
Steps for replacing Hetzner EX6s root server

Posted by sinclairp, 05-27-2013, 07:02 PM
Hi, I have this Hetzner EX6s server which is unstable and needs replacement. It's an unmanaged server. Basically they will take the Hard Disks and IPs to the new server. Then they say we shall need to configure the new MAC in the server. Can anyone who has done it guide us? The following is their explanation; "the problem is that during the changing the uplink interface eth0-old-MAC get a new name example eth1-new-MAC. You can now change the Network configuration to eth1 or binding the eth0 device to the new MAC." A quick simple guide will do. Thanks in advance.

Posted by sinclairp, 05-27-2013, 09:00 PM
Apart from editing /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-eth0 is there anything else I should do to configure the new MAC?

Posted by netfreak, 05-28-2013, 02:56 AM
For CentOS based servers, you'd need to remove the persistent net rules to avoid having your OS detect new interfaces and assigning a new eth number instead of defaulting to eth0. What I usually do is rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules then run a reboot. You probably don't need to define the MAC in the interface config.

Posted by sinclairp, 05-28-2013, 03:53 AM
Thanks for your response. Would it be fine to just edit the MAC in etc/udev/rules.d/ file ---> *persistent-net.rules or deleting the file is better?

Posted by netfreak, 05-28-2013, 04:55 AM
I'm sure either way works. I always just remove the file whenever adapters are being changed as I'm doing this via virtualization with a console screen so I don't depend on the networking to be functional during this.

Posted by sinclairp, 05-28-2013, 03:30 PM
Thanks for your thoughts on this. Is it really necessary to run 'service network restart' command after changing the MAC details? I also need to know if there is anything else that needs to be done to have the server functioning again. The current unstable server has about 1000 active cpanel accounts. We want to replace it by simply taking the Hard Disks of the old server and the IP Addresses to the new server. A hardware check has shown that the hard disks are OK. Hetzner will handle the replacement of the Hard disks and IPs but they will not login to our server to configure anything more.

Posted by netfreak, 05-29-2013, 04:45 AM
I can't guarantee this would work out properly, but this is what I would do: 1) Remove reference to the MAC in the ifcfg file 2) Delete the persistent net rules file 3) Shutdown server for HD swap In theory, when the drives are installed in the new server and powered back up the primary network adapter would automatically become eth0.

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