
Hostgator - Nothing but issues and hassle!!

Posted by Dodabby, 05-30-2008, 03:47 PM
I am so fed up with Hostgator. Over the past two weeks I have experienced nothing but trouble with them. Due to a change in my business name, I decided to open an all new account with Hostgator (after being with them for about three years). The idea was to open this new account with a new domain so that i can transfer everything and start over with this new domain and the reseller account to go with this domain. So i open the new account and request and Enom account to go with it. Once that goes through i then move "push" the domains from my old account to my new Enom account. Next thing i know, after a LOT of support calls to get the DNS right and name servers all set, A records and the like, my new Enom account has now been disabled. On my old account the domain it was under expired in February, yet still even after a name change request the log in was changed but evidently the domain was not. So i had to still point my sites to my old DNS info. Then this morning i wake up to find that ALL of my sites are down because they decided to take away this domain (after i requested the change before it expired) and due to the DNS not being resolved, nothing works. I am now in a major stick, support are not helping and i have had enough. Plus i have clients jumping up and down and there is nothing i can do about this. Is there anywhere else i can host? I am so incredibly tired of Hostgator now. I am now looking to move all my hosting to a complete new company. Any ideas? Having only ever been with HG i have not reference or experience with any other hosting company.

Posted by Nick H, 05-30-2008, 03:56 PM
HostGator is a great hosting company though. Email brent[@] and he'll take care of you and work out any problems you're having. Last edited by sirius; 06-03-2008 at 10:20 AM.

Posted by Dodabby, 05-30-2008, 04:04 PM
If i email Brent, the email will be so long that it might take a day to read it. I just do not understand why they have gone and suspended my Enom account. It has just been one thing after another and i have finally lost all patience. This continual up, down, up, down stuff is just not on. All my websites are down, when i first registered the new account it was all working then it suddenly was deactivated and they would only activate again once i had sent my credit card scan. Then i had to repay before they would activate and now all this. I was a Hostgator fan up until now. Thank you both for replying

Posted by Nick H, 05-30-2008, 05:11 PM
Seriously though - Email Brent - he'll make things right.

Posted by Peter-SexyWing, 05-30-2008, 10:12 PM
one thing I always feel hasitated to use hostgator is They charge $15 for one cpanel account backup restoration on their reseller plan, whihc usually is FREE on other provider...

Posted by melaju, 05-30-2008, 10:36 PM
I'm also having a problem with HG after recently switching - I've sent Brent and email and just hope he can take care of this without further delays.

Posted by melaju, 05-31-2008, 12:35 AM
I've been able to get my ticket resolved. I believe the problems I faced were partly due to a misunderstanding as well as extenuating circumstances with Host Gator. I'm very pleased with the manner in which the issue was resolved.

Posted by CyberHostPro, 05-31-2008, 04:40 AM
clever marketing! Sell hosting plans Very cheap then charge for all the extra's other hosts give as standard.

Posted by VolkswagenGolfGTI, 05-31-2008, 02:22 PM
It's good to hear that everything has been sorted, however if you are looking for a reseller in the future, i would certainly recommend PremiumReseller. I hope HostGator treats you well!

Posted by melaju, 05-31-2008, 05:08 PM
I looked into PremiumReseller, but one of the reason I did not choose them was because they did not have WHMCS. Not that I need it right away, but I would like to know it's available to me when I'm ready to use it.

Posted by ldcdc, 05-31-2008, 08:57 PM
Many things at HG were one way, and had to change later on. When a company grows, the chance of getting a set of "special" customers who think that the host exists for the purpose of providing them with hourly restores, gets to the point of near certainty (especially when targeting particular markets). That's the time when the host decides it's wise to start charging for it, as a deterrent. What the actual charge should be, is a much more difficult issue though, and would probably very be a matter of personal preference, in this case, that of the manager/owner.

Posted by BrentOfHG, 05-31-2008, 09:21 PM
Your enom account being disabled wouldn't have anything to do with us. It sounds like enom flagged your accounts as fraud for whatever reason and disabled it until you provide verification. We can try and help, but unfortunately at the end of the day your domain is with enom and it's going to be up them if they turn your domain account back online. Please pm me your ticket number with us and I'll try and contact some of the people I know over there to get you turned back on.

Posted by BrentOfHG, 05-31-2008, 09:25 PM
We offer free restores from backup if an account is compromised due to an out of data script. We also offer free restores if data is lost from a hostgator mistake. (very rare if ever) If you need data restored due to your own mistake that is when $15 is charged.

Posted by Dodabby, 06-02-2008, 05:31 AM
Yes, it was flagged for fraud, even though i have sent numerous forms of ID, my CC and statements to both Hostgator and Enom. I hope this gets resolved today. I will PM you my ticket number.

Posted by rv_irl, 06-02-2008, 05:38 AM
It is standard practice to perform automatic fraud checking before accepting any orders. An automated system is not 100% accurate all the time as circumstances may mean your order is marked as fraud of no fault of your own. I think the policy HostGator has is you send the first payment by Western Union (for orders marked as fraud and some orders from a particular country), and then the rest by one of their accepted payment methods. However that is simply based on what I have seen posted here. Best people would be HG themselves to verify what the process is in accepting an order marked as fraud. Although this can be frustrating, once it is over, I'm sure you'll be happy knowing your host does take an active role in filtering out all the fraudulent customers that could potentially cause problems in the future..

Posted by Aussie Bob, 06-02-2008, 05:44 AM
I'm reading this thread thinking what has an enom account being suspended got to do with Hostgator? You lot bought enom or something?

Posted by brookie, 06-02-2008, 03:39 PM
Seems entirely reasonable - as a policy and as a price.

Posted by JohnSH, 06-02-2008, 03:50 PM
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I hope everything works out for you. HG Is a pretty decent sized company, so I am sure they will treat you fairly and honestly and resolve your problems in a fair an efficient manner.

Posted by Dodabby, 06-03-2008, 02:24 AM
Thank you, yes we seem to be getting somewhere now.

Posted by UK Hosters, 06-03-2008, 03:08 AM
Thanks for the heads up mate.

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