Knowledgebase Hacked?

Posted by My eWriters, 04-14-2009, 06:17 AM
Is it me or did undergo a redesign or is something just utterly wrong? My website is down yet again. This is #4 on the whole time I've had my account with them and they refuse to issue me a refund. I don't really care that they got hacked, that is no excuse for the other 3 times. I am moving my website to another host and will be seeking legal advice if I get refused a refund yet again.

Posted by My eWriters, 04-14-2009, 06:20 AM
Oh thankfully all my server files were lost in my HD crash and the only copy of them was on the server - great day indeed for me.

Posted by SparkSupport, 04-14-2009, 06:40 AM
Did you contact their support ? We hope they have backups from where they can restore your files.

Posted by My eWriters, 04-14-2009, 10:51 AM
How can I contact their support when their whole website is down? Including which is their support company. I am hoping they have my files saved as well so that I can upload them to my reseller account at OxyHosts (a company that isn't down once a week) and continue to move forward. Once I find a dedicated server provider, I shall no longer need more than one host - really, it isn't necessary now anyway but they refuse to do anything about their service being horrible and refuse to give me a refund so I don't see in not using what I've already pre-paid for a year. XEHost is the worst host I've ever dealt with and I will never go back. I strongly urge against using them because there has been a minimum of 7 instances (in 6 months) that I could not reach my own website - 4 of which were longer than an hour - 1 of which lasted about 4 consecutive days. 99.9% uptime or even 95% uptime is useless when you consider the fact that it is during the time the website is actually used. One failed attempt to get to my website and the potential client will never come back. Not only that, I lost almost $500 in the big downtime they had and they showed little care in knowing they cost me time and money.

Posted by Dustin B Cisneros, 04-14-2009, 11:22 AM
Im sorry to hear this, Im sure it is costing you time and money. But thats why i tell everyone to keep back up's of your own stuff no matter which host your with. Like look at hostchum they just ran away left customer's on the hang with not even letting them know customer's lost data. As well as datatech-hosting they are pathetic as well left customer's with out notice.

Posted by jcroom, 04-14-2009, 04:38 PM
All of their sites seem to be up and running fine for me.

Posted by AstroNyu, 04-14-2009, 04:42 PM
They must've experienced a glitch in their system. I can confirm the site is now back online.

Posted by HJI Technologies LLC, 04-14-2009, 05:33 PM
Their website seems fine to me. Everything is loading just fine.

Posted by My eWriters, 04-15-2009, 10:51 AM
Now it is fine but it wasn't yesterday. Yesterday it said "PWNED" with a bunch of garbage under it and linking to a website that doesn't exist. Seems they got around to fixing it finally.

Posted by My eWriters, 04-17-2009, 02:07 PM
Status Update: They are down once again. Pathetic...

Posted by iWF-Jacob, 04-17-2009, 08:00 PM
Seems to be working quite fine to me, does it still not work for you?

Posted by Victor Lugo, 04-17-2009, 08:14 PM
Then leave.

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