04-10-2009, 04:23 AM
Just something to share... I signup with corehoster on 7 Apr 2009 and nightmare started immediately... support will only reply to tickets starting 9pm (Singapore time) til early morning (Singapore time +8)... this is what the support tell me.... ME: I sent this reply like 7 hours ago, is this normal to get a reply for support this long? Core: Tickets usually get answered within 30mins- 1hr. The reason for the long wait is because we had a Ex-Client harassing bot myself and my staff so i gave everyone the night off ME: Sounds extremely scary duh... Is there a policy that your support staff can go on leave anytime? Its worrying.... Core: Nothing scary about it, i was here all night. I just did not get to you ticket until now. ME: That sounds equally bad duh... I'm alittle afraid now... the money back guarantee is 7 dayz right?? core: Hello, 1. Yes we have a 7 day money back guarantee, but not on discounted offers. 2. You do not need to worry about anything, there will always be someone online to help clients when need. We also have our 24/7 livehat back online. The 24/7 chat support was offline for the past few days due to the attack we had. ME: Can I terminate my service now and get a refund? Unfortunately I don't feel very comfortable. core: 1. Sorry but it looks like you have a discounted services and we do not provide refunds for discounted services. 2. So far what i see is that you would like to cancel you services because you do not wish to move your accounts by yourself? I see no reason as to why you would not feel comfortable using our services considering it has not even been 24hrs ME: I'm not comfortable because... 1. Support staff can be on break with no backups 2. Support tickets takes more than 7 hours to be replied. 3. Nothing scary about it, i was here all night. I just did not get to you ticket until now. I hope I can get a refund... core: 1. As stated before, there is always staff online to help our clients, so for you to say otherwise is incorrect. 2. You have only ever opened up 1 support ticket and it just so happend to be when we only had 1 staff online. 3. I was also here all night and as you may know it has been along 4 days. ME: I wanna keep this small... I hope you can keep your 7 dayz money back promise just for me and i'll try your service for this 7 dayz. If there is not issue i'll keep my service on and you have my word. I'll just take today issue as small hick ups for a new start up. Wad you say? Core: 1. I am sorry but as stated before we do not offer 7 day money back guarantee on discounted offers, we have been in business for 8 months now and sence Nov - 2008 we have not offered guarantees on any discounted service as it is to easy for someone to come and abuse the server and then expect a refund. 2. I think you will be very happy with our services. I am sorry it took 7hrs to answer your first ticket and i am sure that it did not show a good first impression. Please note we have 24/7 live chat staff who can help you solve your issues at anytime. ME: Ok, I hope I don't see this problem in the future... I'll be glad to post wonderful experience with you guys on forums if things is good... I have no idea how to move my account please guide me step by step. I would like my dedicated IP as well please generate for monthly payment.

Posted by Leonids, 04-10-2009, 04:25 AM
I have no experience with moving accounts... my current host did everything for me so moving of accounts 0 knowledge... this is my conversation with him... Nick: Hello, thank you for visiting! How may I assist you today? ME: hi nick ME: please help... ME: i suppose it will be easier to talk here Nick: Ok Nick: What do you need help with? ME: can u tell me how 2 change password 1st Nick: I have already reset your password. ME: i want to reset it to my own ME: i cant remember the password u give me Nick: It is still located in the ticket. ME: i wanna set my own password ME: i want my own password ME: so i dont need to refer Nick: All accounts are owned by root. This means that no main changes can be done to the main account. This stops people from screwing there account up. The only way to edit your main account is to request the changes. ME: ok please change my password to XXXXXXX Nick: Sorry we cannot do that as the password is too weak. ME: XXXXXXX Nick: Ok, that will work. Nick: 1 moment please. ME: thanx Nick: domain name on the acount? ME: there is no domain name yet ME: i wanna move my accounts over Nick: What is the domain name you signed up with our services with? ME: Nick: Ok Nick: You password has now been reset. Nick: Is there anything else i can help you with today? ME: can you set my default name servers to and ME: rather than ns11 and 12 Nick: Yes we sure can, however we cannot do this over livechat. All accounts changes need to be done over ticket. Nick: Is there anything else i can help you with today? ME: how to move my accounts over from my old host Nick: Did you read the ticket for details? ME: i can do so ME: thats y i ask Nick: You can? or can't? ME: cant Nick: Ok, you are going to need to create full backups of each account and place the backups in your Home DIR. ME: home dir of my old host? Nick: No, the Home DIR of your new account with us. Nick: Is there anything else i can help you with today? ME: then what should i do Nick: Simply create full backups of each account and place the backups in the Home DIR. ME: Backup Destination: ME: what do i select? Nick: This is where the backups will be stored. ME: Remote Server (FTP/SCP only): ME: i have a few selection ME: Remove FTP server (passive mode transfer) ME: home directory ME: remote ftp server ME: secure copy ME: which 1 Nick: I am sorry but this is something we cannot help you with. I suggest you create full backups of each account and place them in the Home DIR as stated. I would log into the account and help you out be we are not allowed to do that. Nick: but* Nick: Is there anything else i can help you with today? ME: hey ME: whats the problem? Nick: There is no problem. All you need to do is create full backups and place them in the Home DIR. This should not take any longer then 1hr depending on how much data you have. ME: i want to make my service work but u dont seem to want to help ME: thats the selection i have on the cpanel ME: i'm just asking u which to select Nick: Without seeing it i will not be able to help you do this. If this option in not working with your current host simply contact them and they will solve the issue for you and also explain how it works. ME: this is the same cpanel as what u have! Nick: Yes i know, but the issue you are having is regarding there servers not ours. ME: i'm just asking about the selections... Nick: Yes i understand this and i am very sorry that i cannot be of better help, but i do not know unless i can actually see what you see. Seeing how this is not our server, i suggest you contact your current host regarding the issue you maybe having. ME: i'll ask them... but i really dont know if i can carry on with ur company's service Nick: You cannot carry on with us because you cannot place the backups in the Home DIr? Nick: IT is very simply and will take under 1hr depending on how much data you have. ME: because u cant tell me how to do it ME: so tell me how to do it then Nick: Sorry but as i have stated before, unless i can actually see it i cannot help regarding this issue. Nick: Is there anything else i can help you with today? ME: its ok... my patience run out....

Posted by Leonids, 04-10-2009, 04:28 AM
i'm still trying to move my accounts... after i spoke to my current host... i thought my current host is kinda problematic... but is this worst... anyone have any idea to my my accounts... i'm getting this error... Can't call method "login" on an undefined value at /usr/local/cpanel/bin/ftpput line 28. it seems like they arent delivering and i want my money back... should i contact paypal?

Posted by VbCrazy, 04-10-2009, 05:08 AM
Hello Leonids, WOW i don't really know what to say. I simply stated to you that we need you to place your backups in your Home Dir before the public_html folder and we would take care of the rest for you. This is very simply to do. I think the fact that you you feel the need to blaming us because you do not know how to create full backups of each account and upload them to your account with us is pretty bad. Best Regards, Nick Last edited by VbCrazy; 04-10-2009 at 05:14 AM.

Posted by Leonids, 04-10-2009, 05:28 AM
i have quite a few customers i cant be downloading all their data to my com and uploading them again... as mention at the top of my post... i have ZERO knowledge of moving accounts without downloading them to my computer... i suppose some assistance should be given by service provider anyway i'm not here to argue things with u... can anyone give me suggestions on how to handle this? i'm like loosing sleep over this...

Posted by VbCrazy, 04-10-2009, 06:09 AM
Hello Leonids, Ok so lets get this clear just so i understand. 1. You want us to log into your account, go through each account & generate a backup. First off we cannot do this as it will take us the same amount of time to do the same thing you should have done yourself before moving to a new host. Like why should we need to download all of your data and then reupload the data to our server? we have never EVER had a client complaine about backing up there data and placing the backups on the server for us to restore. 2. Today you stated to us that you had backed up your data and placed the backups on your account with us, yet that was a lie as there was no backups. (You never did reply back to that ticket) 3. I have told you like 20 times what you need to do, if you still cannot understand it after 20 times i think it is going to be very hard for anyone to be able to help you. 4. Please do not lie and say you are losing sleep over this as it makes you look bad, there is nothing here stopping you from sleeping. Best Regards, Nick

Posted by tcstatic, 04-10-2009, 08:37 AM
Do NOT expect a hosting company to do your work for you unless they state they will move accounts in some form of documentation. This is simply not their job in my opinion. It's great if they offer to help, but don't expect them to do your work for you.

Posted by Leonids, 04-10-2009, 09:57 PM
sorry nick... i see no part in the chat conversation you are helping me... like i've mentioned... i'm not expecting you to move the accounts for me when u say u cant... i just need a step by step guide after which i'll settle them myself... i want my money back.

Posted by Leonids, 04-10-2009, 10:00 PM
i did expect things to be done but after he say no... i just want a step by step guide so i can settle things myself... please read before you post... thanx... anyway i stress... I'M NOT LOOKING FOR A FIGHT here... i want to get things done

Posted by VbCrazy, 04-10-2009, 10:24 PM
Hello Leonids, 1. You will not be getting a refund. I have explained several how you can backup your data STEP BY STEP. Leonids you got to understand that this is not rocket sciences, it is a very simply job to do. STEP BY STEP INSTRUCTIONS BELOW 1. You can request that your current host provides backups for each account, this will save you a little time as you will no longer need to log into each account and create the backups. You can then get the created backups from the host and place them in your Home Dir, located before the public_html folder. See how simply that is? I see no reason why you feel the need to blame us for your lack of knowledge. You should have researched all of this before trying to move to all of these other providers

Posted by Unknowmaster, 04-10-2009, 10:35 PM
Hi, 1) Login to control panel 2) click backup 3) perform full backup 4) download backup or upload to new server via the FTP (ip,login and pass needed) 5) request a support ticket from the new server and they will do the rest. I live in Malaysia which has the same timezone as you. And if you need more information, googling might help you more. I have chat with corehoster and feel that they are actually very helpful in a way. Lol. I plan to get their service soon as I need to make some plan for my budget since it cost kinda high for me. Besides, this is the first time I am going to change server as my host is going to shut down. But somehow i know how to perform full backup :O. Kinda easy to understand method. Backup and restore. that all :O Ps. I am not trying to help them. Just my point of view. Hope you don't get angry with that. Last edited by Unknowmaster; 04-10-2009 at 10:42 PM.

Posted by Leonids, 04-10-2009, 10:39 PM
like i've mention... i have ZERO knowledge from the start... i suppose service provider should provide some support or at least an article to help if you dont wanna repeat yourself to other customers like me... anyway i've filed the dispute with paypal... i'll cancel the dispute if things can sorted... this is the error that i mentioned from the start... Can't call method "login" on an undefined value at /usr/local/cpanel/bin/ftpput line 28. you can reply to the support ticket if u have anything... i dont wish to flood this place with arguements... i have no intention of starting 1 from the beginning... i just want some suggestion from others on how to handle this...

Posted by Leonids, 04-10-2009, 10:43 PM
yeap understood... i did all the googling and to the extend of asking my current host... !!!-_- i still get an error...

Posted by VbCrazy, 04-10-2009, 10:59 PM
Hello Leonids, 1. You should now have the knowledge to backup your data and move it, as both myself and other members here at WHT have tried to help you. 2. You broke our rules by opening up a dispute for false reasons, so we have disabled your account. If you need any other assistance please log into the client portal.

Posted by Leonids, 04-10-2009, 11:07 PM
well... alright... we'll see what can paypal do...

Posted by Unknowmaster, 04-10-2009, 11:10 PM
If i remember correctly. Basically nothing. Its an intangible goods. Base on their TOS, they wont do anything much against intangible goods.

Posted by rileez, 04-10-2009, 11:11 PM
Not much they can do. Non tangible... Just save yourself the hassle and move on....In a nice way

Posted by Leonids, 04-10-2009, 11:25 PM
11 Apr. 2009 PayPal Case closed 11 Apr. 2009 Buyer Complaint cancelled. 11 Apr. 2009 Buyer Complaint Case filed 11 Apr. 2009 Buyer Dispute filed 11 Apr. 2009 PayPal Email sent to seller wow?! i did not cancel my dispute...

Posted by Leonids, 04-10-2009, 11:28 PM
i think i better call paypal and my card company to tell them about fraud

Posted by rileez, 04-10-2009, 11:34 PM
Lets get into reality now, You signed up agreeing to TOS within your paypal account when you signed up under your ip#. Good luck.

Posted by Leonids, 04-10-2009, 11:35 PM
but i dont quite understand when they just close my dispute like this? is it hacked?

Posted by rileez, 04-10-2009, 11:37 PM
Intangible service type purchase. Paypal will not follow a dispute for anything in that nature.

Posted by VbCrazy, 04-10-2009, 11:38 PM
Hello Leonids, Maybe you should read Paypals TOS/AUP. Your case was closed becasue Paypal does not cover intangible goods. All it takes is 1 phone call from us and your case closes.

Posted by Mark_W, 04-10-2009, 11:39 PM
EDIT---- n/m....Host answered Last edited by Mark_W; 04-10-2009 at 11:44 PM.

Posted by Leonids, 04-10-2009, 11:44 PM
seems like he terminated my account and kept my money! incredible!

Posted by VbCrazy, 04-10-2009, 11:49 PM
Hello Leonids, We did not terminate your account, however we did disable your account because you opened up a Paypal dispute. If you wish to have your account re-enabled, please log into the client portal and open up a ticket.

Posted by rileez, 04-10-2009, 11:50 PM
Made clear. ----edit---- And it is also clear that the host IS TRYING to work with you. Please take your time off the forum and get this straight as this may be the best host for you as they are going out of their way to help you away from their limitations it seems. Just some friendly advice.

Posted by net, 04-10-2009, 11:58 PM
You need to remember also that if you keep on disputing especially it is a non-tangible product, then paypal might close your account too. You need to read carefully the TOS of a provider before you sign up.

Posted by Unknowmaster, 04-11-2009, 12:54 AM
Well, the host is trying to cope with u, please give him a chance. and to host, please bare in mind that the people you are dealing with might be new with this stuffs, like me. please, if possible give a detail information on how and what to do. step by step if possible as well as creating tutorial will help great. Something like guidance.

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