
DO NOT HOST WITH Trex Hosting - They STEAL

Posted by llcorp, 04-04-2009, 04:08 AM
This story starts on February 12, 2009. I had researched the company and didn't find any bad things said and the costs were right so I decided to go with them and I requested the Alpha Reseller Package and the Shoutcast Package. Almost 24 hours later, I finally get my account set up and they email me asking for my name servers. I emailed Donna, the person that was requesting them, 4 times before she finally got it right and still ended up putting the wrong nameservers for some reason. Another 24 hours later, the nameservers are still wrong but the server we are assigned to repeatedly crashes several times throughout the day. Another 24 hours later, we are finally able to log into the account and access the shoutcast set up but the control panel for it is ridiculously user unfriendly. On February 17, 2009, we canceled service and I received an email stating that my service would last until November 2009 on one service and December 2009 on the other which according to them was the end of my billing cycle. One service was $57 bucks and the other was $35. I was told I would be refunded since they have a 15 day return policy in their Terms of Service. Well, March 17, 2009 comes and I have not received my refund AND they charge my Paypal account $30 for another month of service after I canceled. So I filed a Paypal dispute. I have no idea what information they provided Paypal but Paypal denied my claim and told me that I need to ask the seller to give my money back. Over 15 emails later and no response, I still do not have my money back. They did not honor their own TOS, AND charge me for a month of service that I did not have. Now, I am fighting with my credit card company and they are being idiots and not reading the fine print on the documentation I sent in so....looks like I will have to fight for my money back as I was swindled into this thing by thinking they would honor their own TOS. I am unemployed trying to run a hosting business and now I am taking over $100 in losses that I can't even afford right now. Do not use this company for anything. Last edited by llcorp; 04-04-2009 at 04:13 AM.

Posted by Robzeh, 04-04-2009, 04:18 AM
Have you now cancelled the subscription in Paypal? I can't understand why you didn't as soon as you applied for a refund.

Posted by llcorp, 04-04-2009, 04:21 AM
I didn't realize I had set up a subscription until I read the Paypal information after the fact. I have never had a Paypal subscription before so I didn't even know where to find it in my profile. I did cancel it then and Paypal told me I had to ask T-Rex for my money back since they charged me for services I did not have. Paypal pretty much said fight it out with the merchant because they got their piece of the pot.

Posted by llcorp, 04-04-2009, 04:35 AM
T-Rex Hosting Terms of Service If you look at the returns section, it clearly states that first time customers will receive a full refund within the first 15 days of service. I had service for 4 days. Evidently, they cannot count or they are just thieves. Terms of Service Refund Policy: T-Rex Hosting offers a 15 day money back guarantee for web hosting services only. Once the first 15 days have passed there are no prorated refunds. There are no refunds for domain registration services. If T-Rex Hosting terminates an account due to Terms of Service policy violations, there will be no refund. The fees for additional features are non-refundable. Cancellation: T-Rex Hosting reserves the right to terminate service at any time. If an account is terminated for a policy violation there will be no refund. The policy violator may be assessed a $100 dollar clean up fee. T-Rex Hosting reserves the right to delete the policy violating web site content without notice. Customers can cancel service at any time. Account cancellations are not accepted via email. All account cancellations are to be requested through the client's billing control panel contact form. First time customers that cancel within the first 15 days of service are eligible for a refund per our 15 day money back guarantee. The 15 day money back guarantee applies to web hosting fees only. If the client requests cancellation, their account will be terminated immediately. T-Rex Hosting reserves the right to delete the web site contents without notice. Last edited by llcorp; 04-04-2009 at 04:40 AM.

Posted by llcorp, 04-04-2009, 04:36 AM
This may seem crazy for me to keep posting about this but the only way to stop the madness is awareness.

Posted by llcorp, 04-04-2009, 04:37 AM
Just posted this thread on my Facebook page. It will go on my Myspace and I am pretty much going to put these people on blast until I get a resolve.

Posted by llcorp, 04-04-2009, 04:37 AM
TOS can be found at

Posted by Outlaw Web Master, 04-04-2009, 04:48 AM
DNS propogaion can take upto 72 hours. Also they didn't take money from your paypal, your subscription paid them. I see Trex account is disabled in here for some reason. Anyway, good luck. owm owm Last edited by Outlaw Web Master; 04-04-2009 at 04:58 AM.

Posted by llcorp, 04-04-2009, 04:55 AM
Yes, my subscription paid them but they also got notification that they were paid. Yet, they still, 15 days later, have not refunded my subscription nor have they honored their own TOS with the 15 day return policy. If this was just a mix up, someone would have answered the 15 emails that I have sent them over the last 2 weeks. This isn't a mix up. This is theft. Not ONE email has been returned and I have emailed their gmail address and submitted several pre-sale tickets on their website.

Posted by Outlaw Web Master, 04-04-2009, 05:05 AM 43 page thread about stuff. hmm now I remember, that used to be or is still run by the guy who got jailed. don't know who's involved now but obviously someone's running it. owm

Posted by llcorp, 04-04-2009, 05:23 AM
I wish I had seen that thread before all of this. The loss may seem minimal but in the early stages of a business that loss is so crucial right now. That is like 2 months of my current server hosting. I must say that I am pretty saddened by this and if I had a shoulder to cry on I probably would. I'm having a tough time as it is doing this alone since my business partner just decided to abandon me so it's like one thing after the other to deter me but I will keep on fighting I suppose.

Posted by Electric-Shadow, 04-04-2009, 08:45 AM
That's pretty rotten but note the keywords "alpha reseller" alpha reseller hosts are almost always going to be more unreliable than regular resellers, in future you will know to stay away from alpha reseller hosts If you're serious about having a hosting company and want to offer reseller accounts go for a VPS or a dedicated server depending on your client base & your budget.

Posted by llcorp, 04-04-2009, 09:03 AM
That's what I ended up doing and so delay now is my web interface but I'm close to being finished. I will remember that next time for sure.

Posted by Electric-Shadow, 04-04-2009, 09:05 AM
Cool I hope things work out for you, hosting is tough business these days.

Posted by dotRoot, 04-04-2009, 09:59 AM
Remember Paypal doesn't cover services, just goods.

Posted by Electric-Shadow, 04-04-2009, 10:16 AM
Yes good point, allthough on rare occaisions paypal have been known to award claims for non-tangible items, such as in the case of stolen domains it cant hurt to try and prices nothing. Not implying of course that you should try this on if you have no reason to thats just naughty and ever so slightly illegal :p as it would be fraud

Posted by Brian-de-vie, 04-04-2009, 11:48 AM
Unbelievable, just when you thought the cr@p around trex was done and dusted. Whomever is now running TrexHosting, should change the trading name unless they wish to inherit all the existing crap. I feel for the OP, but must question the OPs ability to research TrexHosting before signing up. WHT is far from the only place they have been dragged through the gutters due to a whole range of issues.

Posted by StartYourServer, 04-04-2009, 12:37 PM
Can you dispute PayPal subscription payments or can you only open up a claim for the initial payment?

Posted by llcorp, 04-04-2009, 12:45 PM
I disputed both and Paypal told me to shove it. Paypal used to be pretty stand up. I have no idea what kinda pop stand they are running now. As far as research, the forum here did not come up in Google when I went on my hunt. Other forums sites did but not this one. My business partner at the time was doing the same thing and we found a long thread with rave reviews but nothing bad.

Posted by StartYourServer, 04-04-2009, 01:09 PM
I thought that if someone was subscribed to pay you on PayPal then they could only open a dispute for the initial payment.

Posted by Brian-de-vie, 04-04-2009, 02:40 PM
Had 5 mins. so checking out who is, suugests that: [under US ownership], has nothing to do with[now under UK ownership].

Posted by llcorp, 04-04-2009, 02:46 PM
My biz partner made the suggestion of the company and I couldn't find anything bad about them so I ran with it...but I booted my partner for being a lazy blankity blank blank so I guess I should have known. Though he was the one that was adamant about the service being a POS after the fact. I just want my money back and I'm going to fight Paypal and my bank to get it.

Posted by StartYourServer, 04-04-2009, 04:14 PM
So, exactly which host are we talking about here?

Posted by Outlaw Web Master, 04-04-2009, 06:01 PM is a godaddy reseller thing. is the one he's talking about I'm sure...the US one, the one with all the bad stuff written about them previously. owm

Posted by llcorp, 04-04-2009, 08:02 PM
Erm, Imma chick...not that you would know that though but yes the US one. Or rather it is supposed to be. The person's name on the Paypal is something weird. Like a dutch name.

Posted by futts, 04-04-2009, 08:14 PM
Did they leave or did you boot them? Your statements are a bit conflicting. I'd also work on using Paypal before you booted up your business into full mode, because that is crucial to learn before beginning. Just my advice.

Posted by Brian-de-vie, 04-04-2009, 08:20 PM
I thought it was that had all the 'bad'. Anyway, hope the OP gets sorted. Definately the OP needs to familiarise herself with both paypal & whoever she ends up hosting with, before a full blown business launch.

Posted by Outlaw Web Master, 04-04-2009, 08:38 PM
I'm usually quite good at tellin...ah well.. welcome to WHT owm

Posted by llcorp, 04-04-2009, 09:19 PM
My biz partner decided he was going to work at his own pace and hold up the hosting side of our business for two months while he traveled so I had to learn his part of the deal in order to function. After I nailed down the business plan and my new servers, I removed him from the business and I'm going it alone. He isn't a registered officer of the business anyway so as CEO, I can pretty much boot whoever I want if they are not producing. As far as Paypal, I have HATED Paypal for years after a big distro issue I used to do for a cellular company and Paypal held over $10,000 from me rationing it to me in portion for almost a year. I have a merchant account and I have my other payment gateways in line. I'm just having to do my web interface which was supposed to be my ex biz partner's job. He was going to do the technical stuff and I do the sales. I'm much better at sales. Anywho, a crash course in Linux and CSS has proved to be very beneficial and I am getting to a point where I can function alone. Some of this other stuff was beyond my scope and I haven't had to design web sites or program in years. But I have shed a lot of tears in frustration over the last month and trolled enough forums to finally get it. I won't do the official launch for another month after my shoutcast streams are running consistently.

Posted by llcorp, 04-04-2009, 09:22 PM
I got my own VPS with Future Hosting since I used them for almost 2 years running my financial software for Second Life. My tickets are answered within minutes and up time has been over 95% in the time that I have had them so I have that nailed down. This whole thing with Trex sent me on a wild binge of researching and losing my beauty sleep.

Posted by llcorp, 04-04-2009, 09:24 PM
I've been a Paypal customer for like 9 years since before they were an eBay company but some of their services I have never used and really still have no need for.

Posted by StartYourServer, 04-04-2009, 10:13 PM
What payment systems do you use?

Posted by llcorp, 04-04-2009, 10:22 PM
I have a merchant account through quickbooks that is linked through in WHMCS.

Posted by StartYourServer, 04-04-2009, 10:29 PM
I am thinking about getting an account at I have seen so many good reviews about them, especially at WHMCS.

Posted by llcorp, 04-04-2009, 10:37 PM
I have used them previously and they are top notch. Chase Paymentech is a good servicer. But...let's leave this convo to another thread if you don't mind.

Posted by StartYourServer, 04-05-2009, 02:53 PM
Are you saying that or Chase Paymentech is top notch?

Posted by llcorp, 04-05-2009, 11:32 PM
Both actually

Posted by dotRoot, 04-05-2009, 11:36 PM
I like CDG Commerce and its Quantum Gateway. I get MaxMind included and the fees and transactions are pretty good for me. They've called a couple of times, just to check up and make sure everything has been fine.

Posted by llcorp, 04-06-2009, 01:33 PM
Just going over my information with this company and found some interesting stuff. All my invoices say they were issued in November of 2009 or December of 2009. The invoice still has the default logo placeholder. I have also noticed that the website has drastically changed and they have closed all the email address that they once communicated from. The gmail account seems to still be open but the other accounts are failing. I am faxing more information into my bank. I did fuss with Paypal and FYI, you cannot dispute subscription payments at all. That kinda sucks and for that reason, I will be cautious in offering Paypal subscriptions to my customers via WHMCS. Stay tuned... Wonder if the owners will return an email once Paypal takes the money back from them after my bank charges it back.

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