
Lost and then some

Posted by Dayna, 05-28-2013, 02:22 PM
I am trying to setup a website on a server that I own. I have installed IIS 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 is the OS/ I also specified a folder for it to get the info from. I briefly had it working with a basic html file in there. I moved the contents of the folder to a backup folder and tried to install a CMS program. The Website was showing unable to be reached. So I deleted all the new files I put in and put the original files back in the folder and it's nothing. I get a message from Internet explorer and Google Chrome that says the site is unreachable. The web address is I am at wits end with this issue and trying to figure out what is happening to it.

Posted by SajanP, 05-28-2013, 02:36 PM
For most people, choosing Windows for servers may seem like the right thing to do, but using Linux is tons easier. You'll find heaps of extremely well written tutorials, many even video, on how to do what you're trying to do. The rule of thumb is, unless what you are specifically trying to do REQUIRES Windows, use Linux. With that said, what CMS are you trying install? Chrome saying that the website is unreachable, did you by chance enable any firewall by accident? (Possible with Windows, lol). When I go to your domain, I do get a welcome page. Another option would be to pay someone a one time fee to get things setup for you.

Posted by MNCHOST - Chris, 05-28-2013, 03:03 PM
Q.1 : CMS ? 1.1. php based 1.2. Asp based 1.3. Jsp Based Q.2 : Did you create appropriate nameservers from server end in DNS-manager ? Q.3 : Did you update nameservers from registrar end ? Check dns propogation status from following link : Waiting for response ......

Posted by lazyt, 05-28-2013, 03:08 PM
Hmm I get a Joomla Installation screen installed 2.5.11?

Posted by voidSecurity, 05-28-2013, 04:54 PM
You should really take down that Joomla CMS if you're not planning to use it. Someone can take over your server using it...

Posted by Dayna, 05-29-2013, 07:24 AM
For some reason before I was unable to get anything to show. I am trying to install Joomla this time around. I get the Install page and ran into an issue. I put in the Host Name which i'm guessing is the IP address for SQL. I have MySQL running on a different server on WAMP. I tried the outside static IP address alone and with :3306 and no go. I tried the domain with the port and nothing. I tried the local network IP for the MySQL Server with and without the port and again nothing. I get the same message below. For some reason it doesn't seem to want to connect to it. This is the message that I get below. Thanks again for the help.

Posted by MNCHOST - Chris, 05-29-2013, 07:26 AM
Check firewall and open required ports (3306,80,...) in firewall.

Posted by zoid, 05-29-2013, 07:48 AM
Can we please leave the OS bashing at the door? Not only is the truth often the other way round (especially when the person does not have the required shell/Unix experience) but in this certain case the problem is absolutely OS independent and in this context such a suggestion is not only uncalled for but also counter productive and will only confuse the OP and future readers further. As Chris already mentioned check the network specific settings. Is the database server on the same network as your web server? Can you ping it from your web server, respectively establish a manual connection to the database (e.g. using telnet on the database port)?

Posted by Dayna, 05-29-2013, 02:12 PM
I was able to ping the port using It said that port 3306 on the domain was open.

Posted by MNCHOST - Chris, 05-29-2013, 02:25 PM
Check firewall port of local server from where you are trying to connect .Plus check whether MySQL service is running or not ?

Posted by zoid, 05-29-2013, 02:30 PM
You need to check from you internal machine.

Posted by Dayna, 05-29-2013, 04:27 PM
I'm pretty sure it can. But what is the command to do it from telnet?

Posted by MNCHOST - Chris, 05-29-2013, 04:36 PM
Local server from where you trying to connect remote mysql is linux or windows ?

Posted by Dayna, 05-29-2013, 05:12 PM
It's Windows server 2008

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