
Resellerways site down again?

Posted by kjetterman, 03-24-2009, 09:07 PM
I see a message on Resellerways' main site. Hmmm... Just an FYI to anyone who uses them for their reseller host. (I think I saw a topic like this last week on WHT before the db attack-- so i'm reposting).

Posted by Sean M, 03-24-2009, 10:18 PM
I went to the main site and got this message

Posted by Jonathan J, 03-24-2009, 10:23 PM
Have you emailed them? Either way, I would immediately make backups. (If you haven't already) Heres there number, if anyone wants to ring them up:

Posted by XeHSean, 03-24-2009, 10:59 PM
That's an interesting message to put on your main page

Posted by moyo, 03-25-2009, 12:57 AM
corehoster is down....

Posted by asim2k1, 03-25-2009, 01:32 AM
I just posted a thread about this in the VPS forum before I found this one.. I don't know how to contact them either because they're not replying to support emails or anything.

Posted by PremiumHost, 03-25-2009, 02:08 AM
Which corehoster are you talking about? And how is it related to this thread

Posted by hD-Scott, 03-25-2009, 07:30 AM
If you're redesigning a new site, you don't take down the old one until the new one is ready. If my provider had done this, I would be very scared and would make sure I had backups and begin looking for another provider. Unfortunately, with all of his good intentions, this is not the first time that Mike had let things get bad. I'd be very wary.

Posted by Adam-AEC, 03-25-2009, 10:03 AM
No kidding. I hope he doesn't expect some good WHT samaritans to bail him out of another mess.

Posted by Finer - Jack, 03-25-2009, 10:12 AM
I would definitely recommend taking frequently backups and consider looking at other web hosts just in case. On another note, the layout and grammar of that 'message' is appalling and unprofessional.

Posted by hD-Scott, 03-25-2009, 11:26 AM
I noticed the awful grammar, too!

Posted by SenseiSteve, 03-25-2009, 12:40 PM
Agreed on both counts. Of course, you should be making frequent backups anyway as part of your disaster recovery plan.

Posted by tempurr, 03-25-2009, 01:08 PM
Unfortunately, with the "hacking" job that was done here to WHT, all those fact-filled posts about Mike Shockley and are now gone. (Hmmmm... ???) ResellerWays is a poor host (as well as very unprofessional); lots of down time, plus lots of times he "just left" - to move, go on vacations, etc. Since he was just a one-man show, when he took off it was for days and weeks at a time - he wouldn't answer calls, wouldn't return calls left on his voice mail, there was no response to emails, support, and/or support tickets. With the latest view of his website over the past few days, I'm guessing he's gone again. Nobody left at the wheel, so to speak. Then when he does reappear, it's with some sorry-arsed excuse... and phoney rightous indignation that people are pissed off at him for dumping on them. Go figure his customers would be mad! *how dare they!* And no, the WHT "good samaritans" won't be bailing him out again - they learned their lesson. The last poor guy who tried to help forked over a few hundred dollars to Limestone Networks to pay Mike's server bills in order to try and save a lot of people's data (posts are gone now, but I think it was TheCubeHost and some other WHT folks who chipped in), but he got stiffed by Mike Shockley; Mike had agreed to pay him back right away and didn't. TheCube even came on here to post about it about a month or two after he didn't pay him, but then Mike came on and did his faked "righteous indignation" thing again and tried to slam TheCube. Well, several WHT folks jumped in and gave it to good 'ol Mikey, so he's probably sulking now and hence the stupid new "website" page you all see now. I wouldn't be surprised if he closes ResellerWays altogether since he's been giving such crappy 'service' (if you can call it that). He's also had terrible web hosting reviews (rightly so), and I think he figures it's time to pack up and leave yet again. I'm sure we've not seen the last of Mike Shockley though. Folks like him don't go away for very long - like bad pennies, they eventually turn up again... ripe and ready to try and run yet another scam - and yes, this opinion is based on my and my clients' personal experience with him and a few of his "hosting companies". So run, don't walk, far and away from Mike Shockley and any hosting business he might have - sure, the costs may be cheap, but so is the service... if you ever get any, that is. And to those folks who are still with him, I have three words: "BACKUP, BACKUP, BACKUP!"

Posted by MikeDVB, 03-25-2009, 01:35 PM
That is very interesting indeed, what did their site look like before it became one line of text?

Posted by hD-Scott, 03-25-2009, 09:57 PM
I believe it was a template of some kind. You can view it here on google cache:

Posted by db09, 03-25-2009, 10:09 PM

Posted by kjetterman, 03-25-2009, 10:57 PM
Does he have a team of people working with him or is this a one-man show?

Posted by Russ Foster, 03-26-2009, 03:23 PM
The site is still down and I don't expect it to be coming back up

Posted by ldcdc, 03-26-2009, 03:51 PM
Well, maybe someone else will be desperate enough to get his data back that he'll be willing to pay the server's bill? I think this could evolve into a "how to run your hosting company with no prices" business plan.

Posted by HJI Technologies LLC, 03-26-2009, 04:05 PM
Come to think of it, that could be a new method, make your clients pay their hosting bill, and pay for the servers bills as well. lol It's sad to see people who do this kind of garbage business. CoreHoster is that same prime example. Overloaded servers, Pathetic uptime, etc.

Posted by asim2k1, 03-26-2009, 04:14 PM
Well I called the number in the WHOIS and nobody picked up. I installed iSpoof on my iPhone, changed my area code to 775 (the same as in the WHOIS) and his wife managed to pick up. She told me she'll be home in 5 minutes so if I can call her back she'll get her husband (Mike) to speak to me. Let's hope she picks up again.

Posted by asim2k1, 03-26-2009, 04:27 PM
Well he picked up. He told me that he was out of town and that he hired some support company to take over support. While he was gone, someone managed to hack into his website and delete his database as well as ALL his backups.......?? He said it only affected HIS website and no one elses and that he had no way of contacting his host at the time. Also, he told me he'll need me to re-register into the billing system as well as everyone else so he can know who belongs to what website... But he said I can email support now and will get replies back since everything is working again.. But still, I thought it was a really unprofessional way to handle the whole situation even if he DID get hacked... Since I only have a weeks-full of experience with ResellerWays, can anyone tell me if this story is believable or not..?

Posted by HJI Technologies LLC, 03-26-2009, 06:34 PM
That's a bunch of BS from what I've seen and observed. He always say's that he is out of town, etc.

Posted by hD-Scott, 03-26-2009, 07:19 PM
Perhaps it was the same hacker who hacked WHT or did he get his excuse from what happened to wht??? hmmmm. In any regard, he's never short on excuses.

Posted by Reseller Mike, 03-27-2009, 12:45 PM
Well Again let me tell the side of things. I was out of town for 3 full days. about 4... I hire two support techs to take care of support. I got a call about a Hacker He got into our Site and took it down. So i then ask them to change everything over to i get back home. So they did. When i got home i seen our backups JUST for me where gone. He never deleteed backups for customers on that server. It was a reseller server. so he was just out to get ME! and only ME. So i then was fixing stuff and everything Before i come here and fight with yall. Because I know how its going to trun out. ALL on me!! right...... Well we did not run away or anything we just had some Bad luck when we where doing sooo good. But everything is aOK Mike.

Posted by StartYourServer, 03-27-2009, 10:40 PM
Their website seems to be back up now

Posted by Russ Foster, 03-28-2009, 02:39 AM
You see I find this very strange as because from the way I see it it was more because you didn't pay your bills to us so we ended up suspending / deleting your hosting. For example you had a VPS node that was $300+ overdue and a small VPS on our fsckvps brand and we suspended all of them and you replied with saying that you didn't use the dedicated so you didn't have to pay for it (which I'm sure as a host you know isn't anywhere near the case) and then taking you refused to provide proof that you had canceled it or even talk about it we refused to unsuspend your VPS until your account was bought into good standing (which it wasn't/hasn't been) Doesn't sound like hackers to me more like someone not taking responsibility

Posted by greggster, 03-28-2009, 02:51 AM
This is sounding like General Hospital - can always count on GH to deliver some drama.

Posted by Travis Rowland, 03-28-2009, 05:50 AM
Sounds like another Timmy to me, for those of you who remember him.

Posted by Outlaw Web Master, 03-28-2009, 06:48 AM
roflmao....Timmy owm

Posted by hD-Scott, 03-28-2009, 10:59 AM
This is where many hosts fail. Not in having issues, even big ones, but in not being honest with their clients. Honesty is always the best policy and although you may sometimes get away with the lies, eventually someone will rat you out.

Posted by StartYourServer, 03-28-2009, 10:43 PM
Hosts can easily lose over half their clients by lying to them.

Posted by Travis Rowland, 03-28-2009, 11:41 PM
Wow thank you people for the very informative information, I thought that people liked liars.

Posted by StartYourServer, 03-28-2009, 11:43 PM
I guess that it is a good thing we cleared that up for you

Posted by tempurr, 03-29-2009, 11:47 AM
NOT! He's gone through so many excuses, you can't even count them anymore. He's done this before, gone "out of town" and left nobody at the wheel. Then comes back all "sorry", that he'll give everyone an extra month or two of hosting, blah, blah. But does he learn to take backups? No. Has he learned to even take his OWN backups? No. Does he pay back the people who help him pay his server bills (people on WHT here) so they don't all lose data? NO! One word: L*O*S*E*R !!

Posted by tempurr, 03-29-2009, 11:53 AM
I am of the opinion it is the latter. He's seen how sympathetic folks have been to WHT during their recent hack job, and since this excuse isn't one he's tried before, I'm betting he got the idea from here. Even if it were true, with all the other things he's gone through, even me as a semi-knowledgable webmaster (heavy on the semi!), I can get a page back up in just a few minutes. PLUS, even if it were true (), where's yer backup, dude??? Mike: why is it that you *never* learn?

Posted by hD-Scott, 03-29-2009, 12:05 PM
I was being extremely sarcastic in my above post. I don't think for a minute that he was hacked.

Posted by tempurr, 03-29-2009, 12:45 PM
One-man show, despite his "claims" (ahem) that he "hires support". Maybe he gives his dog an extra bone for sitting in the same room as the server whilst he (Mike) goes out of town for a few days/weeks? I think the dog's name is "Support". Har, har, har! And if he says he has a "team", then he's counting his fingers ... and toes!

Posted by tempurr, 03-29-2009, 12:49 PM
OMG - what a concept! How about if we do a "bailout" for all these crappy hosts? Seems like every other crook is getting a bailout, why not them? Hmmmm...

Posted by SM-Dominic, 03-29-2009, 01:21 PM
I can;t believe the amount of screw-ups i've seen coming by the last months. It's about time people learn that you can't buy decent hosting for $1/year And i agree with tempurr, they all get a bailout and it's good they do to prevent that customers get into serious trouble.

Posted by StartYourServer, 03-29-2009, 02:45 PM
That is so true! Too many webhosts are offering crappy webhosting for $1-$3 and people are believing their website where it says that they offer incredible webhosting.

Posted by JustinNoel, 03-31-2009, 03:22 AM
My VPS with him is down. What now?

Posted by iand, 03-31-2009, 05:06 AM
take your backups and go elsewhere? or issue ticket via support page??

Posted by JustinNoel, 03-31-2009, 05:13 AM
Waiting for support. Will get backups as soon as possible. Can't access even the hyperVM. Not much of a problem, just some start up websites in there.

Posted by StartYourServer, 04-04-2009, 01:05 AM
The best thing to do now is just to find a better host for yourself and learn from the mistake.

Posted by SubZeroHost, 04-09-2009, 01:49 PM
Guess what I when he didn't pay the bill and lost everyone's data and now I want a refund so I made a support ticket and now the next day I can't even log into my account on his site.

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